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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    World War III

    I said that they can't do it in the blink of an eye. Since when are armies not allowed to go anywhere? Anyway, I'm calling time on switching your base. There's 4 minutes left but I highly doubt anyone wants to at this point. EDIT: Don't tell me where Toronto is. Just look at my location.
  2. Life

    World War III

    Pretty sure WoMC has Toronto. Or is your geography all messed up? If anything, Ulki's got a free shot at South America if he builds up a good defense in Panama. Also, armies can't move across continents in the blink of an eye. As much as it pains me to say this, reading the flavour of my first post in the real thread will help. A LOT. EDIT: Also, half an hour left to change your base. If you haven't joined the game yet, you can still join at any point but you won't be allowed to change your base since I've made them public.
  3. Life

    World War III

    Since Furetchen apparently didn't get the memo (and possibly others too), do NOT start your logs now. I shall create a game thread and then post my own log so that you guys can see how it works.
  4. Life

    World War III

    Current list of players and bases: Life - Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) General Spoon - McMurdo Station (Antartica) Pride - Los Angeles (United States of America) Furetchen Arrowroot - Abidjan (Cote D'iviore) Ulki - Bogota (Columbia) Pheonix - St. Petersburg (Russia) WoMC - Toronto (Canada) Lightning - Dublin (Ireland) Ninji - Canberra (Australia) Ether - Berlin (Germany) Core - Cairo (Egypt) BK-201 - Beijing (China) Old countries are in brackets. Also, it's very unlikely that another base will be in Europe as of the moment. If you want to change your city for strategic reasons, now is the time to do so. Cut off time is 8:00 EST. If you send in an order after that time, I will not change your city.
  6. Life

    World War III

    More like it was way too close to another base and I'd prefer having them a bit more spread out.
  7. Life

    World War III

    To sign-up, PM me the city that your base shall be. If I accept it, you're good to go. You may sign-up while the game is ongoing but you should know that you'll be at a slight disadvantage since people will have already started building their armies. New list of who's accepted: Life General Spoon Pride Ulki Pheonix WoMC Lightning Ninji This is enough people to start so I'm going to start working on the map and opening post right now. Should be up late tonight or early tomorrow.
  8. Life

    World War III

    Eh... I'm on Chapter 11. I got stuck a little ways in so now I'm grinding CP to knock Lightning's and Vanille's HP up along with Sazh's stats. God, Lightning has like 0 HP and it annoys the fuck out of me. In any case, Lightning has been cleared to play. Ninji, I sent you back your response. You need to pick another base, preferably very far away from your first pick.
  9. Life

    World War III

    Do you read instructions at all? Also, you owe me a response in our debate. I can put up chapters 7 & 8 if you want too.
  10. The amount of fail in this thread is just... yeah.
  11. Life

    Quantum Mafia

    That's not exactly true. He's got a much higher chance of being innocent than guilty. So if he's guilty in every game that I'm the Seer, then that might be around 10 or so games based on my probability of being the Seer.
  12. Life

    Quantum Mafia

    I have pretty good proof that Snike should be our lynch today. In every game that I'm the Seer, the man's evil.
  13. Life

    World War III

    First post of this topic should answer that question.
  14. Life

    World War III

    I'm going to let this sit for right now. Should start on Saturday morning, depending on how soon I can get the flavour up. Confirmed players: Life General Spoon Pride Ulki Pheonix WoMC No conflicting areas right now but I can see some early invasions starting. Or alliances.
  15. Life

    World War III

    Actually, now that I think about it, send me your city of choice. Also, I'm looking for a second war mod so if anyone wants to be one... Yeah. Approved at the moment: Pheonix General Spoon Ulki
  16. Somehow, I think you've twisted the example that I've used into something else. When you don't do something, you stay neutral (in my eyes). Plus, from what I've gathered, it doesn't seem like Hika was intentionally trying to hurt someone aside from poke some fun at the rules. If he is entertaining and not doing too much damage (in his example), why not keep him around for laughs and then kick him out when he does something really stupid (as in intentionally try to hurt people).
  17. Life

    World War III

    You bitch a bit much, Spoon. Not going to lie. Welcome to World War III! 1) BE REALISTIC. If you have a powerful enough army, you can destroy another army easily! If you attack with a nuclear attack, methinks the enemy will die! 2) You may start out with up to 250 troops, and further advance to, but not surpass an army limit of 7,500. Armies may only be recruited through a realistic way. 3) One day in-game is 6 hours out-of-game. 4) You are allowed to gain 50 units every game day (200 every real day). However, you do not have to post every game day. If you do not post, you may make up all the troops that would have arrived between your latest log and the current one. Therefore, if you do not make a log for 48 hours, you are allowed to gain 200 units in your next log. However, if you make a log but do not add troops to it, that is too bad. Try to keep your troops within the general alignment of your army, e.g. an army based on feudal Japan won't have American style snipers. 5) You may only control up to three (3) Generals, starting with only one. A General is a person that you create and roleplay within logbook updates. (S)He should be a fictional (imaginary) person and is not forced to rule an area since real life emulates it (a Japanese person may rule in South America, for example). 5a) You may only gain one general every two real weeks. You army must also have above 2,500 soldiers to gain a second General and above 5,000 for the third. 5b) If you have gained your generals in a legal fashion, then you need not get rid of them, even if losses in battle or some other situation reduce your troop amount to below the amount necessary to originally gain that general. 5c) Creative choices for generals are encouraged. However, any sign of giving “godly” powers to a general will be seen as an invitation to the War Mod allowing him to take away the god-general AND one other general of the War Mod’s choice. If your idea of a new general is questionable, please consult the War Mod before deciding. 6) Your base is located in the city of your choosing. You also control a bit of the surrounding area and previous borders from today's world map will be ignored. Your territory will be colour-coded and the capital city will appear on Day 1 of your logs. If you construct a fort (which may turn into a city), that will be added to the map too. 7) Battles are not timed, but turn based. You make an action, and wait for a response. In an attack or defending situation, the war moderator will determine casualties. Numbers will be realistic, e.g. 500 samurais could destroy a fort that has only 50 GSG-9 members with little to no casualties. If you wish to attack another army (as in your units are in the right area), PM me and I'll explain what will happen at that point. 7a) In the event that someone who is attacked does not respond within seventy-two hours, that person automatically loses the battle. The attacker, in turn, suffers minimal casualties. Once again, PM me to respond. 8) Timing will be used for building structures, researching technologies, and other appropriate events such as rituals. When any of these are completed, send me a PM stating what they do and how they can be destroyed. That then becomes out-of-game knowledge until figured out in-game by another player. 8a) Four 'projects' are allowed to be going on at any one time. Projects include anything timed based upon rule 8. This number can be altered by random events, very large scale projects, and ongoing wars. 8b) Since I will have access to project info, it's very easy for me to cheat. So as much as I'd like to say that I'll go by the honour code, it's not enough. I'm currently trying to figure out a safeguard to keep me from cheating so if anyone has an idea, please post it here. 9) Read ALL posts that you haven't yet before posting, so you know what is happening. Anything I've posted is especially important to read since I may post again with special events that are happening. 10) Post in a logbook format. Say what you did that day. For battles, you may make several posts a day saying what you did in battle. 11) If you are banned from the game, any continued posts other than those contesting the ban except when noted otherwise will be reported to the mods here. 12) Having multiple armies under multiple accounts will result in an automatic ban. NO EXCEPTIONS. In other words, if you have multiple accounts, they must all be in charge of the same army and you must also inform us. That being said, multiple accounts is already enough to have you perma-banned from SF so... yeah. 13) Respect the war moderators (Life and whoever I pick). They exercise arbitrary power, and may state exceptions to the rules if the situation is appropriate. 14) War moderators can play in the game, however, their actions are subject to the jurisdiction of the other war moderators. War moderators cannot be allies in the game, and if their rulings appear biased, a vote can be taken according to rule 15 to either remove them from being a war moderator or a player. 15) If a war mod is found incompetent/unfair, a vote will be taken by users that meet these requirements: 15a) Have participated in at least one game of Mafia here. 15b) Have at least 1 unit. 15c) Have not previously been declared banned or defeated by the war mod. 15d) A two thirds majority vote is required to oust a war mod. The war mod will be stripped of his powers, and a replacement will be found immediately in accordance to rule 16. 15e) The other war mod must agree to the ousting of the first one. 16) In the event that a War Mod is ousted and a replacement cannot immediately be found, the position will be temporarily filled by the person who held the job prior to the incompetent/unfair Moderator. 17) No War Mod may make any changes to Rules 15, 16, and/or 17 unless his changes are approved by an official vote. 18) Random Events are as the name suggests: things that the War Moderator makes happen randomly to either players or locations. There is no set pattern to them, and they may or may not be beneficial. 18a) If a War Moderator seems to be favoring or harming a certain player or group of players deliberately through the use of Random Events, the action can be revoked by a three-fourths majority of the players. 19) You must post everything you're working on in your logs. Every single little detail. 20) When you post in your log, it is not public knowledge. When you send a letter, it cannot be intercepted easily. Point is, just because someone has it in their logs for all to see, it doesn't mean that you can act as though your character knows it. For example, if someone is plotting to betray you behind your back, you can't act as though you know it. 20a) This rule has a three strike warning system to it. The first time a person disobeys this rule, they lose the ability to recruit soldiers for a full day (4 in-game days) and all of their projects have an extra in-game day extension. The second time this rule is broken, the army will lose 25% of its soldiers and all projects will have a week long in-game extension. The third time this happens, you're outta here. In the case of War Mods, they lose their War Mod position permanently as part of the second strike. 21) No arguing. Whatever the War-mod says, goes. If you're absolutely sure that the War Mod is screwing you, refer to rule 15. 22) To sign up, contact me with the name of the city (must exist on a proper map) that you want as your base. Once I give you the go ahead, you may post your first day of logs. 23) If you don't like your starting area on the map (the land I give you, to be exact), deal with it. You're still gonna conquer everything. 24) To win, you must be the last army standing. Simple as that. 25) Declaring alliances and war: Self explanatory. If you want to go to war with someone, it's probably best if there's a reason for it in your logs which involves attacking. If you want to make an alliance with someone, don't just declare an alliance. Send a letter with gifts and wait for a response. It's how they did it in the olden days. 26) PMs are forbidden but not needed anyway. Since everything is done out in the open, it's not hard to figure out who's going to team up with whom. 27) Weapons start out primative (swords, axes, lances, bows... the usual). The longer the game goes, the more time you'll have to research gunpowder and create real arms. However, weapons that were created after WW2 are out (and story wise, there's a reason for it). 28) Have fun. And if I missed something or you're not sure about something, ask here or PM me about it. This is a basic starting log layout. If there are any questions, ask, and ye shall receive. Army Name: General: Messenger(Optional) Base: Country (country must be new, cannot have something like Canada or Russia): War: Alliances: Troops: Total of 0/7500 Arms: Projects: LOGS:
  18. Life

    World War III

    I'd love it if you guys posted saying that you were interested. However since sign-ups are done in the game thread (the first day of logs is your sign-up but that only comes after I've given you permission to use that area), there's no official sign-up thread. Reading the logs are very interesting since it's a roleplay thing. However, you can roleplay it however the fuck you want. The only thing is that you can't act upon knowledge from another person's logs. I'm writing up the rules now so it should be a little while. You'll see what I mean when I post an example.
  19. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Don't add WW3 here, it's not a Mafia game. EDIT: Also, Urban Rivalz is suspended until I find more people. I'm still like 10 people short.
  20. Life

    World War III

    GOT THE JOB! I'm working at the local amusement park this summer (Canada's Wonderland). Anyway, let me address a couple things before I start formatting the rules. 1. You may claim the area that a major (or minor) city is located in. You may only claim one of these areas at a time and it must be submitted to me in PM form. Since I bet half of you are going to want the US, I'm going to end up saying "pick again" to a bunch of you. This may not begin happening until I have posted the game thread. 2. Countries are going to be created by me with reasonable borders. The world map is just going to be there for reference so that you understand what's going on around you (sort of). I shall be fucking around with Paint and the world map will look awesome. 3. Since all updates are going to be in LOG format (which I shall post an example of soon), this is the kicker. You may look at any person's log since it will be in the game thread but you may not act upon any information you read. I will be watching for this and I will install a three strike system with penalties for each strike. If you pull this stunt three times (Spoon, I'm watching you and you should know why), you will be barred from the game. 3a. Just so you know, this rule also applies to me. Whoever is a war mod with me will watch my actions and give me a strike when deemed appropriate. If I get two strikes, I lose my war mod status and someone else takes it. The third strike ejects me from the game. However, I know I probably won't get any since I've played before and I don't react to something unless I have a reason to. That should do for now. I'll start working on the rules tonight and try to get this game running by Saturday.
  21. Life

    World War III

    Oh yeah, one other point. This game is more of a "2 post a day" game. It's going to take a long time to finish. And be hectic as FUCK.
  22. Life

    World War III

    Also, I haven't forgotten about Urban Rivalz. Problem with that game is that it needs 30+ people to work. This one needs about 5+. 15 people doing logs would be nuts but incredible. Oh yeah and countries don't exist yet. That's something I'll talk about specifically later. I'm looking for a bigger blank world map so if someone finds one for me, PM the link to me. I'm going to be using Paint to fuck with it a shitload.
  23. Life

    World War III

    It's a version of a game that I played long ago on GameFAQs. Back then it was called Island Wars and the theme was LoZ:TWW. However, I'd rather make this one more realistic. This is the world map. Players will make a base wherever they want and form an army. They may make alliances with certain nations and attack other nations. Think of it as Risk on paper. There are other things too but since I have a job interview in less than 2 hours, I'll talk about them later and in greater detail. Also, I will mod the game but I will also be playing. For events that apply to me, I will have another war mod who will also be playing. I will only override that person when it comes to events that don't impact me directly and I'll try to be fair. So yeah. Any thoughts?
  24. I have to toss in a little thing, so sorry. And this isn't directed at any of the mods (hell, I even like some of them) but it's just a shot at most mods on forums. My experiences with mods on a forum (GameFAQs is really the first example that comes to mind but not the only one) in the past all involved a circle of "suck-up", as I like to call it. Since all of them always want to be in the good graces of the person who runs the site, they'll always agree with each other when someone publicly (or even privately in my case) brings up a hole in the rules and exploits it/uses it to show why X reason is wrong. Now I'm not saying that Speed or Narga are like that in this case but one of my personal experiences involves me getting a week-long suspension for something that was not touched in the rules. I explained my case to people that I knew and all of them said that I had a very good case for myself since there was a giant hole in the rules and a mod had taken it upon himself to apply the punishment to me. When I brought it up to him, he quickly threw my case aside on the grounds that I may be right but he couldn't care less since he held the power of God Almighty in his massive throbbing e-cock. And when I brought it up to his superior, I basically got the exact same answer and an even longer suspension (way to go, GameFAQs!). So yeah. The whole point of that story is for me to ask any mods listening (Narga, this really means you since I'm interested in your answer), "when does the circle jerk of one mod agreeing with another's decision stop, even in the face of proper logic?". I'm not saying that Revan is right in this case (since he's not but it's quite entertaining) but it's more of a "what if you guys are wrong in the future with another case" question.

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