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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I was trying to get Olivia x Krom so I needed to marry the other early ladies off and paired him with Sully. Having an S support by Chapter 6 really allows him to do a lot more and let Aptitude shine.
  2. then we remember who made that game and relize it was kind of par for the course also yeah guys I helped make this game soooo
  3. I had Noire, Owain (But I couldn't access it), Kjelle, Laurent, and Morgan's open when they first opened. I could do pretty much all of them, but Morgan and Laurent had a few tough enemies, Morgan's having more. Noire's had some pretty insane promoted enemies for that point, even on Normal, and I had to mainly turtle and Rescue her and just let Sariya Nosfertank with her husband.
  4. Yeah, Onduris has annoying speedsters. Do you get anyone route exclusive from doing Onduris if you get the Mage Knight guy from Musain.
  5. I didn't even use the DLC and did maybe one or two skirmishes every other chapter and I still took all the difficulty out of the game by like chapter 15 or so, whichever is Say'ri. so yeah normal is a bit too easy for me
  6. Well..... I don't like Barrier, but I guess I could try it. Clairvoyance doesn't seem worth it to me Clense: I can just get a Crucible Heal: I usually pick a support with healing so kind of not worth it Smite: Hah Ignite: Not trying to get kills as support Revive: meh so it's Flash and then Clarity/Exhaust/Ghost and out of those I prefer Clarity as it helps us sustain longer for laning as opposed to Exhaust which might pick up a kill every now and then. So it's more useful to me. I'll have to try Barrier, but it and Ghost aren't that important to me.
  7. ^ plus I like it so I can spam spells when I don't have blue
  8. I'm planning Lissa, Miriel, Tharja and Avatar. I prefer magic for my MU and Lissa comes so much earlier than Mariabel that she'll be better than her by the time you get her. Miriel helps and she's better than nothing. Tharja comes in later though, and then you get Dark Magic. It's more of Ricken, Laurent, and Henry are less useful since the girls are better. I do plan on using Anna and Libera, since I like added healing though and prefer magic units to physical ones, but Tharja and Lissa would be the best, but Miriel is great if you want your Avatar to use something else or want more magic.
  9. Just felt like sharing this. On the PBE, but it was a really great game. Went top AP and was facing Olaf. He had me pretty hard and I had to build a GA and Seeker's but Kha'zix was great and he helped me and Eve get blue a few times. Enemy team ended up surrendering and apparently the Orianna was lagging really badly. I had one really great play where we were running after an attack on bot and I had killed Olaf, but then Ori, Kog, and Sona chased me and killed me. I GA'd and picked up Kog and almost had Sona if it hadn't of been for cooldowns. i just love karma so much she is like my favorite you guys #hipster karma feels
  10. Summoners or mage knights with staves you disappointed me there awakening
  11. The Inigo Montoya jokes are the exact reason I dislike Azure's name. Kjelle's just bothers me because I'm not still entirely sure how to pronounce it yet. The rest of the kids don't really bug me.
  12. I'm planning for Shadowgift, Tomefaire, Rally Spectrum, Gale Force, and I guess Limit Breaker for one of my Morgan's eventually.
  13. Oh, no, I just wasn't sure if Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Trundle, Corgi and LeBlanc could be played as supports. The others are either labeled as such or are pretty common that I was going to buy them anyway.
  14. Psych

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    haha I did too I will still update if you ever need me to elie
  15. Yeah, Lulu free week has made me really want her. Also I believe Shen Fiddlesticks Taric Leona Maokai Trundle Corki Blitzcrank LeBlanc Lux Nidalee left till I have supports. I've been arguing that I could maybe support Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Trundle, Corgi and LeBlanc but I'm not sure. Fiddlesticks has silence, fear, and a Magic Resist debuff aura. Maokai has a knockback, slow, stun, and ward. Trundle has the slow and pillar. Corki has a reveal and armor shread, but I know he's a carry. LeBlanc has a silence, slow, and stun. Out of all of them, I've only played LeBlanc though as a Mid, but I'm not sure if the others can be played as a support. Are they potentially viable or only good for fooling around?
  16. Apparently Vayne and Nami works well together, but my friend doesn't own her so I haven't been able to try them together.
  17. are you saying my build is the joke or TF's? because have you played thresh? BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HIS PASSIVE Q Passive: Thresh's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on each hit. This value is equal to the total number of souls collected plus a percentage of his attack damage, based on the amount of time since his last attack. Bonus Magic Damage: Souls + up to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200% AD souls usually hit around 140-ish if you're playing good by the time you get to 18, you usually hit 100 around I'd say maybe 14 so I was hitting for like 2000 health on my AA's that wasn't a joke build son
  18. Iunno, it was a random except the Lux was my friend. Admittedly, the other team almost beat us, but then I got the third BT and shit went down. Don't even ask what happened when I got the 4th. also help Rod of Ages is bad and I don't know how to get my lux friend to stop building it BV/Warmog's
  19. I'm not sure how to best phrase this, but... There are dozens and hundreds of religions in the world. Evolution is covering the entire globe. Religions can vastly go against one another, and there's no true religion, so just because one says their god created the world and another supports another way, doesn't mean one is more correct than the other.
  20. i am totally in on this Oh that reminds me, did any of you guys manage to sign up for the Beta while it was open?
  21. Admittedly Tiki and Fa were a lot like her. But then again they couldn't have kids, so people were probably not as mad.
  22. I'm going to guess not Lances, but I doubt she's getting magic. So axes or bows and I'm split on which one.
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