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Everything posted by Psych

  1. So I have to kidnap Katie? ;_; I dun wanna. You don't want the beach episode cause you really do think Phoenix will sprite it huh? And totally think about you pervertedly.....
  2. Final dungeon: Miniboss: Helenos Final Boss: LoAF *credits roll* SURPRISE! The real final boss is: Ivanko!
  3. Cess: "Viveka...had a brother? And Ivanko's....her hero? What's going on?" -------------------- Pary: Pary walked back over to Irina and Kiev. He gave the shoulder another look, and healed it once more to be safe. "Do you know where else he got hurt? I wasn't watching to carefully."
  4. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    So let me get this straight. There are 4 different groups, and the mafia. The groups aren't against each other, but the mafia is against everyone? So in the end GreenEarth and BlueMoon could beat the mafia hypothetically?
  5. @Cynthia Is that supposed to be my opening? >:)
  6. If they join then... I'm going to assume Malice and Dice join before them, and Frost and maybe Etzel after. I just have this gut feeling.
  7. Maybe I should go ahead and kidnap?
  8. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    But he still confused us enough that we avoided them and went for him.... He wasn't the real Tracker either, I was......
  9. So the languages we have are: Common = English Jerdonian = French Zaftran = Russian Draconic = Latin Nomad = ??? We need either Italian or Spanish or something
  10. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    .....I meant Life. Not you Astra. He keeps getting town, false claiming a role, then acting so suspicious, we end up lyching him and losing. You're just normal suspicious.
  11. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    That's the second time he's tried to false-claim as town. I still don't see how that method helps the town. <_< I'm begining to put him as my *Night/Day 1 kill*...
  12. We can avoid Septimus and vacation at the islands a little first......
  13. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    Doctor, Zombie, Cop. You're confusing Table. BUT WE WON BAL! PARTY TIME! :newyears:
  14. I'll let you use Pary till we get her back Bal.....
  15. @Cynthia That's why Helios is 50/50. Katie is probably out, Viveka and Kelas too. Irina maybe as well. If Morgan wants to be truely heartless, let me capture Tessa and not care. That would be certain movement.
  16. Note: Avoid Charolette. Kidnap Charlotte.
  17. @Kai So only one of them dies if I kidnap Irina? I was gonna have the hostage yell for help all sappy like: "Damian, no! I'm the real Aiya! You have to save me!" "Don't listen to her, Damian! It's me! You know it!" "Both of you shut up! Damian, remember? It's me, your Aiya! You have to do something!" But I'll forfeit it for Katie.
  18. @Phoenix A Meteor shower would be awesome. That's the only indulge you'll get. *snicker snicker* @Kai CW weilders was just an option. Other angry people possibilities include: Dani Charlotte Irina Katie Kelas Viveka?
  19. @Kai Actually, you're wrong again. Cess would be needed at the group to tell the group the clues point to the island, get them there, and then show they around. You have no one else with the group that's from the islands. No one would care about Pary.
  20. The angriest I could get the group (Damian) would be Aiya, but Ether said no. Dani or Charlotte have to go to the bathroom eventually......They can go together and I'll nab em both! (They go together because they're girls) @Kai Oh pardon me! I'm missing a comma! There may be girls Helios can hit on, Kai!
  21. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    Whoops... But we have the scenarios for if me and you were Mafia. Let's figure out how it would work if Bal is mafia. Bal would be Scum You would have to be Insane? I would have to be Naive still Synch would have been Paranoid Life would have been Sane Hmmmm. That doesn't work.......there's no way your Investigations go with Bal being scum. So Bal has to be a cop. It's between you and me then. Bal, you get the deciding vote then. It's a stalemate without you. Go ahead and vote for me Astra.
  22. Kidnapping gives us access to islands, gorge, hotsprings, beaches, and plenty of support oppourtunities. There may be girls Helios can hit on Kai... <_< Yes, that's right. I'm giving us a beach episode. Phoenix can even sprite the fanservice if he wants...
  23. Hey Snike....could the girls capture Dani? Because I need someone who has people that care about them to be captured. Maybe Charlotte. Cynthia? Helios works...it's just that only Morgan would be the only one who would want to save him, and only so She can get his book back. @Kai Cool That's the second time someone did that, the other was the Conrad *Boom*, Chase *Headshot*.
  24. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    That could be a possibility. But that's what I'm thinking. A possibility. I noticed you convieniently left yourself off that list on what you could be......Mind explaining?
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