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Everything posted by Life

  1. Quote had the most nominations for a while now. And NM just keeps skipping over it. Once, I can understand. But it's been like 4/5 times now. Perhaps it's bias. I nominate Best Quote but ONCE AGAIN, I don't expect to see it next time.
  2. How does this have a logical connection to killing stuff? Now if he was Texan, that would be a different matter...
  3. I'm pretty sure that about 10 of us have nominated other shit and you just keep skipping over it. Why do you even have the nomination thing if you don't listen to anyone else? Best: Holsety Worst: Hmm, that's a tough one. How about... I'd say Blaggi for building his damn tower so far away from Orgahill.
  4. I know, right? Coach <3

  5. Congrats guys! With 3 friends on the staff, there's nothing that I can't get away with now...
  6. Weapons and Shields don't matter. Espers and Relics do. And Setzer/Edgar are completely reliant on Tools and Slots for damage or for anything. They have no magic. They have no equipped Espers. What else are they going to do? Attack?
  7. Here's 10 of my wallpapers. Like I've stated earlier, my wallpapers are on a continuous loop. I also have no anime stuff on my computer. I feel like the odd one out here. In case it wasn't obvious, I like quote walls. And stuff with affection in it. I'm actually a romantic, surprise surprise.
  8. Haha. Yep, that was classic. It's quite funny when you think about it. I know this is a double post but fuck it, it's pretty cool. I just got in contact with Stephen Fishbach from Survivor Tocantins which is pretty cool. Asked him a bunch of questions and actually got replies too. Note, I haven't made anything up. Stephen was my pick to win Tocantins and I was really bummed that he didn't (he was also Jewish mind you so that's another connection). Waiting on the last response but yeah. Nice Jewish boy who should have won Survivor.
  9. Maybe the reason that I didn't like Pikmin is because I could never get into that RTS stuff. Like Warcraft or whatnot. That being said, I actually have a social life rather than be one of the people who play those games.

  10. Hahaha. That made me laugh.

    Honestly, Pikmin isn't a good game. I don't see an argument for how it can possibly be above Bottom Tier. And Mario Party doesn't deserve to be on the list. It's stupidly boring (and I had Mario Party 4 for the record).

  11. I was telling Dio that the NGC Tier List thread is a congregation of my least favourite SF users. So pardon me for being a bit vindictive.

  12. I know! It's amazing! Seriously, I've always told Slayer to learn how to read sentences properly. He confirmed it too. Here's a life lesson. Stop doing that and read EVERYTHING a person writes. It'll save you a lot of grief and maybe people won't call you an idiot anymore.
  13. I'd say something like "reading comprehension, learn it" but then I realized who I'm talking to. And that it's fruitless.
  14. No. It amuses me that people try to pass off their own flawed opinions as facts of life. Like Pikmin as one of the great NGC games ever. Or how Natalie White knew that Russell Hantz was a goat on Day 1 of Samoa.
  15. BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funniest thing I've ever heard.
  16. 1. Pikmin was not a good game. Bottom tier. That being said, I didn't see RE4 to be honest. I'll give it Low. 2. Mario Party will stink up the entire list. It should be nominated period. 3. My bad, was thinking of The World Is Not Enough. Then Nightfire (which was my favourite). Killer7 still needs to be high on the list.
  17. Actually, they are. Surprise surprise.
  18. I vote we nominate GOOD games. So that's NM's list out the window with the exception of Metroid Prime. You're missing a couple games: Killer7 (if this isn't on the list, then the list is void) 007 GoldenEye (not even my favourite 007 game but it's the better one) Super Smash Bros. Melee (arguably a lot better than the sequel) Baten Kaitos Origins (not the first BK but the 2nd) That's pretty much it. These 4 games have to be on the list. Especially the first 3.
  19. You can't. The game doesn't allow you to pause between picking your team and starting the first battle. Hence why it annoys me. Oh during the battle? I didn't think of that but honestly, it wouldn't have helped much. I got hit by the ice move (forgot what it's called). I also found a run on Youtube which has the guy fighting Gold Dragon, Skull Dragon, having the Minerva Bustier at the end of the game... and here's the kicker, finished it with 8860 steps. I have no clue how he did that and honestly, I want to know. He also had no grinding which means no Teleport on Terra so... yeah.
  20. Note: This is possibly the most fun part of the challenge yet. It where you really need to put your thinking cap on when it comes to dealing with the fights. I did this section at least twice completely before the actual attempt so that I knew what to expect (and then I got hit by Cleansing on my actual run, fuck you Setzer since that hurts more than Joker's Death). I also owe another update on the last 4 WoB characters so I'll do that right after this update. I think I'm going to hope for "something" instead of "statues". Especially if it's what I think it is... Maybe it got teased a bit too much at school? Here's the story. I can only take 3 people for the first part of the Floating Continent, rather than 4. Let's go through all of my options. Terra - Terra is now retired for good. She cost steps to recruit in the WoR (not many but she's not worth them at all) so she's out. Sabin - Sabin's also done. I didn't field him during the trip to the Esper Gate and for good reason too (needed to train Edgar, Locke and Setzer). Strago/Relm/Cyan/Gau - All are out. Gau needs Rages while the other three have little to no Esper spells learned. Not even considering using them. Edgar/Setzer - These two are a complete lock. Both need the Esper time desperately in order to get through the WoR since I will recruit the pair. In addition, Edgar still hasn't learned Teleport so that priority numero uno. Setzer just needs Rasp by the time I reach Ultima Weapon (there's a shitload of Ethers to steal in this next segment so Osmose isn't the spell I'm looking for even though I'd never turn it down). Celes - Huh. She's stupidly behind with regards to Esper time (I think her best spell is Thundara for the moment) but I'm not worried since she'll end up learning Blizzaga naturally. Just need to stick Osmose and Haste on her when I can, though. I'd love to field her but her spot will get edged out by... Locke - Yep. I'm not going to see him again after I finish the Floating Continent but the guy is still clutch. The IAF holds Ethers in the common steal slot (I'm going to get 15+), Ultima Weapon has a rare Ribbon which is a required steal (just as important as the Blood Sword) and other nice steals are available (Hermes Sandals, Angel Ring, Alarm Earring...). So... yeah. As you can see, the party is therefore Setzer/Locke/Edgar. Celes will join up for the escape but until then, it's just the three guys. As soon as the scenario starts up, head to the back of the ship. Ultros will appear there after something like 6 battles so you might as well wait for him. Also, Edgar and Setzer cannot be equipped for the first battle. Sucks to be them. Big time. It's a loss of 2 AP but I'm not really crying. This first battle is hard. Setzer and Edgar are completely unequipped of everything and rely on Tools and Slots for damage. Locke can steal Ethers from every enemy and Spitfires even have Elixirs up for grabs. Flash the right side ASP along with Prismatic Flash (hit all enemies) and use Cura and Mysidian Rabbit for healing (Mysidian Rabbit is surprisingly really good since it quickly heals around 70 HP to all for free. This can keep you alive for an extra turn if needed. If Setzer pulls Dive Bomb or better, start rejoicing. After the first battle, equip your guys. Edgar needs to finish Teleport ASAP (currently at 72%) and then move onto Shiva for Rasp and Osmose (both at 32%). He really wants to learn Rasp before the Ultima Weapon battle comes up but considering that he'll be sitting at 98% for Teleport upon landing on the Floating Continent, it's not asking for too much. Maybe if I get lucky he'll get it since it has a x4 learning rate (19 AP needed in total). Setzer, on the other hand, needs Rasp (and he'll get it in time) and then Cura or Haste/Shell. Haste/Shell is a must for the Fiend battle and while he'll have it in time, I'm worried about him not having enough AP to learn Vanish for that same battle. And Vanish is a x3 spell, one that he hasn't started working on at all. As for equipment, deck the guys out in the stuff that we just recently pilfered with Locke. That's 2 Golden Shields, a Golden Armour and a Gaia Gear. That's the endgame equipment, people. Relics can be whatever. Yeah, that was long. But hell, it's important. I'm at the 3rd last segment of this challenge (Floating Continent, WoR and Kefka's Tower all remain) and I need to make sure that I'm ready for the Warring Triad. The other IAF battles work the same as the first one except that durability is much less of an issue. If the team needs healing, toss out Mysidian Rabbit as temp healing until Locke can connect with Cura. Take out the right Sky Armor first in order to avoid getting hit from behind by !Propeller (it still hurts badly). Really? You sure? This battle is nothing more than a formality. Ultros has nothing special up his sleeves and neither does Typhon who he summons. It's just a tad long since nobody is going to be doing more damage than 1000 at a time other than Blizzara. Once Typhon Snorts you off of the Blackjack, get ready for some fun. People usually refer to this as the hardest fight in the WoB and I never really understand why. And even with a nerfed team, I still don't get it. There are loads of WoB bosses that I think are much tougher than this dude (Guard Leader for one and Ultros 2 can be nasty if you don't kill him fast enough). So where's all the hype from? Anyway, get ready to start this battle on the defensive. Have Edgar cast Haste on Locke so that your healer is ready to go at a moment's notice. Missile usually single hits for decent damage (150~200 range) while Atomic Rays is the only attack that I can think of that actually hurts and requires a heal immediately. After that, I'd start the stealing for Locke. Missile Bay holds Edgar's Debilitator which is nice but not necessary. In my opinion, the X-Ether from Laser Gun and Elixir from Air Force are better but it never hurts to grab extra stuff. Once Missile Bay and Laser Gun go down (Mega Flare does hilarious damage and it's always fun watching Bahamut destroy the crap outta shit even though it's a rare pull), Air Force will summon a Bit and charge up for Wave Cannon. The Bit goes down quickly and I advise to take it out fast with stuff like Prismatic Flash and Flash Tool. After that, try to beat out Wave Cannon. Worse comes to worse, have your Dragoon Boots holder jump over it and heal afterwards as necessary. It probably won't be since Air Force should be close to dying and if Setzer can connect with Dive Bomb (I won't count on Mega Flare but I will for Dive Bomb) a couple of times, it should be an easy but fun battle. Land on the Floating Continent and save at the save point that's placed in your path. 6585 Steps.
  21. I wouldn't say he got screwed. I'd say that he made a very vital mistake. The problem was that he taught Matthew the game. While that's not really a bad thing, he taught Matthew too well. At F5, Matthew was the guy who held all the chips since Rob needed to get rid of Heidi or Jenna. Heidi goes at F5 and then Rob's stuck in a quandry. Butch will never take Rob to the F2 so he needs to go at F4. Jenna may take Rob or she may not. Matthew will take Rob. But Rob didn't realize that Matthew not only cut a fantastic deal with Jenna (since she had no chance against Rob since Rob would have had Dave, Deena, Christy, Butch and Matt), but he threw the F3 immunity challenge to force Rob to win it if he wanted any part of the F2. And Jenna was just a bit hungrier. The rest is history. Jenna takes Matt and wins 6-1.
  22. This is the only Rob I will support. The REAL Robfather.

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