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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Ingenuity! That's the word. You three have more of that. But *sigh* we need more people. Look! The google bot!
  2. That and Bizz. Cause she's just awesome. But yes, you three are probably more.....(what's the word I'm looking for that won't offend the others?) We should do a tier list of Mafia players.....>_>
  3. @Life I may be giving you or Tables one of the experimental roles, due to the fact I want to see how they could work out. Let's just say, there's an experimental role for all the teams.
  4. Rita: "Because of your blade's honor! One fit to wield a sword, must be fit to defend it. That's what being a swordsman is all about! No one should ever treat a sword like just a weapon! It has your heart, your soul, your hopes and dreams, your passions! It's an entity of yourself. And practicing! For one to perfect their art, they must see the different styles of it. Plus I bet someone like you with no respect for it has never heard of the legendary Shooting Star Sword skill. I happen to be a master of it myself."
  5. Maybe we should start a new chapter. Title courtesy of Snike: Witch hunt! (And we don't me Morgan with a B )
  6. Inb4 Morgan is really the mole.
  7. Well, you responded first. I could have just edited. And I thought Damian and Aiya left without her. I don't remember Ether's post mentioning Esphyr, ONE MORE PAGE TILL 1K! :newyears: B) B)
  9. Rita: "Hi! I'm Rita! I'm......" Rita trailed off. She looked down at Esphyr's waist. Quickly drawing her sword, she backflipped from the women, creating some distance, and stepping into a battle pose. "You have a sword! We have to fight! It's the true honor of any swordsman! Let's go! Shooting Star Sword!" (OOC: Waiting for Esphyr to respond before I roll)
  10. Rita will be attacking her as her present. PVP style
  11. Rita: "Ah come on Iso! We can be best friends!" Rita slapped him on the back a few times. "The cute little wyvern rider told me your name. Says she's your sister." Rita leaned in closer, and whispered to him. "I saw that ruggedly handsome nomad first, but she keeps lying, saying he's a girl. They make a cute couple though. I bet she pines for him all night. Oh, it's so romantic. Oh well, see you around!" Rita bounded off towards Esphyr.
  12. @Ether Thaaaaaat I'm agreeing with Kai? Irina x Kelas gogogo!
  13. .....I actually like Kai's idea......Help me. We'd be able to have slots for random people too. There were in the BS Saga's. >_> Fixing Ether.
  14. (Shut up Furby! We're trying to trick the troll....with a trap. >_>) Yes, yes, quite. Have a nice time. >_>
  15. Rita: " But he's so masculine, and handsome, and rugged, and, and.....Oh, you! You don't have to lie to me. I bet he's yours. You two do look cute together. Well, I'll be seeing you around." Rita stood up and quickly ran over to Iso. "Oh, excuse me Mr. Iso. I'm new here!"
  16. And I won't use Damian for my next evil plan. You've heard the rewards. Do you accept the dangers?
  17. Ether, there's new bait for you. Looks like a troll. Your mission, if you choose to except it, is to use your feminine whiles to get rid of it. >_>
  18. Well this is most certainly interesting.....>_> Hmmm. ETHER YOU HAVE NEW BAIT!
  19. What about people who like Sherbet? >_>
  20. Rita: "We're neighbors actually. I've known Cess since we were both little. We're practically siblings." Rita looked around the camp at the others. "You see that cute fire mage over there? I wonder if he'll talk to me. And that nomad is so handsome. Maybe he can help me with my sword training."
  21. *Gasp* Bizz knows one of my favorite songs! TWO STEP TWO STEP TWO STEP TWO STEP TWO STEP TWO STEP
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