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Everything posted by Psych

  1. "I'm coming! I'm coming! I can't take care of Kiev and Kelas at the same time, where's Tessa and Charlotte?" He focused his staff over her wound. The light seeped down, slowing the bloodloss. The bones could be heard moving back into place, her lung re-inflating.
  2. Keiv's shoulder was better than before. He'd need more healing from the others as well, and he'd be unable to fly as well for a while, but as long as the bigger wyvern left him alone, he should be fine. Then he saw it. Blood spurted from Kelas's mouth, and her chest was pierced as well. Not her lung! Pary walked over to her. The wyvern was still eyeing her, and it seemed to be staring at him too. He knelt down to her chest.
  3. *yawn* Phoenix post........... Someone join my mafia.....(Cynthia and Snowy ) @Phoenix They aren't dying for a while. They can get hurt and leave, but aren't dying.
  4. I missed you the most. ;_; Hi Pheeny. Introduce Ivanko. I'm bored and want to post before bed.
  5. Incest, it explains everything. Maybe Snowy's just unlucky?
  6. Pineapple Upsidedown Cake.
  7. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    I got ALS as innocent, so that's still no guilties from me. I'm leaning towards I might be Sane or Naive, since I can't be Paranoid, or Insane. Just realized we have to lynch today. Forget that vote. Dammit. I have to been Naive. I'm left with another cop and the scum. It's up to either of you two to sway me how to vote, since one of you is lying to me.
  8. Dammit. That doesn't help me. I found 7 bosses capable of doing damage/hitting with 0 hit. I don't know which one I need to eliminate. Is it the 6 bosses that can do it? Or any 6?
  9. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    Wait. We turned into zombies? Does that mean we all lost?
  10. I have a question for 8. If the boss is optional, and by that I mean if they're on one side of a route, do they count? If the boss is recruitable do they count?
  11. Incest. Who can I kidnap? Preferable not Helios.....
  12. I'm doing pretty good so far, but 2 is throwing me. I can only think of one. The "doing damage" phrase is what's throwing me, because then I could chose FE8, and I keep thinking of Charisma. I'll take a hint on this I guess. I'll take a hint for 5, 6, 7, and 10. I have two of the 6 names for 8 though...
  13. @Snowy Woah. Can I kidnap Esphyr?
  14. Pary: "Then go get Charlotte. I can't do this alone." Pary walked over to Irina. Her arms were wrapped around Kiev's muzzle, and tears wre rolling down her cheeks. Kiev's shoulders seemed to have taken the most damage. He started there. Aiming the staff over the wound, he focused the light onto the joint directly. Lots of scales had been ripped clean off as well, but the area was only inflammed from that.
  15. Pary watched as the wyverns engaged each other in combat. He walked closer towards Isotov. "That one's Kiev's father? So that means.....Irina! Do you think I should try to help Kiev? Charlotte and Tessa might be able to help too." -------------------------- Cess watched as the dragon girl wandered off into the woods. Fresh, green grass followed her path, flowers occassionally popping up. "Well at least we'll be able to follow her. We're going after her, right Morgan? Who should we give the sword to anyways? Esphyr? Or maybe Erik or Derek...."
  16. Do you mean tall? Or long? Because 57 tall seems a bit much, and wings shouldn't effect length.
  17. @Ether That's kinda the point, to make Damian as angry as possible. They'd attack when she's sleeping, and while it might be kinda hard, her weapon might be a few feet away from her, so she'd have to hand to hand it. I'm leaning to capturing Esphyr now. Snowy?
  18. @Clockwork When did I say something about fire? And they can warp around the watch. They might not even run into Kelas. @Pheeny Irina's arm doesn't matter. There are three of them, and one of her. They'll gag her, and tie her arms, then warp out with her.
  19. @Kai What do you think they've been doing? And they're spirits.
  20. @Night watch They can just warp into the tent. They can warp anywhere! @Sage Everyone is in bad shape. I can kidnap Esphyr, Katie, Irina, or Arrin, but Damian's more likely to get angrier over Aiya than Esphyr, and more angry than Iso, Kelas, or Lev and Iso.
  21. This is unfoilabe though. They can reach the group whenever, and just need them to sleep. Damian's love for Aiya will move the rest of the plot along.
  22. @Sage What? @Pheeny And what mistakes would those be? This is much more simple, and a lot eviler too.
  23. @Sage They kidnap her while she's asleep and has no time to react. Or they can poison our food and knock us unconcious. They're not gonna try to fight her and grab her that way.
  24. Because this one doesn't involve a stat battle! It just hinges on one thing though.....:/ Ether, can I kidnap Aiya? No one would want to save Helios.
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