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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Phoenix Um, no. I made the sprite, I know what parts I used. Farina, Vaida, and generic Falco knight boss from FE6. Eh. Eh. As TV tropes puts it, You gotta have blue hair.
  2. She's just leaning forward. There's space between her neck and her collar. >_> How is her hair out of proportion? And what's wrong with a huge chest? >_> @Phoenix HA MINE IS BETTER. @Kai Shut up.
  3. Um, she's not. She'e wearing a breastplate, and upper body guards, and no other armor than that. SHe has a long white cloak though. And just do this to see how she's sitting. Turn to the right, and aim your head between the computer and your legs.
  4. ....Because her hair and collar are covering it?
  5. Aideen with minor Fala?
  6. @Phoenix ........And so is Charlotte so.......Arrin and...Viveka get the boost?
  7. Pary's charisma is going to Morgan and Arrin, so roll accordingly. +1 HIT, and +1 Evade since Clocky forgot what it did.
  8. I killed another knight, and healed my own unit. Cheap. I don't really care though.
  9. Cess: Cess saw an armor knight near the others. He knew they'd have trouble getting rid of it without magic. Cess vs. Lance Armor #3 Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 7! Lance armor 8/15 Enemy Roll Hit! Damage dealt, 6! Cess 3/9! Roll Cess double attacked! Hit! Damage dealt, 8! Lance armor KO'd! ---------------------- Pary: Pary saw the shaman take a lance to the leg. He rushed over. Cess: 8/9! ---------------------- Rita: Rita walked over to Eric, picking up some firewood for the campfire. "Hey, Eric, why did you chose to wield a sword? Your friend uses magic, and your style seems a bit more identical to how lance users fight. It seems odd to me."
  10. And Pary who can use magic as well. Don't forget that. (Even if it is halved....>_>)
  11. I'm baaaack~ And caught up on Chat, which was useless. My characters (Minus Rita) can just take 10 exp or something for missing the fight. Reading missed RP right now.
  12. Rita: "Sure. We should be there tomorrow right? As long as they don't leave. I'll finally find Cess! Let's go!" Rita hurried, and ran down the hill, ahead of the group.
  13. I DO NOT LOVE SAGE. I have Phoenix. -_- Still funny.
  14. Pary: "Fine then. Why can't I ever have any fun?" Pary walked over to the man. He knelt down, and the staff's light seeped into the leg wound, suturing it up, and stopping the blood flow. Next, Pary switched his healing staff out for his Barrier staff, and a green ring encompassed the man, increasing his mana channel's ability.
  15. Pary: Pary smirked. "Okay then." He went over to Cess and focused his energy into the staff. "Like this?"
  16. Cess: "Really now, was that necessary?" ----------- Pary: Park walked back to the inn from the nearby cafe. He loved a good cup of teas, and didn't know when he'd get a proper one again. He saw some man on the ground bleeding, and Reika with her knives in her hands. "Well, it's obvious what happened here." He knelt by the man's face. "You should be fine. It'll clot soon." He had no reason to heal a stranger his employer didn't tell him too.
  17. Cess: "So, you can predict the future? I said we have no need for a fortune teller. And if I am right in assuming what you are truly after, I must say, you probably know less than you think."
  18. Cess: "Well we already have two shamans in this group. I'm not sure if we need another one. If you want, however, go look for a Damian Klein and ask him to hire you. Or find a female shaman around here named Morgan and ask her for work."
  19. Cess: "Yes? Spit it out. Who are you? Are you some sort of fortune teller? Or a teacher perhaps? If you're a fortune teller however, we are not in need of your services. I already cover that area of expertise." ------------ Rita: "Oh well. We're just be going then. If you see anyone, point them in the direction of Septimus. Bye!" Rita quickly bounded off, taking Dani with her.
  20. Cess: Cess walked out of the inn. He had his items in his pack, from when he heard Morgan call to leave. He walked over to Esphyr. There was some strange man near her. "Who are you? Esphyr, do you know this man? ----------------------- Rita: "We're part of a traveling circus trope. But we seem to have lost them. They have blue hair like us. Have you seen them?"
  21. We could do something with Charlotte and Rita and them before I have to go. >_>
  22. Cynthia seems more reasonable. I will add her to the plan when I get back from swimming.
  23. Snike, Lightning, please explain to Sage why this really is a good idea. I don't want him in the PM knowing everything at the moment. More details shall come later. When I am ready, and everything has become agreed upon and fool-proofed, I will add Snowy to the PM, and accept the approval.
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