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  1. The general opinion when it comes to Arms Scrolls in FE9 usually falls under one of these two categories: 1) Mist gets the Sonic Sword. 2) Bank. However, I personally feel as if the Arms Scrolls have never been properly looked at in this game. As for that reason, I intend to do a complete analysis of each character and how an Arms Scroll would affect their performance. Wish me luck. PS: Weapon ranks in parentheses are gained only after promotion. [spoiler=Prologue to Chapter 13]Ike (Prologue): D Sword. Ike will never need to use an Arms Scroll ever. It takes him 120 sword uses to get to the necessary B Swords in order to use every sword available (minus the Vague Katti which he doesn't need) before Ragnell. We're talking less than 2 full Steel Swords here. After promotion, the guy starting killing stuff left and right, even without a Silver Sword (for reference, 20/1 Ike has 28 Att at chapter 18 with the Steel Blade along with 19 AS). No. Titania (Chapter 1): A Axe, C Lance. First off, the Silver Axe is (barely) better than the Silver Lance. So the max rank that Titania actually needs is B Lances. That takes a total of 50 lance swings in order to use the Flame Lance (Tanith is a better choice), Brave Lance and Spear. Easy to do by the time these weapons appear. No. Oscar (Chapter 1): C Lance, (E Bow/Axe/Sword). A Lances is going to be easy to get since Oscar is mono lance up until his promotion (he'll be sitting at a comfortable B rank by then). You could give Oscar A Lances immediately after promotion if that really suits your fancy but there's only 1 Silver Lance floating around until Chapter 23 and Oscar's still got 25 Atk with a Steel Lance at 20/1. I would personally stick a Killer Lance on Oscar if I need a kill rather than have him down an Arms Scroll for 5 more Atk (which is pretty good but it's only got 25 uses on it). However, it might not be a bad idea to sink an Arms Scroll into Oscar's Axe rank (and only his Axe rank). The Steel Axe has a E rank rather than a D, meaning that Oscar needs a total of 15 swings just to get to a D. 20/1 Oscar also sports 15.65 Str, meaning that Oscar will not lose any AS from the Steel Axe's 15 Wt. We could always forge Oscar a -1 or -2 Wt Steel Axe if he gets a bit screwed in Str but it's not a big deal. Now once Oscar makes it to D Axes (should take 1 or 2 chapters at most), we can drop him an Arms Scroll for C. This now allows him to use the Killer and Short Axes, both of which are very nice. Granted, we already have 3 proper Axe users in Titania, Boyd and Keiran but Oscar having C Axes before Chapter 20 is always a good substitute in case the RNG goddess hates you with regards to Boyd or Keiran. Makes Oscar much stronger but doesn't really help the team out. Boyd (Chapter 1): D Axe, (E Bow). Boyd works almost the same way as Oscar. Except for the fact that the first Silver Axe pops up in the Chapter 24 shop and Boyd will easily be sitting at A Axes by then. That just leaves Boyd's bow rank. There are 4 legitimate bow users before considering Boyd. Geoffrey is around for a total of 5 chapters, Rolf and Shinon are both garbage and Astrid is... well, she's good but she'd probably like 1 range more. That leaves us with Boyd. Boyd is quite similar to Oscar in the fact that C Bows is really going to get him going in the 2 range game. To get there, he needs to fire 30 arrows and then eat an Arms Scroll. But that's where the similarities end. Boyd isn't going to be using an awesome weapon like the 11 Mt Steel Axe only 15 times. He needs to use a piddling 6 Mt Iron Bow a grand total of 30 times to reach D. Sure, we can forge Boyd an 11 Mt Iron Bow to match the Mt difference. But at the same time, we can forge Oscar a 16 Mt Steel Axe and it will cost Oscar 3x less than Boyd. Setting aside the Iron Bow problem, Boyd turns into a 2 range monster with the Killer Bow in his hands. His only real competition for that weapon is Astrid and her Str is generally too weak to use the Killer Bow effectively on high Def enemies (20/2 Astrid has 16 Str against 20/3 Boyd's 21, giving Boyd enough Att to ORKO 17-4's Generals with a single critical while Astrid needs to crit both shots). Like with Oscar, Boyd turns into an offensive monster with a well placed Arms Scroll but it might not be the best option for the team. Treat like Oscar. Rhys (Chapter 2): D Staff, (D+ Light). The Arms Scroll doesn't work on staves (cannot be "equipped") so all we're looking is Rhys' Light magic rank. It starts at the same level as Rhys' staff rank at the time which is probably going to be either a B or A at the time (Rhys gains B Staves 3/4 of the way through his first Heal stick). He's really not going to need the Arms Scroll since the only A Light tome is Nosferatu and that thing makes Rhys weigh more than a fat man with a year's supply of Twinkies. No. Shinon (Chapter 3): A Bow. Let me just say it now. The Double Bow is absolute garbage and Shinon can wield every other bow at base. No. Gatrie (Chapter 3): D Lance, (E Sword). Wow, Gatrie's weapon levels suck. Anyway, Gatrie needs 20 uses of the Steel Lance to get to C Lances. This is probably doable by the time he leaves but the real question is how fast he can get to A Lances. A Silver Lance sits in one of Chapter 16's chests and that thing would do absolute wonders for Gatrie's offense if you don't want to forge him a +5 Atk Steel Lance (because you're busy forging weapons for actual good units). In order to reach A Lances as quick as possible, Gatrie needs another 50 WExp between the middle of Chapter 13 and the end of Chapter 16, on top of an Arms Scroll afterwards. While his offense will certainly be great (20/1 Gatrie is looking at 34 Atk during Chapter 17-3 which actually ORKOs Knights and 2HKOs just about everything in existance), I'm not completely sure that I can see it happening. Don't bother raising his sword rank, Gatrie sucks with them. If Gatrie can somehow achieve B Lances by Chapter 17 and doesn't have a +5 Atk Steel Lance forge, try it out. Otherwise, don't bother. Soren (Chapter 4): D Wind, E Fire, E Thunder, (D Fire, D Thunder). I mentioned the sages in the tier list but I'm going to repeat myself here. Any mage needs a C rank to use a siege tome in that element. Soren's going to hit C Wind by the end of Chapter 7 (if you're using Soren right, he'll finish up his first Wind tome by then) and is given auto D Fire and D Thunder on promotion. If you don't care which siege tome Soren uses, he'll be ready by the time the first Blizzard drops in Chapter 23. If you want Soren to use Bolting from Chapter 17 onwards, simply buy 2 Thunders from the Chapter 10 shop and don't use Wind or Elwind. Soren shouldn't need an Arms Scroll for any reason. No. Mia (Chapter 7): D Sword. Originally I believed that Mia wouldn't need an Arms Scroll but A -> S requires 70 swings of a sword, usually closer to 35. Considering that Mia is going to promote with B Swords, this gives her quite fast access to the Vague Katti... if Stefan isn't in play. Realistically, no, but Mia can do some pretty cool things with the Vague Katti and an Arms Scroll speeds it up by a lot. Ilyana (Chapter 8): D Thunder, E Fire, E Wind, (D Fire, D Wind). See the Soren entry. Ilyana is a lock for C Thunder (40 Thunders or 20 Elthunders) and can use the Chapter 16 Bolting quickly. After that, train the Fire rank (2 Fire tomes is enough) to use Meteor. See Soren. Rolf (Chapter 9): E Bows. I've put a bit of time into thinking about Rolf and it's possible that the kid is actually salvageable with an Arms Scroll (he'll still be mediocre). I'd need to do some testing of this since it involves Rolf having C Bows by the end of Chapter 13 (without downing the second Arms Scroll). But Longbow access from Chapter 10 on sounds pretty neat. Mist (Chapter 9): D Staff, (D Sword). And now we're at Mist. This entry alone could easily be an essay so I'll try to keep it short. The general idea of sinking an Arms Scroll (and usually both) into Mist is for her to use the Sonic Sword. Assuming a 10/1 Mist (best time to seal her if only for the horse), she's only got 19 Atk with a forged Steel Sword which costs just under 4000G in order to maximize Mist's offense. It still takes 20 hits to move up to C and 19 Atk is borderline pathetic when Mist needs to go up close to attack. Putting both Arm Scrolls on Mist should free up the Sonic Sword. But even with the SS, 10/10 Mist only sports 23 Atk from afar. All the Sonic Sword does is give Mist passable offense. If you want Mist to fight, give her the Arms Scrolls. Otherwise, forget it. Marcia (Chapter 9): D Lance, (E Sword). I can't honestly think of a reason to throw Marcia an Arms Scroll. Unlike Gatrie (who has identical ranks), she actually doubles and is easily worth a Steel Lance forge. And like Boyd/Oscar, giving her an Arms Scroll for her sword rank makes her better quicker but it doesn't have a real effect (it's even less noticable than either of the brothers since Oscar gets 1-2 range with the Short Axe while Boyd has a legitimate shot at the possibly uncontested Brave Bow) It's just self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement. See Oscar and Boyd. Volke (Chapter 10): Knives. Next. Keiran (Chapter 11): C Axe, (E Sword/Lance/Bow) Keiran is almost exactly like Oscar except with one twist. Innate Gamble. If Keiran were to sport a Killing Edge and use Gamble, the guy would have nuts Crit and then decent accuracy on top of that (Killing Edge has more Hit than Killer Lance). Dropping him an Arms Scroll lets you abuse Gamble earlier. See Oscar but think Gamble. Brom (Chapter 11): D Lance, (E Sword). Brom's weapon levels suck. Marcia had those 2 chapters ago. That being said, C level lances are starting to appear and Brom would like them. The Killer Lance shows up in this chapter and the Short Spear's been around since the start of Chapter 7 (though it's probably half broken by now). Brom would really appreciate the Crit boost from the Killer Lance (considering that he's not going to be doubling shit for a long while) but there are much better units to use the Killer Lance (like the one I'm about to mention next), not to mention that he'll fall off the wagon soon for only having 5 Move (6 on promotion). Don't bother using it for his sword rank. If you want to salvage Brom, have him pop down the Arms Scroll immediately. Nephenee (Chapter 11): E Lance. Nephenee gets a lot of heat for starting with only E Lances since she requires an Iron Lance forge for her offense. But consider this. For Nephenee to start going nuts, she needs C Lances for the Killer Lance (has something to do with her innate Wrath). At the very least, this requires 30 Iron Lance uses and then another 20 Steel Lance uses. Why not drop her an Arms Scroll and start using a Steel Lance right away? Now she only needs 20 attacks and a Killer Lance is going to have her destroying shit. Mathwise, Level 12/0 Nephenee has 22 Atk with an Iron Lance forge. Without an Arms Scroll, she's got to use that Iron Lance at least 30 times before moving to Steel. Meanwhile, that same Nephenee with an Arms Scroll sports 20 Atk with a Steel Lance but is also only 20 attacks away from using the Killer Lance, which is possible by the end of Chapter 13. She only loses 3 AS which drops her to about 9~10 AS, too fast to be doubled. I see an Arms Scroll on Neph as being something that immediately pulls her out of her major rut (her start). Uses the Arms Scroll well in order to get good much quicker. Zihark (Chapter 11): C Sword. I'm currently thinking of a furry joke to place here. Oh and he's exactly like Mia since he's guaranteed to reach B Swords by promotion. See Mia. Jill (Chapter 12): D Lance, (E Axe). Once again, she's a top unit who doesn't really gain anything life changing from an Arms Scroll. You could drop her one after promotion to shorten the time until Killer Axes but that doesn't really achieve anything special. See Oscar, Boyd, Keiran, Marcia... Sothe (Chapter 13): Knives. Useless little cunt... Astrid (Chapter 13): D Bow, (E Sword/Lance/Axe). I was kinda hoping that Astrid had E Bows because that would be immediate access to Steel Bows upon an Arms Scroll but she's got D Bows and a Killer Bow is more than slightly wasted on her 6 Str. An Arms Scroll doesn't salvage Astrid, BExp does. After promotion is the same as Oscar and co. but a much less inferior version. No. More will come later.
  2. To be fair, making fun of GJ is sometimes like racing a kid in a wheelchair up a flight of steps.
  3. The point is that we won't see seige tomes in our inventory until the back end of Chapter 21. By then, we will have a Wind user, Thunder user and every element user (Calill joins for the start of 22). EDIT: If siege tomes are rank C, then my point has been made for me. One person that might want an Arms Scroll immediately is actually Devdan. The guy starts with B Lances in Chapter 16 but one of the chests contains... a Silver Lance. Isn't that considerate? We're looking at a 29 Atk and 13 AS user for the start of Chapter 17. He might still need a Speedwing or wings attached to his boots to double the shit there but it's worth looking into.
  4. Please repeat after me. Mist is not a combat unit. Mist is not a combat unit. Mist is not a combat unit. Mist does not deserve sinking both Arms Scrolls into her for the Sonic Sword. Mist is not a combat unit. Mist is not a combat unit. Your time in detention is now done. Remember to show up tomorrow. The point here is that Mist is not designed to be a combat unit, even with the Sonic Sword in her hands. Her primary usage is healing, Sonic Sword goodness just means that she doesn't suck at dealing damage. But she's never going to be good at dealing damage either, which means that I seriously doubt that we should sink both Arms Scrolls into her and staple the SS into her hand. As for the sages, why bother using an Arms Scroll to get Soren/Ilyana/Tormod up to B whatever when Calill shows up with B everything? How many siege tome users do we honestly need in a single chapter? 3? Another point to consider for the sages is the possibility that Soren and Ilyana may just reach B Wind/Thunder by the time Bolting and Blizzard show up. Both need to attack 90 times in order to knock their rank up to B (using Wind or Thunder, El makes it easier). Considering that Soren usually goes through his Wind tome completely by the end of Chapter 8, he's only needs 50 more attacks to get to B Wind. 25 if we toss him the Chapter 11 Elwind (because Ilyana sure as fuck can't use that). That's less than 2 tomes (Elwind will have 5 uses left) and he'll hit B Wind very quickly without needing an Arms Scroll. Ilyana is nicer to us since she starts out with Elthunder off the bat. She loses her ability to double anything (even though it's not like she was doubling with a -2 AS penalty on Thunder) but going through that Elthunder tome brings her 2/3 of the way to B Thunder. Why are we sinking Arms Scrolls into these guys again? Now that we've freed the Arms Scrolls from the grasps of the sages and Mist, why don't we put them into characters who actually get some use out of them? Geoffrey starts with C Bows so giving him one gives him access to the Brave Bow. We could argue that Astrid is probably the better choice but she's got a better chance of getting screwed along the way which means that Geoffrey is essentially an RNG proof 9 move unit with the Brave Bow (and the only other real contender considering that every other Paladin starts with E Bows). Alternatively, aku did mention giving Haar immediate access to the Silver Axe. When I get back from my last 2 weeks in the army, I'll do a detailed analysis of the Arms Scrolls. We've always thought that they should go to Mist or the bank but maybe they can really help other characters. This sounds interesting.
  5. I don't see why that Seraph Robe should be going to Jill instead of Marcia. I mean, Marcia's sporting 50 Avo, 32 HP and 14 Def at level 20/1 (Laguz Lance and Heavy Spear drop her Avo by a bit and both are in play by Chapter 17). In comparison, Jill's got 41 Avo, 36 HP and 17 Def at the same level in the same chapter. Jill's growths are (marginally) better than Marcia's and Marcia caps her Spd at 28 at level 20/16. Jill's going to be sitting at 25 Spd at 20/20 but that's not necessarily bad. Jill's concrete defensive lead is going to start becoming more noticeable as the game goes on. My point is, why does this robe go to Jill instead of Marcia or Tanith (as Anouleth mentioned)? Marcia probably uses it better than Jill to escape 3RKOs (25 Atk is a 3RKO and there are some enemies who actually hit that value in Chapter 17 along with WTA on Marcia if she's using a lance). Same with Tanith. Why does Jill get the second Robe?
  6. Hence my comment about Belinda Stronach.
  7. Someone hasn't played FE8 Chapter 1-16 in a while.
  8. Dickwads. Mostly. Unless they had sex with Tie Domi.
  9. I completely agree with you here. PoR is all about Ike maturing into the leader of his company. Remember that this game takes at least a year (it says so in the actual script). Ike is never envisioned as perfect in PoR, just a very competent general and a street-smart kid. He is the first FE Lord to break the mold of "I'm a noble, I get whatever I want by asking for it". The best example of this is the Marcia recruitment. Because Ike and co. save her back in Chapter 3, Marcia joins the company in Chapter 9. EDIT: Forgot my shit. Best: Roy. What the hell is with the Roy hating? Think about it. Roy leads what looks like a dead army to victory. But check out the way he thinks and acts. What happened on the Western Isles? He got forced into a political mess and had to literally fight his way out of it. But he does it not just with weapons but also with quick thinking. He comes up with brilliant plans that work not because that's the storyline (Micaiah, I'm looking at you) but because they're actually fundamentally sound (contact Etruria for protection, for instance). Roy is possibly the smartest FE lord in the entire series and was actually well written. And he's a pimp. Worst: Micaiah.
  10. Unfortunately for you, I'm joining. And Bizz likes OC a lot more because I'm joining.
  11. Give me a quick lesson or something to read about how to read it and I'll be good. I'm a quick learner.
  12. You haven't listed balance. Willing to try it for balance.
  13. First off, Cam's argument was horrible. Remember that Lamia argument? Level 21: 43.9 HP, 21.1 Str, 0.85 Mag, 30 Skl, 27.1 Spd, 6.4 Luck, 12.4 Def, 4.85 MDf First off, if we haven't paired Fin and Lachesis (Beowulf is significantly better), Ayra will be holding the Steel Blade or the Hero Sword. Ayra is literally the best person to use it since she's the only person who is pretty much guaranteed to kill something with the Hero Sword in her hands. Ups the kill count, you see? Now, you got the Steel Blade part right but let's just run over the numbers of killing easy-peasy Lamia. Ayra - Level 21 Swordmaster - A Swords - Wife of Lex/Holyn Steel Blade: 37 Atk, 140 Acc, 21 AS, 30% Shooting Star Sword Hero Sword: 33 Atk, 180 Acc, 24 AS, 30% Shooting Star Sword 44 HP, 78 Avo, 12 Def, 5 MDf For the record, Ayra's husband doesn't matter. And even if Lex was sitting at Thove and was waiting for the Pam Squad, he should get warped down to Silesia after it's recaptured since the Pam Squad will be dead by then. Holyn should just follow Ayra around as if she's got a doughnut on a string. Secondly, Ayra gets more Avo from Sigurd being around since he has to, you know, capture Zaxon. I can't remember how many Leadership Stars Sig has but I think it was 2 so that's an extra 10 Avo. Note that Holyn gets that too. Now for the record, Ayra is quite devastating. We're talking about someone who can destroy just about any arena. That's how good she is. Lamia has 65 HP, 64 Avo, 16 AS, 14 Def and the Life Ring. Not like the last thing is going to help her anyway. On the offensive side, Steel Blade!Ayra easily 3HKOs Lamia with a 76 hit rate. That's not bad... until you realize that because Ayra doubles Lamia, Ayra's got a 30% chance of hitting Shooting Star on either attack. That translates into a 51% chance of straight up ORKOing Lamia with only a Steel Blade. Not to mention that Continue actually helps Ayra since Ayra will hit Lamia for the third time before Lamia responds back. Hero Sword is better. Ayra's doing 19 damage a hit but she's sporting 116 Hit (AKA she's not missing) and hits 4 times due to... doubling Lamia again. 19*4 is 76 damage, 11 more than Lamia's defensive parameters. Lamia gets ORKO'd by Ayra when the old girl doesn't need a Shooting Star proc. No luck involved. I could go into detail on Holyn but let me put it this way. 1. Your numbers are flat out wrong because you didn't even account for Lamia's 3 Leadership stars (much more of a devastating effect on Holyn who's using a sword with 60 Acc rather than 100 for Ayra. 2. You basically denied Ayra the Hero Sword because it makes a scrub like Noish or Alec do decent damage while it turns Ayra into a monster (or Holyn for that matter). In Gen 1, you're trying to put kills on that thing. PS: I also have a bone to pick with your levels. 12 Ayra against Orgahill is grossly overrated? 12 Ayra at the start of Chapter 3 is grossly UNDERRATED. Ayra should be pushing 18 or 19 by the end of Chapter 3. And Mekkah covered the Sigard/Cuan comparison already. PPS: Psych, your argument was less fail than Cam's but remember that the smartest dumbass is still a dumbass.
  14. Hey Charlie Murphy! What did the five fingers say to the face? I just did. 20/20 vision. Your tastes are... weird.
  16. I'll trade with you. I got stuck with the ugliest man in the world as my banner. No seriously. The first time I saw Vika, I was sure that she was a man. Moreso than Tanith. Does that explain why Silith and NM love Vika so much?
  17. Chapter 7: 7 Turns First things first. Ike goes north, recruits Mia and the pair of them pick the northern enemies to bits. Before the reinforcements, of course. The rest of the team all moved west to begin with. Titania KO'd the thief on Turn 2 (netting her 21 Exp for that kill) while Boyd/Oscar/Soren cleaned up any leftovers. Once Shinon and Gatrie appeared, Soren and Oscar finished off the reinforcements while Boyd unlocked the chests. Ike and the terrible twosome (S&G) mowed through Balmer's men and Shinon landed a critical to ORKO Balmer (I was trying to weaken him for an Oscar kill). It's a joke that IS gives you 11 turns to finish with max BExp; I ran out of shit to kill halfway through Turn 6. Ike 10.68 |31|14| 5| 8|10| 7| 8| 5| Seraph Robe Titania 4.36 |35|15| 5|15|15|14|12| 9| Boyd 7.30 |34|10| 0| 6|10| 6| 7| 2| Speedwing Oscar 9.03 |31| 9| 1| 9|11| 8| 9| 3| Shinon 2.14 |33|10| 6|15|14|10|10| 6| Gatrie 12.09 |33|14| 0| 8| 6| 5|15| 0| Soren 5.76 |18| 1| 8|10| 9| 6| 3|10| Rhys 6.67 |23| 0|12| 9| 7| 8| 2|14| Mia 6.73 Base
  18. Chapter 4: 3 Turns I used to own the official guide for FE9 from Nintendo Power and it clearly mentioned that this chapter was hard and that huddling in the corner was the way to go. ...PWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gatrie and Titania take a total of NO DAMAGE from basically everything on the field before Gatrie thought that it might be a good idea to gain defense in a level up along with a bunch of others. Ike uses this chapter for more self improvement and everyone else AKA Titania stomps it easily while getting a near perfect level-up. Maijin hits the ground thanks to Titania on Turn 3. Ike 6.17 |21|10| 3| 7| 9| 6| 7| 3| Titania 2.40 |34|13| 4|14|15|12|12| 8| Shinon 1.24 Base Gatrie 10.38 |32|13| 0| 7| 6| 5|15| 0| Soren 1.56 Base Rhys 4.67 Base Chapter 5: 6 Turns Left team was Shinon, Boyd and Oscar. Shinon absorbs most of the possible attacks while Boyd and Oscar improve themselves greatly (hell, they want it). Shinon actually turned out to be incredibly key, killing when I wanted him to and doing significant chip for easy Oscar and Boyd kills at other times. The right side was even funnier. Gatrie and Titania wouldn't take damage and Ike's sporting something like 15 Atk with just an Iron Sword. I used the opportunity to funnel kills into Ike and Soren to level them up as much as possible. Soren then moved a little back northwest to help out SBO but Ike's Str kept growing. And Titania got the boss kill like usual. Ike 7.63 |22|11| 3| 7|10| 6| 7| 4| Titania 3.13 |34|14| 4|15|15|13|12| 9| Boyd 4.77 |31| 8| 0| 5| 7| 6| 6| 0| Oscar 6.72 |29| 6| 1| 7|10| 6| 8| 0| Shinon 1.53 Base Gatrie 11.22 |32|13| 0| 7| 6| 5|15| 0| Soren 3.08 |18| 0| 8| 9| 8| 5| 2| 8| Rhys 5.23 |22| 0|11| 9| 6| 7| 1|14| Chapter 6: 9 Turns This chapter never used to annoy me much before this run but when your Boyd is only level 4 and can't hit shit with a Hand Axe, you get pissed pretty quickly. The goal of this chapter is to shovel as many kills down Soren's, Boyd's and Oscar's throats before escaping on Turn 9 for max BExp. Titania cleared out the left side Merc and Steel Bow archer while everyone else dealt with the two Axe Knights (Ike needed to dodge a 48 to live from the Iron Axe because he liked blocking lances and axes with his face) and a bunch of soldiers. After that, Titania helped Ike and Soren down the right side while Boyd and Oscar ATTEMPTED to destroy the left bridge. They failed but gained enough Exp so that I won't bitch that much. All in all, pretty good effort. Oh and Ike still hasn't missed a Str level up. This reminds me of my Hector that gained 9 Spd in 9 levels. And Ike took a Seraph Robe while Boyd got a Speedwing (he needs it now). Ike 9.21 |31|13| 4| 7|10| 7| 8| 5| Seraph Robe Titania 3.83 |34|14| 4|15|15|13|12| 9| Boyd 5.98 |32| 9| 0| 5|10| 6| 6| 0| Speedwing Oscar 7.66 |30| 7| 1| 8|11| 7| 8| 1| Soren 4.55 |18| 0| 8| 9| 9| 5| 2| 9| Rhys 6.00 |23| 0|12| 9| 7| 8| 2|14|
  19. What does that even mean? If the game gives you awesome 30 Mt weapons like Mistoltin, Tyrfing, Gae Bolg, Holsety... why NOT use them?
  20. Random. Semi-efficient means that I'm trying to go beneath the BExp limit and then possibly a little more. I'm more of a turtle player and while I may not be dondon style fast, I can beat the game pretty quickly. Team is probably going to be Ike, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Jill, Reyson and then the people that I mentioned (Stefan, Makalov, Muarim, Calill, Geoffrey). Everyone else who is fielded will be there because I think that they're best for a reason. This will be more prominent in Endgame if I bring in Lucia and Bastian to up Geoffrey's crit rates (Geoffrey has the Killer Bow at base so this will be interesting) against Calill. But the team isn't finalized. Ironically, Calill supports with Geoffrey and happens to be Geoffrey's better support since his other contender is Elincia. And is probably Calill's 2nd best support too.
  21. Chapter 2: 5 Turns Base Oscar is boss enough to solo the northern Myrmidon and Fighters, even if he blocks every shot with his face. He does so while Ike, Boyd and Rhys blast their way east and north. Once Titania joins, it's a sprint up to the boss while Ike almost gets himself killed by the Steel Axe Fighter (2x16 Att would kill Ike). Ikanau dies on Turn 5 to a combination of Ike and Titania. Ike 4.84 |20| 8| 2| 7| 8| 6| 6| 2| Titania 1.28 Base Boyd 3.48 |30| 8| 0| 5| 7| 5| 6| 0| Oscar 5.21 |28| 6| 1| 6| 9| 6| 8| 0| Rhys 4.44 Base Chapter 3: 4 Turns It's kinda disappointing that Shinon is unable to ORKO level 4 Fighters in his first chapter without a crit. That guy got a major upgrade between FE9 and FE10. However, he is a very nice brick wall of fuck so I'll let him off the hook for right now. Plus he attracts enemies away from Ike. Aside from that, it's a rush chapter. You need to kill the boss in 6 turns to end the Chapter but Ike needs to speak to Marcia in order to recruit her later. In all honesty, it shouldn't take more than 4 turns if Titania grabs a dropped Hand Axe on Turn 2 by killing its owner. Shinon and Gatrie took out the ground forces while Ike made his way up to Marcia. Ike 5.25 |21| 9| 3| 7| 9| 6| 6| 3| Titania 1.80 Base Shinon 1.12 Base Gatrie 9.84 Base
  22. Basically, I'm going to do a pretty detailed log of FE9. There's a couple things I want to test since it's been a long time since I've played this game properly. Like I want to see for my own eyes how good Stefan really is and whether or not he deserves to go higher (since I think he should). Other stuff I'm going to test is Muarim vs. Makalov and Calill vs. Geoffrey. That's about it. Obviously, Hard Mode. No bands will be available, though. Turn Count: Prologue: 4 turns Prologue is the same old, 4 turn clear. Ike finishes off Boyd, stands next to Greil with 13 HP and proceeds to 3RKO Daddy. Ike also receives an amazing level up (everything minus Skl and Lck) so maybe he won't end up Str screwed like my last Ike. Ike 2.57 |20| 6| 2| 6| 8| 6| 6| 1| Chapter 1: 3 turns Ike manages to pull in more Str and somehow criticals the first Fighter on the map. Which is nice because that lets Oscar get the Steel Sword without having to run back for it. After that, careful placement of my units and two lucky brother boosted crits by Oscar allowed Ike to seize in 3 turns with the Seraph Robe in Titania's inventory. Ike 3.32 |20| 7| 2| 7| 8| 6| 6| 2| Titania 1.28 Base Boyd 2.48 Base Oscar 3.82 Base
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