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Everything posted by Life

  1. 4 hours left. I have an illegal order from one player (I have sent him an email stating this) and missing orders from 3 others.
  2. Nothing wrong with a little Knoffler but I personally didn't enjoy the majority of the songs for this week. Personal opinion, I guess.
  3. Not really but the sport isn't as appealing to me as Hockey or American Football.
  4. Operation Barbossa was the German attack on Russia in 1940 that was stupid as hell. All it lead to was pissing off Russia and losing a lot of troops and supplies to a harsh winter. Not to mention that the Russians managed to not only halt the assault but reverse it and make it to Berlin by 1945. Update: With 9 hours to go, I am still waiting for 4 sets of orders. I will not poke you, I'll simply label your moves as holds.
  5. 9 goals on the season to help put a dog-shit team in a good shot for the championship again. I don't follow Israeli football as much as I should, to be completely honest. I just really enjoy watching Beitar Jerusalem fans be eternally sad (that includes a lot of friends of mine). Shotgun to my head will give you a Maccabi Tel Aviv answer to my favourite club but I wouldn't call myself that much of a fan.
  6. So with every team in Ligat Ha'Al having two matches left before the playoffs, Hapoel Be'er Sheva is in the lead and is fucking demolishing both Beitar Jerusalem (the most popular central team) and Maccabi Tel Aviv (our universally known team). Aside from that, the 2 of the other 3 teams going for the championship are the usual suspects (Hapoel Ra'anana and Maccabi Haifa). And then you have motherfucking Bnei Sahknin. It's funny to note that Bnei Sahknin is an Arab based team that's been around and good for the past ten years. They've also won four of their last five to move into striking range for a shot at the championship. Can't say that I'll be cheering for them but I won't be rooting for them to lose. I just hope that Beitar gets embarrassed. Aside from that, Maccabi Netanya are garbage and deserve to be relegated down two leagues. And if Bnei Yehuda manage to beat both Maccabi Tel Aviv and Hapoel Ra'anana, they'll go to the playoffs two years after they got relegated down to Ligat Leumit. Legit.
  7. A reminder of phase end in less than 18 hours. Of course, it will also end the moment I see that I have everyone's orders.
  8. In this game, we realize that Nimbostatus was the genius behind Operation Barbossa.
  9. All orders are in and have been processed. It is now ​Fall 1901​. Orders due (again by email) by 20:00 GMT+2 on 27/2/16. ​ On another note, "lol". If you know why, you'll laugh.
  10. It is now Spring 1901. Orders are due by 12:30 AM GMT +2 on 26/2/16 (48 hours from now). ​Orders must be emailed to PharoaheMonch1@gmail.com. ​If you send your orders in any other way, I will not process them and all of your units will hold. Do not fuck with me on this. Circles are Armies and Triangles are Fleets. The small dots are supply centers. If you have any questions, ask me​ and I will answer. It may take me some time due to work but I will do my best to get back to you in a timely fashion. Each person's power is listed in the first post.
  11. Sign-ups are full. The game will start in about 8 hours (gotta finish work, do another shift at a new place and then get home). Edit: Powers have been picked and put beside names on the sign-up list. I advise you to read up on strategies for your power.
  12. Starts when I have 7 players and I'm at 6. And when I finish work.
  13. Neither are Bohr or Rutherfield listed under Chemistry and they arguably advanced the science much more than Dmitry Mendeleyev. Chemistry today is taught using the models that the two of them came up with. Sure, Mendeleyev constructed the Periodic Table but he only did so using knowledge from Bohr's and Rutherfeld's observations of how the atomic structure is built. It's hard to classify who did what for what subject on a quantitative level since every discovery is different and affects said subject in different ways. But I personally believe that Wu Tang Clan should be on the Western Music list considering that they have a vocabulary that is more diverse than fucking Shakespeare and revolutionized rap/hip hop. And they were composed of ten members back in the day, all with near equal responsibility in the group.
  14. No, I'm going to post all the maps and orders here. Consider this a postal game.
  15. Remember to read the rules if you don't know how to play, especially the parts on Support, Convoy and Cutting Support. Easy to understand but the applications will win or lose you the game.
  16. Welcome to Diplomacy. The best way I can explain it is a cross between Risk and Sid Meyer's Civilization games. Diplomacy is a postal game where you attempt to conquer to the world using both strength and back-channels. There are seven nations in Diplomacy. Each power starts off in a static spot and is given a certain amount of units. The object is to capture over half the map (18 "supply centers") before one of your opponents can do so. To do so, certain areas (known as supply centers) must be held which allow your army to grow. However, sheer force will not be enough and the art of Diplomacy is always the key to victory. Here is a PDF that is a complete set of rules. It's long and I don't expect anyone to read through it entirely so if you have any questions after skimming it, feel free to ask me over Skype. Most of the PDF is about semantics such as "Dislodgement in standoffs" (something important to me as host but not to players) which can be skipped over without a problem. In addition, this is a link to a number of strategy guides for the game. It is quite detailed but easy to read and will let you get a handle on any power you may play. And lastly, the map. ​It is currently Spring 1905 Retreats. Winter 1900 Spring 1901 Moves and Results Fall 1901 Moves and Results Winter 1901 Builds Spring 1902 Moves and Results Fall 1902 Moves and Retreats Fall 1902 Results Winter 1902 Builds Spring 1903 Moves and Retreats Fall 1903 Moves and Results Winter 1903 Builds Spring 1904 Moves, Retreats and Results Fall 1904 Moves and Results (Turkey Eliminated) Winter 1904 Builds Spring 1905 Moves and Retreats (Life's hiatus) Each turn will be 24 hours long (Spring and Fall) while Winter build turns will be 12 hours long. Failure to submit orders by deadline will result in an automatic HOLD by all of your units. This game requires seven people. As host, I will not be playing but moderating. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. The rules PDF is long but the game is a lot simpler than it looks. In addition, the powers will be RNG'd so no requests will be accepted. Players: Izhuark​ - Austria (Red) Magnificence Incarnate - Turkey (Yellow) Rainbow - Italy (Green) Makaze - France (Light Blue) Lord Gaius - Russia (Purple) Nimbostratus - Germany (Grey) BBM - England (Dark Blue)
  17. I'll be happy to put down sign-ups with a basic overview, a PDF for the rules (which is very in-depth) and strategy guides for any given nation. Like I said, I only need 7 players and once you get the hang of the game, it's very easy to understand.
  18. It requires a little correspondence if you want to win but about 25% at most. There's only so many moves you can make per turn and same for your opponent. It is longer which is why every phase would be 24 hours at the most. As for a guide, I'll post some links if a bunch of people say that they're interested. It's similar to Risk but with no dice.
  19. I want to start up a game of Diplomacy. I'll probably be hosting rather than playing so that I don't accidentially see the actions that everyone sends in or I can make a new email address that I only check at phase end that everyone sends their actions to. Is anyone up for Diplomacy? If seven people want to play, I'll host it.
  20. It's pretty good overall. There are parts of the song that sound a bit messy due to too many instruments but those are few and far between. The vast majority of the song is very clean and fun with that drum solo being absolute gravy. Rising crescendo during the middle of the song starting from that solo is quite excellent.
  21. Just saw this now. My hair reaches down past my shoulders. I wear it in a ponytail. And you should have added a cigarette. EDIT: You also basterized that quote but since you might as well refer to my dick, it's not untrue.
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