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Everything posted by Psych

  1. This is the point where you guys come smurf on Europe and let me show you my amazing skills. aka I went support ashe/carry lulu with my friend today better than it sounds
  2. I am disappointed in no Amiti. But I would say Chrom's Falchion and Celice's Tyrfing. Chrom stats the Prologue with an unbreakable weapon, so that's pretty awesome. And Celice, I find has better comparatively to the others.
  3. I like Aversa, even if she isn't out yet, as Dark Magic on a horse (Dark Knight/Valkyrie) or a flier just gives a lot of great opportunities. She also gives Morgan a 96% chance for Armsthrift on an 8 move unit with Galeforce. You can get 9-11 with boots or move +1. Basically really fun Mire times plus staves/swords/fight and lances.
  4. givvve me till thursday, cause my spring break starts then and I have midterms and two papers till wednesday

  5. Spotpass Tiki obv we don't want no normal tiki
  6. If we remove Galeforce from the mix, Lancefaire if the son has lance using classes in his set Dual Support+ failing that Panne should pass Lancebreaker though, as it allows Yarne to avoid Beast Killers if you ever see them and it's not like he gets anything better. Daughters might as well get Galeforce and save themselves time
  7. I actually liked FE4 warp the most, but then again it really only worked in FE4 if it kept those mechanics.
  8. remember that thing about how I was somehow a karma main let's talk about her rework because even after playing it for two days I am still conflicted, but am starting to lean positive on it
  9. How would you decide reclass options for characters that don't have holy blood? EG: Arden, Beowulf
  10. oh my god I had a game as Zyra/Ashe against a MF/Lux it was awful yet some miracle led me to only die once in lane and get ashe like 7 kills but those almost deaths I swear I should have been like 2/7 since I kind of took two kills luckily their jungle yi disconnected and fed ashe led to us winning I was also able to push our team to take dragons which I usually have trouble doing as support anyway
  11. I've also gotten strange series of Magic/Defense level ups on characters who normally wouldn't get them. It's possible the RNG just likes me or something but I keep thinking that Doubling may affect growth rates depending on who you are doubled with.
  12. It's like DoF driver's license please stand forward and look like your life has fallen to pieces within the last two weeks of meeting Renair.
  13. The only problem I have with Astra is that it sucks if you're already doubling the enemy. Then you're doing just an extra half hit of damage and wasting 3 weapon uses.
  14. I thought everyone looked kind of similar. HMMMMMMM...
  15. If they kept Pursuit, that would maybe balance the ability for MU to choose 2 skills if they don't start with it.
  16. Do you mean skills with facial cut-ins? Because since Armsthrift doesn't have one I'm not too sure about it.
  17. so I just had a relative okay game I guess Lulu never even connected and our Darius left before 10 minutes. It was Me, Wukong, and Kennen. Let's just say I now get why people like Mana and other items Taric. We were doing great and other than me getting focused I ended up 15/9/15. Merc Treads, Manamune which I bought too late cause for some reason I never thought of it, Nashor's Tooth, IB Gaunt, FH, FA We only lost because it was 3v5 and they were able to push/kill us enough where we had to defend while they got Baron.
  18. I could see them removing Pursuit and Critical, as those skills do kind of limit everyone. They would likely come up with something else for them though. FE4 Prayer master race, none of this crappy Awakening Miracle bs
  19. Mainly because I just realized Panne x Gaius can be called Pannecake.
  20. badge for every character in the series, or at least the ones good enough to be spotpass people in awakening
  21. Alm Celica wasn't really a thing, because I'm pretty sure they were siblings? Awakening has confused me, but I swear that was it, not they were a ship.
  22. Honestly I'd kind of like t he retro music, but hopefully it has that and the DLC music.
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