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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I find Pickpocket and with extension Hybrid Pen not that useful on some supports, but if you really want to use them then I would take them with Zyra, Nami, Thresh, Soraka, and maybe Nasus/Gangplank/Annie. Zyra has great animations, Soraka has few other options for harrassing, Nami and Thresh have skills that encourage them autoing, Gangplank has his passive with Parrrley and Annie has great range. Nasus might prefer pure M Pen though.
  2. Masked Marth, some move like Zelda/Samus where it becomes Lucina
  3. imagine if every guy was exactly the same but with no nipples now how weird would that look just airbrushed right off
  4. The queen has issued a royal proclamation, scouring the land far and wide for heroic knights who can take up her quest. Deep beneath the earth lie luxurious riches safeguarded behind difficult puzzles. No one has ever returned from these dangerous dungeons but with teamwork and a little luck, a well-equipped party may be able to solve these riddles. Will you have what it takes to join this merry band of heroes? Cast magical spells, purchase new enchantments, tame mythical beasts to help your party, fight as a team to take down monsters, and complete perilous quests to achieve your fortune. Due to the dangers in this realm, combat isn't so safe. On appropriate actions, you roll 2d6 and add your skill modifier to the result. On rolls of 6 or lower, your action fails. On rolls of 7-9, your action succeeds but something goes wrong. On rolls of 10 or higher, your actions succeeds as expected. You might Hack and Slash in melee, Volley from a distance; Scale a dangerous terrain; Defy Danger despite a threat; Defend a person, location, or thing; Spout Lore about the environment or a fact; Discern Realities about situation or person; Parley with someone when you have leverage with them or even Aid or Interfere with someone or something. There are many different ways to achieve goals, and thinking on your feet is always the most important.
  5. true, but with the manamune/tear changes where form switches like elise/jayce/nid not counting for stacks and it's now 2 charges per 8 seconds instead of one every 3 seconds makes me question how much this patch is going to hurt him in other news i really question my riends when one of them wants to do morgana jungle because "her spellvamp passive works with smite and if you land q you have good ganks"
  6. I prefer Quinn and MF for my carries, but I also like a good Ashe now and then. I'd likely use Sivir much more but I can't stand her model and fully welcome her VU. I also have been meaning to buy Twitch. on the other hand I question that tristana build though AP Trist with Nashor's does not sound bad anymore
  7. i don't understand, these are good things also riven is lowering in price after the next champ comes out so there's that
  8. It's an indirect buff to people like Shyvana and Mundo and what with the Madred's changes and Wit's End ones as well, Shyvana is looking pretty nice.
  9. okay i really like ahri and used to play her a bunch but i've been really nervous with her lately because i dislike mids that want to go aggresive at 6 and get kills R>Q>W>E your combo is charming followed by q then w the true damage and healing from passive gives her a lot of utility in lane as well as tank killing potential play carefully until 6 then go for the kill and ignite roam a lot use your ult for escape if you have to; it's got a lower cooldown than flash acts as three of them so it'll keep you safe with blue she doesn't really have mana issues but i like morello on her due to the cooldown and mana as well as the healing reduction to help with assassinating adc's when in doubt, charm people out of position and gib them she likes rylai's to kite with because she's incredibly mobile, so throwing in liandry's isn't a bad idea try and get all three passive proc's off of your w and q in lane so you don't waste mana for healing WoTA is also viable if you have a second AP or something because it'll work well with your passive Rylai's/Liandry's makes you tanky enough to be able to ult to the side of a team fight and charm+instagib the adc she likes abyssal due to her short-mid range if you can't land charm you're useless something like an ideal build would be Sorc Shoes Rylai's Liandry' Abyssal Scepter Rabadon Situational build order is likely Haunting Guise -> Sorc Shoes -> Rylai's (Start Roaming around here probably) -> Finish Liandry's -> Build situationally as you see fit she is also amazing in Treeline
  10. yeah and soraka has the ability to purchase actual ap items get a tear on her and rylai's/liandry's and just watch the star calls add up
  11. You really don't want an Abyssal there. Sure it will help you're team but because you're outranged and squishy, running up there to let the aura work wouldn't be a great idea. Your mages getting Void Staves would really probably been better if they were building a bulwark.
  12. I plan to rewatch it this weekend. The other seasons get better affter you see them a couple times, so I hope 4 is the same.
  13. FE4 with more balanced stats especially on Crusader weapons like in Awakening would probably make it a bit better. I think it'd be very cool, especially if there was a cool feature with husbands and wives, but Awakening only has S supports.
  14. yeah I do like the new renair but compared to the other map sprites, it appears very small in comparison
  15. can't stop can never be stopped also stfu panth we can win 3v2 they suck and we did so there's that
  16. god i love vi so much my build is cleaver + zephyr and then situational for the rest but typically frozen mallet i really love zephyr on her it's like perfect
  17. then he oranges and pokes you with Parrrley forever
  18. I just hope whatever EUW gets EUNE gets, but I don't really care about the skin since SN Sona is usually available at Christmas or whatever. I just hope they treat the EU servers equally.
  19. You can only get two people from Creed, so typically most players take the Healer first then go back later for one of their choosing.
  20. Doesn't promotion affect magic levels or am I just confused? I know it affects the new magics you learn in SF2 regarding Summoner/Mage promotion.
  21. Tiki's son is named after/inspired by Bantu just for the feels.
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