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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Whelp, you got Cynthia or Clockwork. Kanami is more a female-type robot. Unless you can seduce Clocky via FMA, I doubt it.
  2. YOU CAN"T HIDE OUR LOVE PHOENIX! Um....I mean thank you?
  3. Cess walked over to the group. There was a big, macho, meatheaded, mercenary talking to everyone, the giant wyvern from before, and some man was trying to grope Morgan. "Ixion? Who's that? You must be.....Ivanko? Right?"
  4. @Phoenix I love you. ♥♥♥ You don't know she has to come along. She was gonna be all headstrong and stuff, and be intrested in Kiev's exotic-ness. Then they'll be a bunch of mini Kievs if they ever go back.
  5. @Phoenix It's half , half ;_; I thought they were like dogs.... Besides, Victor isn't coming with us to the islands is he?
  6. I have a plan for KievxSea Wyvern romance if we ever go to the islands.....
  7. @Cynthia I forgot to mention this, but assume Pary's Charisma affects Morgan and Charlotte unless I state otherwise.
  8. Well if Etzel's been confirmed at least in the downloads, he's probably the only Sorcerer again. I know what my My Unit will reclass to...
  9. I like how Kai's morning is 2 PM.
  10. @Snowy Be careful! The witness is typically the murderer! See if the prosecutor has coffee or a whip or something, and the defense attorney has really spikey hair. @Snike RE: Pary's skill, he's always had Charisma. Assume Charlotte and Morgan get it's effects unless I state otherwise.
  11. @Snike Fix'd. It's in the Character info thread for now. I don't want to go through the signature thing right now. Cess lost 1 DEF and 1 RES. Pary lost 1 MAG and 2 RES.
  12. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    So what we know: Bal's POV: Guilty on me, Guilty on Astra My POV: Inno on Bal, Inno on Astra Astra's POV: Guilty on me, Inno on Life Life's POV: Inno on me Synch never investigated....... Here's what I'm getting. Bal is Paranoid I'm Naive Life is Sane Synch is Insane Astra is scum ##Vote Astra Otherwise, you fooled me Bal.
  13. Ta-Da! Controls! Still no one around though......
  14. Cess Appearence: Stats: [spoiler=Stats] HP 3 STR 1 MAG 5 SKL 3 SPD 4 LUK 1 DEF 2 RES 4 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 5 HIT 3 AVO 4 AS 5 DEF 2 RES 5 Skills: Prayer Element: Light History: [spoiler=History]A young mage, working as a Mercenary. He takes the opportunity to learn at every corner. He cares very much about his family, but is very closed off towards others. He does however, have a strange attraction to those who share his interest in the arcane Dark arts. His strength, however is his downfall, as he has trouble doing physical tasks and gets tired very easily. His grandfather was a common Mage in the war many years ago, and gave Cess his first tome, spurring his way into becoming a mage. His entire family has an affinety for magic and magical arts, and wants to prove them proud. His sister is very close to him, every since his mother passed away when they were both children, and would gladly protect her with his life. His goal is to travel the world learning spells, and wants to learn the secrets behind the intracacies of said energies. He knows a bit of summoning arts and plans on one day mastering the powers of Dark magic and better understanding the ancient Crimson Weapons Skills: [spoiler=Skills] Physical: Poor. Unable to run very long without getting tired, and hand to hand is virtually nonexistant. Knife ability is weak, but could use one if pressed. Magical: Excellent magical ability. Understands concepts behind Wind and Thunder, and if he studied and put more time into it, he could learn them. Can cast several spells before getting tired, and can manipulate basic Dark spells into different forms. Housework: Proficient at cleaning, cooking, and feeding farm animals. Horses: Enough to ride, but wouldn't know how to set up a saddle. What's a brindle? Language: Knowledge of common, and tome languages. Culinary: Not great, but passable. Can cook a few meager dishes such as stews, curries, and can skin and clean fish. Medical: Can diagnose illnesses, and wrap wounds properly. Not much else. Supports: [spoiler=Supports] Irina (Slight Intrest) Damian (Neutral) Aiya (Neutral) Esphyr (Neutral) Katie (Slight Intrest) Morgan (Intrest) Kelas (Neutral) Arrin (Neutral, but slight intrest) Chase (Neutral) Conrad (Neutral) (hasn't met) Isotov (Neutral) Tessa (Neutral) Helios (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Eric (Neutral) Reika (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Viveka (Slight Disintrest) Charlotte (Neutral) Dani (Neutral, but slight intrest) Derek (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Alferis (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Pary (Neutral) Heinz (Wait...Who is this guy?) Controls: [spoiler=Controls]-Cess thinks things through, but can manage to miss several important points at times. -Cess is very strategic, and will focus on a weak point during fights, leaving the main combat to others. -Cess is a bit closed off, and won't bother making the first move on someone unless something is on his mind. -Cess will typically ignore the current discussion/problem and stay neutral, until he accomplishes what he needs to, or something angers him. ------------------------------------------------------------ ParyThere's no good brown..... Appearence: Stats: [spoiler=Stats]HP 3 STR 0 MAG 3 SKL 3 SPD 4 LUK 2 DEF 1 RES 4 Simp Stats HP 9 MT 4 HIT 3 AS 3 AVO 5 DEF 1 RES 5 Skill: Charisma Element: Anima History: [spoiler=History]Pary had been in the clergy since he was very little. he had been an orphan, and was taken in by the head Priest when he was just a child. When he was in his teens, a new cleric came to stay at the church. Pary fell madly in love with her, and had proposed marriage to her. She had accepted, but died of illness the following winter. Pary saw this as the goddess's punishment for breaking his vows of chastity. He was deeply sad, but accepted his fate. As his church was in Jerdon, he managed to escape to a neighboring country when war broke out. His friends and clergy members had not been as lucky. He cursed the goddess, for taking his bride, his home, and his family. He renounced his ties with her, and took out to find a purpose. One day when he was traveling, he ran into an old decrepid Cathedral. Going inside, the walls were scorched, and a women layed in a pool of her blood. He tried mending her wounds, but it was too late. He took her Bolting tome, as it could be of some use, and left before the assassains came back. Skills: [spoiler=Skills] Physical: Normal. Able to do tasks without tiring quickly, but not an Ironman. He can lift things as long as they're not incredibly heavy. Would be a good hand to hand combatant, if he know how. Magical: Good. Can use staves and Light magic proficiently. Housework: Proficient at cleaning, cooking, as he was taught in the clergy. Horses: Can ride and knows the proper terms for things, but unable to put them into action. Language: Knowledge of common, and tome languages. Speaks Jerdonian as a second language. Culinary: Very good. Capable of making several dishes from memory, should he have the ingredients and materials. Able to make several things on the spot, but may or may not end well. Will cook if asked, but otherwise leaves it to others. Medical: Can diagnose illnesses, and wrap wounds properly. Able to use staves, and herbs to properly cure illnesses. Can boost allies magical resistance, and knows how to use Offensive staves as well as others should he be able to access them. Basically, if it's a staff that's not legendary, he can use it. Supports: [spoiler=Supports] Irina (Neutral) Damian (Slight Disintrest) Aiya (Disintrest) Esphyr (Neutral) Katie (Slight Disintrest) Morgan (Neutral, but slight intrest) Kelas (Neutral) Arrin (Neutral, but slight intrest) Chase (Neutral) Conrad (Neutral) (hasn't met) Isotov (Neutral, but slight intrest) Tessa (Neutral) Helios (Slight Intrest) Eric (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Reika (Slight Disintrest) Viveka (Slight Disintrest) Cess (Neutral) Charlotte (Intrest) Dani (Disintrest) Derek (Neutral, but slight disintrest) Alferis (Stupid Bandit! Major Disintrest! Gonna let him die in battle.....) Heinz (Wait...Who is this guy?) Controls: [spoiler=Controls]-Pary will not care about you, unless you are wounded, or he has feelings for you. If you anger him, he will not give you a second thought. -Pary will take a very aggresive stance in arguments, unless the topic disintrests him. -Pary will lie to protect hiself and friends, but will explain why in the end. -Pary is very defensive, and will counter-argue his opponent should he be backed into a corner. -Pary holds grudges, and detests people who are very absent minded, as well as thoughs who allow fate to fall to a higher power.
  15. Going throught the sign up thread, I noticed Prayer wasn't counted. I reworked it for Snowy to put up. Name: Prayer Activation: Passive Effect: If your HP falls at/below 1/3 of your max, Avoid increases by 3.
  16. Better! Hash Brownines.
  17. I want to see the Krinkov wyvern response when Chase tries to talk to Morgan. Stealing and Editing Writing CC's. No one's on.
  18. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    Here's how I see it, but I can't be sure with out a report from Astra. Bal is Paranoid, I'm Naive and Astra is scum. Sync was Insane, and Life was Sane.
  19. Yeah ditto. I'mma finish this map and I'm off. Um oh yeah....I guess if you need him Cynthia can control Pary? Don't touch Cess though. He's nowhere near Victor and Ivanko. I should write up CC's and opinions of others tomarrow.....
  20. You still haven't combined Phoenix and Clockwork...... Go North.
  21. Oooooh. A text adventure! Pick up Clockwork. Pick up Phoenix. Combine.
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