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Everything posted by Psych

  1. yeah but then you'd want your jungle to build full tank or maybe a bruiser like jayce mid or something I'd imagine something like Cassiopeia/Caitlyn/Teemo Support would be good but then I can't think of top/jungle that would work well with him support. His rations aren't too bad so Morello's or anything from Kage's isn't bad on him.
  2. Teemo in general requires specific teemo team comps to work with. If you send him top, he has to build more tanky and then you get weaker shrooms. Mid makes him a one trick pony and you lose large AP burst potential. Bot and you kind of gimp yourself compared to the enemy adc. I've never tried him support but I feel like him and Cait making the place trap city might work against someone like Sona or Nami with the poison to counter the sustaiin might be nice. I mean, he has a support tag and I don't believe I've ever seen him played as one.
  3. Trying to remember my ALA history, the only things I can think the elements might help on would be if this was a Korra game if an Amon type role could take powers, or maybe a Koh the face-stealer. I can obviously see a type of role stealing role, but not too sure. Elements may just affect results from night actions or something like that. ##Vote Prims because he's very primsy today
  4. Lara can promote from Rogue to Dancer, so there's nothing stoping you there.
  5. What's that? Someone talking about support? HMMMMMM There are 34 people I consider viable for support, but I don't like Support TF/Elise/Zac because those last two are stupid. also ihave 18 support rune pages planned so i have a problem, but generic Magic Pen/Armor reds, Armor yellows, MR blue, and Gold quints work. I actually have very few gold quint pages because I like being agressive and getting assists. the three most important ones I'd say to get are thresh/lulu/taric, but zyra and leona are good too, maybe sona And those are my supports. I'm thinking about maybe trying Annie as one thanks to constant stuns, and potentially having more range than the enemy carry to abuse pickpocket with might be fun.
  6. that was my point BBM also scorri after your korra game you have to make an avatar one with giant blue people
  8. THANK YOU i still cry about new karma yeah I've had zyra for a while but haven't been using her lately bought her skin before it increased in price and played several games with her in the last few days and loved her again that reminds me I should play more thresh
  9. I'm surprised Sumia x Chrom isn't up there and I'd think Viole x Sully would be picked more than Stahl for her. Since he is the one that comes with her after all. Other than that it's not really surprising, other than no Limit Breaker in skills list, but that might be because it's DLC.
  10. How do we edit our skins? I can't figure out how on this weird default one.
  11. I meant more of Annie is the troll, since Annie but that second highest range in the game.
  12. I'd say Counterpicks really only happen largely in the Support/Carry roles. Yes some champions are better than others, such as Jayce against Singed or various Assassins against squishy mids but with Seekers you can fix that pretty easily. Support/Carry you not only have just one person you are picking against, you have to take into account the other carry, and your synergy with your carry. Those two images are good for base picks, but I am working towards the day I get all 20 of my rune pages, as I've planned 18 for Supports, 1 for ADC, and one for Jungle. That's how varied supports can be. Admittedly I have some pretty out there pages, such as Galio, Cho'Gath, Nautilus, Orianna, Jarvan/Trundle, Maokai, Sejuani and a few others, but I can see them all working. I am thinking of getting Lissandra, as somehow she matches my Maokai page but I don't really like her kit. ANYWAY yeah you can also probably do Jayce ADC or troll and do Annie ADC but there's so many combinations that Bot lane is where counters largely come in as just outranging someone as an ADC can be a huge advantage.
  13. I played my very first ranked game today. I was Lulu with Ez against Varus/Janna. My god, first ten minutes I was zoning like a champ. I had given up 2-3 kills though but they were to the Cho jungler and we were still a level ahead of them. Then Ez disconnected and we couldn't keep up and just lost. I feel like this is a premonition.
  14. I swear I had Mire kill Validar in 23.
  15. How will you be using Morgan if you aren't pairing Avatar? They can't be paired with Spotpass characters and you aren't pairing them with Chrom soo...
  16. FE13 with FE5's capture, more varied chapter goals besides just boss killing or routes, and Fog of War.
  17. Psych

    Seeker Mafia

    don't you fucking dare
  18. I find it's easy to grind her if you've paired her with Chrom, as then as soon as Chapter 11 is over she has an S rank support partner who usually has about an 80 percent chance to double attack for me. Since her combat is bad and I usually have a pretty good Chrom, he basically kills stuff for her from behind.
  19. Psych

    Seeker Mafia

    darumaka and victini also guys where are my sign ups
  20. That skin repricing thing is pretty cool. Out of the skins getting reduced, I want several of them, but Wildfire Zyra, Astronautilus, and Surprise Party Fiddle are getting increased and I want them...
  21. Tricksters seem like just rogue edits, so I feel like staves are the only animations needed.
  22. Is there a second thief or something? Can you tell us when we get them? (hopefully a she)
  23. I'd just bring up Korematsu vs US if you're going to talk about other crimes not specific to ending the war.
  24. Psych

    Seeker Mafia

    no night talk btw
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