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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Actually, Cynthia did say I could do it, only to stop the fighting and prep for TS. Clocky was a witness too, so ask them. The staff could be used in battle, there's a formula for it in his sign up. But it has a max might of 4, and is effected by resistance, and hurts him when he tries to heal. I haven't used it yet because, 1, the hurting, and 2, Phoenix will call it godmod. And I haven't had a chance to use the Barrier staff, which got a formula as well, since there wasn't any magic to fight. Anyway, what's going on? >_>
  2. The only other one is Bastion. No thank you. Though if you can, I'd want Nergal instead of Athos.
  3. 6 Cavaliers/Paladins: Sain, Oscar 2 Peg knights: Thany, Farina 2 Dragon knights: Jill, Haar 2 myrmidons: Mia, Karel 3 mercenarys: Dieck, Raven, Gerik 5 axe units(fighter/pirate/brigand): Gonzolas, Dart, Geitz, Boyd, Nolan 2 nomads: Shin, Sue 1 troubadour: Priscilla 1 curate: Laura 4 mages: Nino, Lute, Soren, Ilyana 1 shaman: Canas 2 monks: Lucius, Micaiah 2 theives: Leila, Heather 2 knights: Oswin, Gilliam 2 archers: Neimi, Shinon 1 archsage: Athos 1 dancer: Tethys 1 bard: Elphin 1 wagon(Merlinus) 3 Lords: Lyn, Hector, Ike I had to add some things. Laura, Leila, Heather, Ilyana, Gilliam, Nolan, Karel, Farina, Elphin, Tethys, and Thany.....>_>
  4. Pary: The two slowly slumped to the ground, tired and their aggresion gone. "Don't interupt my tea time." He turned to Viveka. "You didn't think this staff was worthless did you?" He walked back over to his tea, sitting down back into his relaxation.
  5. But he doesn't pray to her. The whole "doesn't belive in her" thing. Thing how mages use spells, and he heals like that.
  6. Pary: Having started the fire, and boiled water for his tea, he sat with his back against a rock, cup in hand. The sweet aroma wafted up to his nose, the delicate jasmine flavor filling his mouth. Then the idiots had to be yelling and screaming a few feet in front of him. Setting the cup down, he drew his corrupted staff. He walked over to the two. "Can't you idiots calm down? I'm trying to relax here." He energized his staff, slowing draining the two of thier energy and will to fight. ---------------- Rita: Rita sat next to the river. She could faintly make out Charlotte returning to her tent, with Eric still standing on the hill. "What are they doing? I bet she likes him. I might as well take a dip then, can't sleep anyway." She carefully disrobed, hoping he couldn't see her from where he was, and walked into the river till it was up to waist. (OOC: Pary shouldn't feel the no goddess thing though since he doesn't pray to her to help his healing)
  7. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    ........>_> You could have all followed and worshipped me, and we'd have ended up fine.
  8. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    UNFAIR! Thank you Tables. You damned us all.
  9. Damian and Zombie Aiya get it on. Zombie Damian and Esphyr get it on. Zombie Katie and Iso get it on. Zombie Aiya and Irina get it on. Great. 4 more zombie characters. >_>
  10. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    That was just me thinking out loud.....>_> NINJI GO! KILL TABLES THEN RAYMOND! YOU GO TOO SNIKE!
  11. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Get rid of Tables for me Ulki. I could reveal the smudged out parts if I felt like it....
  12. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Is that a loophole for me? Give Ninji away as well. And everyone should listen to me. >_>
  13. I draw too much from other games. Try the first tree from Crystal Chronicals.
  14. What control would I have now? I just have scenarios that are kinda fucking awesome. I want to fight giant electric crabs. ;_;
  15. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    First quote: I was chatting on IRC with Snike that we were killing Core the night before he was found dead. I thought that proved I was mafia, so I though Snike would back me up. Second quote: If you'll notice, that post listed from most to least. Ether hadn't bothered me at that point, Ulki was fine to me, and Ninji was my partner. Snike still seemed suspicious, but I thought he could stand to wait till tomorrow once you and Raymond are gone. Third quote: I wanted this day over so I joined to help the majority get along. I convinced Snike to help me get rid of you, and protect himself on IRC, so I joined Weapons to get more votes.
  16. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Which again is fine. But some points can slip through. Going so far as to counter-vote him, and question people who join him, saying they are then the scummy ones, is what I call over-defending yourself.
  17. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    No, you can defend yourself without being overly defensive. But no one cared what Weapons was saying. You didn't have to go this far. This is overdefending yourself. You were never a threat in my opinion. You are now. I'm going to love when the roles are revealed, and me and Ninji are the mafia.
  18. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Less in this game though. Advance wars, I felt like causing chaos for getting Villager in an awesome game. And I liked screwing your minds.
  19. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I wanted to say it.
  20. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    With all this hubba-ballu your causing. Before, it was Snike, Raymond and Bal for me. Bal has dropped off, and Snike has cooled down thanks to this. You could have ignored Weapons. No one was paying attention to him, I know I wasn't. You were safe in my books. But this hell of a day you're causing has caused me to rethink your standing. I seem scummy, because I'm openly claiming the mafia role, and my partner's role. No one wants to go along with us, even though you're supposed to, so I'm reduced to having no one listen to me, and act all secritive and hop on bandwagons to get who I think is cult and mason out. Raymond is just rubbing me the wrong way this game. Simple.
  21. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Actually, I was only voting Ether because he was voting Ninji. Reasons I stated earlier. You seem the most scummy next to Raymond for me actually.
  22. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Well that strikes me as odd Tables. You're doing what you said was stupid to me. Taking one option, over someone you see more scummy. Explain why you think Weapons is the better choice, but you're voting Snike please.
  23. Iso x Irina Kelas x Arrin There's a whole bunch of shit at the islands, but noooooo, no one wants to go there. So I have to think of mainland plots.
  24. @Phoenix He and his wyvern already existed. >_> Before you said that.
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