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Everything posted by Psych

  1. The Shoon Islands are about a Jerdon's length away from Zaftra's coast. It's not just one island though. It's like a chain of islands...
  2. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Yeah, but Lightning's co-modding.....so.....that leaves you.
  3. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Then.....I'm holding a grudge for the last time you won? I don't know. You're an easy lynch and we have to start somewhere. Might as get the weaker people out first....
  4. @Phoenix I thought it was we can chastise you for having heterosexual relations and not your hot, steamy, forbidden passionate love with Ether? Map would help. (Or I can kidnap now and get magic instant directions...)
  5. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    *Southern Belle Voice* Why, whoever did put that there? I know a kindly old fellow like you sir, would neva accuse me of betraying... *50's Mobster Voice* Look here, see! We's gonna be taken you out now that yous guys are onto us. ----------------------------------------- I just think Ulki is annoying dangerous.....
  6. Better? ♪♫I know a quicker way to get directions♫♪......
  7. Cess: "No, not exactly, but I can deduce where it would be." Cess took out the map he had taken from Damian's house regarding the graveyard. "The Manor was to the West, before that we came from the Southwest, and there are mountains that way. Septimus is to the Northwest, and no one seems to keen to head that way, so we might as well head to the East. The map shows very little around the graveyard, but it's worth a shot." OOC: Tell me if I need to retcon directions.
  8. @Phoenix Bringing up Ether You really wanna take that bet?
  9. Cess: "Well if I'm going to be eaten, I guess I'd rather have it be by that thing. Everyone seems to be together for once. I say we head for town."
  10. Why does the FMA seducing seem to be in actions? -_- Basically both of my characters are waiting for both of Cynthia's characters. I just noticed I have the male equivelents of her characters too. Creepy.
  11. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Well then....... Everyone vote for Ulki tomarrow. I'm still a bit confused by this. Is there just townies and the roles in the OP?
  12. Probably: Ivanko Kiev Kelas Krinkov Viveka (Finish off her and her brother) Irina Ulfy Lev Ivan Iso Other Phoenix NPC's Rest of Party I'll be lurking since no one seems to be on....
  13. Victor. He'll kill us all in our sleep. (Phoenix is totally thinking this now.... <_< ) Whoops. Didn't notice I put Krinkov instead. Fix'd. So......
  14. Cess: He wispered to Morgan. "I'll spend it anywhere where we're not near that wyvern." He said gesturing towards Victor. "I'm not sure we need to spend any more time here myself. We have the sword, and we saw that dragon girl. We could try to follow her and see if she headed towards a town..." ------------------------ Pary: Pary heard bits of the conversation around him. "We're leaving? I'll find Charlotte and Tessa. They headed towards the church." Pary stood up from examining Kiev, and headed towards the large church.
  15. Cess: He stood to leave. Morrey followed, and he mounted back on. "Well I might as well help Morgan and the others prepare to leave then."
  16. @Snike Waaaaaaaaaiiiiiit! What do you mean by number 2?
  17. I think he might be wanting to mash FE2, 10, 8, and 6 into one. Maybe toss a little 7 in there.
  18. @Snike What do you mean by 2? Basically, when we go to the islands, she meets us the second we get off the boat. It's planned out a bit. But she's in no way evil. She'll basically join if Cess simply asks.
  19. Cess: "Well we grew up together. We were neighbors, and her and her brother were really close to my sister and me. She'd always talk about going to see the world and how she wanted to be a master swordsman. I do want to find her, it's just...she's not exactly easy to pin down. She's always moving around and really excited. A little like Dani, actually. I have a feeling we'll run into each other again soon though. With her, you can tell she's coming from a mile away."
  20. @Cynthia Why hasn't she already done that? @Snike Now you're finding loopholes on purpose. -_- I just realized, if she supports Eric, it'll basically be Irina and Aiya only Sword instead of wyvern.
  21. @Clocky That's directed at me I suppose? Then how do they sleep? They have to kneel eventually. @Snike I know. He caught Kiev at the same time, and Kiev was 5 then.
  22. Cess: "Yes, actually. I had vaguely discribed her to Esphyr before I think. She's uses a style more like you than Esphyr and Derek. She'd always rope me into training. I got a few nicks here and there. She came to Eliysima to become a mercenary, and dragged me along. I don't think if she hadn't, I wouldn't be in the group. We got seperated about a week before I met you all in the capital." The horse finished eating the apple, and spat the core on the ground. "I think she had said something about going to Septimus though. I wonder where she is...." ---------------------------------- Pary: "But I wonder if it's thicker, or more heat-resistant or something. There might be something advantagous about the hardened skin."
  23. Cess: "Try an downstroke and then an upstroke this time. Follow that with a side slash." Cess sat down on an old log. His horse knelt beside him, digging through his bag for some food. "Alright here. I was gonna eat the last apple though. ;_;" ------------------------------------ Pary: "I'm not entirely familiar with wyverns. Do they ever grow back scales?" Pary gave another round of healing to Kiev's shoulder just incase. "His shoulder will probably be stiff for a while. He shouldn't try to move around a lot, and he won't be able to fly as well for a while. It'll act up once in a while, and Charlotte or Tessa or I should look after it, but in the end it should be fine."
  24. Cess: "Well there's no point in staying here chewing the fat. Morgan, now that we have the sword, maybe we should get out of here before those mages come back?" Cess walked over to Morrey, still tied to a tree. In the distance, he could see Eric training against a dead tree. He led Morrey over. "You training?" ------------------------------ Pary: "Irina, how old is Kiev anyway? He doesn't seem to have many wounds. There are these two long gashes near his tail where his scales were ripped out, but I don't remember seeing Victor attack him there. Did a spider get him or something?"
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