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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I had a dream about the plan actually. And I shall tell you, Pheeny and company! They decide to get the group as far away as possible, and bring them to that Verry beach. (See what I did there? ) They kidnap Aiya, and leave a bag of diamonds, a coconut, some blue scales, and a note telling the party to meet them at Twin Peaks Gorge and Bring the CW's. We find out that Twin Peaks Gorge is in the Shoon islands, and is the mating grounds for sea wyverns. (I think we need to see some. We have Ulfy and those bulls in the valley, Kiev and Krinkov, and the mountain wyverns in the valley, but no sea wyverns.) Blahblahblah timeskip. Group arrives at islands, and run into Cess's friend. (I'll sign her up when we're on the boat, cause they meet her in the harbor) Group goes to gorge, finds mages on the other side. Damian decides what to do about giving them the weapons (I don't care here), and the girls give him a chance to pick the right Aiya. Each mae has either Aiya or a shadow clone, and if he picks wrong the other two are wyvern food. He picks the one on the left (Marry) and it's the right Aiya. Berry says "Your left, not ours!", knowing he chose the right Aiya. They push her off to the wyverns, at which point, I don't know what will happed. Then they warp out. BEST PLAN EVER.
  2. @Phoenix They'll probably warp in when everyone's sleeping, gag em, and warp out. I can see how the Aiya kidnapping would go: *Girls warp in* Damian: We're, uh, kinda busy here.
  3. Well that will be good timing for the islands anyway, and Helenos Snowy said to leave them obvious clues. Plus they're at a beach right now so..... I can kidnap Iso, or Arrin if it pleases you? No! Aiya! Make Damian all angry! >:)
  4. Oooooooh! This has planned more than I could wish. >:) Future plan occuring around chapter 15/Late 14: Step 1: Sneak in wherever group is, and manage to distract Helios. Step 2: Kidnap Helios. Step 3: Leave Business card and diamonds. Step 4: Go to the islands! Two birds, one stone. Evil plan, plotted! And night all.
  5. "We-we brought you your favorite dishes back! And we actually had quite an easy time. We got rid of about half the group and were this close to nabbing the mages. One was already unconscious in fact! Only a few more skeletons.....But anyway back to the point. We had everything under control when that idiot Shanice and his two girlfriends showed up. He was about to take the wind tome, when that headmaster tried to attack us. We tried to help him, but he just warped away! He didn't even help us fight! He'll pay madame! But trust me! Next time that headmaster won't be with them, and we will finish them off."
  6. Berry moved closer to Helenos in her bed. She made sure to keep her distance, but took a step forward. "Madame......mistress? Are you sleeping? We returned and we brought a gift...but we have some bad news...."
  7. Psych

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    So Bal's the only one who got a guilty....interesting. That tells us nothing since Bal could be Paranoid.
  8. @Phoenix I thought that was a dream.... Oh well, she's knocking on the cabana.
  9. They're not dying. You can all screw it. They're sticking around. Just giving a report, and getting a new mission.
  10. Berry gave two slow knocks on the door. "Madame...we've returned. And we picked up your favorite Jerdonian chocolates and Septimus fruits....."
  11. *Yawn* Oh well, time to piss Helenos off.
  12. Damn. :/ I appreciate Phoenix so much more know that I realize how hard it is to sprite FE10 style. GBA style is so much easier.
  13. Lucky Star is like Seinfeld on steroids. I don't know if I can get through 25 episodes of this.... To finish list: Cowbowy Bebop Lucky Star Kuroshitsuji Tsubara Honey and Clover Mage sprites Add Mages to Tb Tropes page Grrr. At least I have stuff to do tomarrow.
  14. @Phoenix I meant the mages to the Tv Tropes page........ But where do you get the FE10 sprites?
  15. @Phoenix Where do you get your spriting things? I was thinking of making something...... I'm gonna add the mages in a minute or two.
  16. I've been editing that too. But Bal's trope crazy and must point everyone of them out during the RP so he's been the one doing the most work on it.
  17. Well Esphyr, Damian, Morgan, Iso, are the main 4 when we're talking about The five man band. But who's the 5th?
  18. @Kai That would make sense. He's the youngest, and could come back all super sagey and revengey over Kelas's death?
  19. @Whistler Verry is female fire. She's not in love with Damian. (Helios, Iso, Arrin, or Lev) It's been stated who the ??? is, just not by name. I had her picture in my sig a while ago. @Snike I came up with their classes for you.
  20. No one wants to know who the question mark is? Regardless of if they're paired or not those should be the kids. @Kai That's weapon wise. Damian could be all cold after Aiya and Esphyr are dead.
  21. Then I'm gonna list the kid's classes going by FE4. Aka daughter is mother's class, son is ideal father's. Morgan: Son: Shaman, Daughter: Nomad. (Yes Lightning, Nomand) Aiya: Daughter: Soldier, Son: Wyvern Rider Esphyr: Son: Mercenary, Daughter: Myrmidon? Dani: Daughter: Mage, Son: Charlotte: Daughter: Troubadour, Son: Either Myrmidon, or if we want staff kids, Priest Tessa: Daughter: Cleric, Son: Mage Katie: Daughter: Mute Mage, Son: Mage Irina: Daughter: Let's go cavalier, we have too many wyverns, Son: Wyvern Rider Kelas: Daughter: Archer, Son: Ice demon Nomad Viveka: Daughter: Pegasus Knight, Son: Armor knight Reika: Son: Thief, Daughter: Fighter ???: Daughter: Shaman, Son: Myrmidon Going by Finn, and Levin, It would make the most sense for Lev and Damian to come back in the second generation. And Brigged (Kelas) could come back too! She could be swordmaster. Plus there'd be other characters like the axe brothers or Oifaye. Katie should be Oiyfe. :/
  22. Crimson weapon pass down yeah! Chase would pass his things to his daughter.
  23. @Kai Just cause you use Wind, doesn't make you Levin.
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