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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Okay, I have about 4300 IP and I'm looking at who to buy next. I've somehow become a support main and except for a few non supports here or there I like, I don't really know who to get next. I'm liking Kayle and Zilean, but I want to buy a 3100, 4800 or 6300 since I have a lot of points. The only thing is, I don't really want Lulu? Any other supports I should get? I already have Nami, Zyra, and Karma, but I guess I could get Lux. Basically, I'm wondering whether I should buy Lulu or wait and maybe save up for Thresh, since his pull seemed really cool.
  2. I went +Speed, -Luck and got luck on my first two level ups so that was certainly interesting. Viole Virion's voice made me laugh out loud when I first heard it though.
  3. I like the names, except for Sariya's. It sounds like someone with a lisp is trying to say her name.
  4. I will likely be on NA more this week, thanks to free Ahri, so if someone wants to play a game tonight, let me know.
  5. I just spam Q like there is no tomorrow. and occasionally E basically sheen procs and the life steal/spell vamp doesn't hurt, combined with Muramana active and then speed from tooth
  6. I've heard of Rance Good luck with your hyper weapon
  7. I likely don't play Evelynn right, but I usually go Boots of Mobility, Lich Bane, Nashor's Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, Muramana. The game usually ends before I have a chance to build a Rabadon's. I guess I kind of do some weird hybrid. also cassiopia is amazing
  8. I have now purchased Cassiopia and Syndra and my habit for AP Mid's seems to be growing.
  9. Likely Normal Classic, but if I ever decide to do Hard or Lunatic, I fully expect playing Casual.
  10. i feel like this was just a plot for everyone to call soul hot
  11. You know, I'd hate to say it, but if the series had to end with Awakening, I think I'd like that. Go out on a high note. I'm still blown away by the game and haven't even played it yet. But Magvel sequel, Paris game, who knows. I'm up for whatever.
  12. One thing that kind of bugged me was why give Valkyrie's light? Like, the one that attacks Garreth in Chapter 3 uses a Fire tome or something. When I promoted Lia, I was lucky I didn't really need her combat, since I was out of Light tomes from Asher using it, while I had a few more Anima. At least on B, since you don't get Enjo, it just kind of makes sense to give her Anima but whatever.
  13. I probably don't play Ms. Fortune correctly, as I legitimately just stack attack speed to 2.5 and get a Static Shiv and a Runan's Hurrican.
  14. All swordfighters but Manchua go Swordmaster, Manchua goes Hero. Miranda goes Mage Knight and Asvel goes Sage.
  15. best game ever also our team was so good and only the gangplank was rude
  16. I'm pretty sure Lute is auto recruited as long as her village isn't destroyed. I've forgotten to visit it before, and she'll still join you at the end of the chapter.
  17. I won't recant Tethys' contributions, but I feel like she can stand to go below Tana or maybe even Moulder in the Ephraim list, since she shows up about 3 chapters later than Eirika Route and Tana has more time to contribute something.
  18. Does Krom auto promote? If so, when? I think Lucina doesn't have one though.
  19. I think you mean her alt, because Q and E uses both for Eve.
  20. Does AD Evelynn have any aspects better than AP Evelynn? I tried it in a 1v1 against my friend since she went Lux and I was thinking about trying it in a game but I'm not sure.
  21. yeah putting a cool item there to tempt us isn't a good idea since we could take it
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