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Everything posted by Life

  1. *sigh*Bills fan have repeatedly watched our team be a complete joke with management not caring. We've had buffoons like Chan Gailey, Doug Marrone, Dick Jauron and Gregg Williams coach our team to consistant losing seasons over the last decade and a half. Meanwhile, GMs like Buddy Nix and Marv Levy (great HC, terrible GM) care more about their paycheck than they did about building a good sports team. And then there was Ralph Wilson who couldn't be assed to actually care about the team in the years leading up to his death. Do you know what the last thing Buddy Nix did in Buffalo before he left? He knew he was gone so he wasted a first round pick on EJ Manual (a QB slated for 3rd round at best). But then comes Doug Whaley and Terry Pegula. Together, they start caring about this legendary franchise. I mean, we are the Bills. At one point, the AFC representative on the Superbowl was ours automatically. Kinda like how the Patriots have a free trip to the playoffs. We were that team. Back then, nobody wanted to play in the Ralph. It was cold, it was miserable and it was hostile. And we were on the verge of being a dynasty. Instead, we became the joke of the NFL. Even Cleveland manages to put together a good season every now and again. We couldn't. So then, Whaley and Pegula hire Rex Ryan. The first coach in 15 years who cares. Who tells us fans that we have a right to be proud of our team. Because God knows we haven't been. And after 15 years of watching mediocrity (and expecting it before the season even started), we finally had a reason to be positive. We finally had personel that cared about the team as much as we do. So yes. The defense regressed. We know that. But our offense didn't stink for the first time since '99. We had the best rushing attack in the league with Shady, Karlos Williams and Mike Gillespie (who came off the practice squad in like Week 12). We finally had an offensive line who could keep a QB somewhat safe. And for the first time in 16 years, we had a QB. And all that happened in Rex's first year with completely new players (Tyrod, Shady, KWilliams, Incognito, John Miller...). So overall, I'm happy. Don't get it twisted, there's a lot to do. But the base is finally there. And we Bills fans can finally be proud of our team for going .500 or better for the second year in a row. That was my goal at the very least for this season and it shows how low our expectations are. Hope that answers your question.
  2. How dare they go 8-8 and call it a bad season! This is our second .500 or better season in ten years. Edit: I feel dirty knowing that Ana pretended to be happy about my team when us Bills fans saw another missed opportunity. Edit: She reminds me of a friend of mine who's a Pats fan and has never seen a losing season. He hates Rex Ryan and needs to rub it in my face when his Pats win important games and we lose. I've explained to him multiple times why we like Rex and his response is "yeah buddy". It's that arrogant tone of a fan who has no idea what it's like to support a franchise that will perenially be in the gutter.
  3. I still don't sympathise. 1999.We don't want your thanks. You thanking us (in an obnoxious way) doesn't end our drought. So enjoy your playoffs again while we sit at home (again) and say "there's always the draft" (again). But don't pretend like we did this shit for you and that we're happy that you're seeing the playoffs like usual. Spoiler: We're not.
  4. Wow, can you get more obnoxious about going to the playoffs AGAIN? You're thanking a team and fanbase who hasn't seen the postseason in 16 years for assisting in your own annual trip to January football. I sincerely hope the Steelers get embarressed in the first round.
  5. In that case, I want us to lose even to the Jests. Congratulations, you've made me single-handly hate the Steelers more than a division rival. In all seriousness, if we win today, Tyrod Taylor has gone 8-6 in his first starting season. Finally, we have someone who resembles a QB. Only took 15 years.
  6. Ryan's safe for next year. I'm OK with this. My personal feeling is to give any given coach 3 years.
  7. Grabbed Setzer and now the fun begins. Setzer was my second round pick (he's taking on Goddess) and already knows Rasp since I also had him on the Floating Continent. I whizzed my way through Darill's Tomb and picked up the Regal Dress (AKA one of the reasons why Terra was my first round pick). Dullahan's script is rather impressive. Most of his spells are Reflectable but if he detects Reflect, he'll use Reflect ??? in order to set both Darkness (don't care) and Silence (do care). By the way, he'll reset the statuses every 4 turns Which would call for a Ribbon... except for when Dullahan switches to his more dangerous script with Absolute Zero, Northern Cross... oh and !Morning Star. !Morning Star 2HKOs Setzer and with inherent Haste, that means that I need the Prayer Beads more. Oh and he has a 33% physical counter to any damage thrown his way. Long story short, Setzer waited for Dullahan to run out of MP and then hit him with a final Rasp for the MP Kill. It ain't pretty but whatever goes, goes. After that, I picked up the Falcon and flew it over to the Cave on the Veldt. Shadow is my next priority because he's my Fiend slayer (3rd round pick) and I also need his help for Humbaba so that I can recruit Terra. Behemoth King has a lot of really strong spells and a huge weakness: Imp. I had already let Setzer learn Imp on the FC (while letting Shadow and Sabin grab Ras/Osmose) so I Imp'd BK and then turn on Vanish via Phantom (Behemoth King has Imp criticals). Had to reapply Imp every so often but it was well worth it and Setzer trashed him. The 2nd stage only requires a Pheonix Down. After recruiting Shadow at the Colisseum, I went to Mobliz to face down Humbaba. Reflect Rings are critical and leaves open only !Solar Plexus and 1000 Needles. Setzer's Slots went into overdrive since Shadow wasn't performing up to snuff (low damage currently, I'll turn him into an aux unit). Humbaba Breath will leave one character on the field so I manipulated it to leave Setzer. After that, all hell broke loose. Trance Terra broke 6 Poison Rods and a Holy Rod (from the Collapsing House in Tzen) for a total of 16k damage and then Setzer went to work with Slots. Pulled a lot of Dive Bombs and even a Mega Flare and Humbaba finally died. Terra was caught! At this point, I'm using Solitary Island to learn some important spells. Fira (via Ifrit and some Flame Shields), Vanish, Berserk, Bio and Osmose. Those will be the bare minimum to get through a good portion of the WoR. Also, I dropped 27.50₪ on FFVI for Android and wow. Cyan has been fixed! It's about time! He's still crap but at least he's usable.
  8. That's how much I don't believe in this game coming out. Gut feeling.
  9. Wilheim is probably the easiest. The Warrior isn't difficult but it's like fighting BN-K3R; it's gonna take a while.DLC bosses are no joke. The Leviathan is a lot harder than The Warrior.
  10. Maxis's Marble Drop: First computer game ever and it was fun as shit. This was back in the '90s, mind you. I remember the last level being invisible and hating it. Pokemon Blue: Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Pokemon games (they bore me) but this was my first actual video game at age 8. Back then, I knew how to get through the caves blindfolded and nobody else could so I'd charge other kids like a buck to do it for them. Baten Kaitos Origins: I'll probably never play it again but this will always be my favourite RPG of all time. Compeĺling story, great cast, difficult bosses and a very intricate battle system. Barely edges out FFVI. Borderlands 2: This game got me through the army. I'd come home after 19 days on base (and that meant 4/8 guardposts, 8/8 checkpoints and 8/8 patrols) and I'd just unwind by playing this game. My best friend came over one weekend and I thought I finished the game (beat BNK-3R) and then we watched in horror as Handsome Jack shot Roland in the head. Honourable mentions go to: The Logical Adventure of the Zoombinis (play it, it's great) Madden '99 NHL '04 Bioshock Portal That's about it.
  11. Killed off Cid, skipped Sabin (for now, I do want that Blood Sword) and followed Gerad. And that led me to my least favourite boss: those damn tentacles. Now I'm going to admit cheating a bit. I think that I was the only one who realized that you can grind AP on Solitary Island for little Exp. So I taught Celes Osmose and Bio before leaving so that they would be available here. Celes hit all 4 tentacles with Bio, poisoning 3 of them. After that, she put up Golem, had a Reflect Ring block Bio/Poison and pretty much just used Poison/Osmose on the remaining Tentacle. She's still level 10.
  12. 5 bucks say the Bills win a Superbowl before this game actually comes out.
  13. OH! I got it! Bubblewonder Abyss! Especially on Oh So Hard and above. That place ruins perfect Zoombini runs so easily. It hurts. I consider it a boss because fuck that place so much.
  14. Oooooh! I got it. Nelapa from FFVI. You've just beaten Ultima Weapon (who has 24000 HP), you're on a 6 minute timer and then you run into a boss who throws Doom on you as if you need to hurry up more. Except Nelapa has 10% the HP Ultima Weapon had and is vulnerable to ID. Sure, he's got inherent Reflect but we have so many options to bypass Reflect. Tools (Chainsaw may OHKO him), Slots, Dance, Blitz, Bushido... I usually just give one of my guys a Reflect Ring and bounce Death onto Nelapa. You have a boss that dies to the Death spell. Really?
  15. We drafted at the tail end of 2011, less than a week before I drafted into the IDF. It is now the first day of 2016 and I have finally made it to the World of Ruin. Fuck. Yes. Ultros (3) basically needs 3 Rods and a little more power in order to force Relm (I used my last Magicite Shard and pulled Valigarmanda). Throwing 4 is an auto-win. Nothing to report here. After that, I went shopping with my 41k from the Observation Post. Bought Golem (20k), 3 Thunder Rods and another 3 Poison Rods. Golem and the Thunder Rods turned out to be the best 29k I've ever spent. That being said, the Imperial Air Force (and Air Force himself) can all go suck a fattie. It is required to choose 3 people for the Floating Continent so I picked Terra for shits and giggles (she's my WoR pick and a first round draft pick too). She stayed dead for the entire time but fuck. The first problem are the Spitfires. You can't run from the IAF and the Spitfires love Absolute Zero (Game Over). Magitek Laser from the Sky Armours don't help. I pretty much prayed that Setzer would hit Dive Bomb (or better) every Slots pull. Sabin was absolutely fucking key with his double Earring and 1k+ damage from Aura Cannon. Ultros and Typhon weren't that difficult. Golem is enough protection and Sabin just rips through their HP pools. Setzer healed a bit with Mysidian Rabbit and threw out Prismatic Flashes with the odd Dive Bomb and Chocobo Rampage. Air Force was the bitch. Let's run through his moves: Diffractive Laser - Game Over Atomic Rays - Game Over Magitek Laser - 2HKO and can be seen twice in a turn. In order to get rid of Missile Bay and Laser Gun (AKA just Laser Gun), you need 2 Thunder Rods and something else (Prismatic Flash at the very least). But that means that Setzer and Sabin needed to live to that point and Setzer wasn't co-operating for about a good hour. After the two parts went down, I broke the last rod as a ST spell and KO'd his ass. Like I said, the problem was just making it to Turn 2. I picked up Shadow (drafted him for the FC) and used the Brainpan formations to feed AP into the trio for Rasp and Osmose. All three of my guys equipped a Reflect Ring/Hermes Sandals combo for Ultima Weapon. Sabin slowed the big guy, Setzer put up Golem and it then became a race between trying to Rasp away 5k MP (Ultima has the MP Kill clause in his programming) and me running out of my 5 Phoenix Downs that I had left. Only took 3 to finish him off. Not very exciting but hey, it works. After that I simply ran down Nelapa with Blitz and Slots. And I am now ready to start the 2nd half of the game. For the record, Sabin was 14, Setzer 13 and Shadow 12 when I beat Ultima Weapon. And now that Sabin is about to hit the bench for good, I just want to say that you've been an absolute bro this run. Basically auto-locked him for the WoB and he paid off big-time.
  16. Those "few days" are over and I'm past Flame Eater now. I wasn't kidding about working on this. I've been keeping scores and notes on each boss. Zozo is easy (like usual) and Dadaluma is nothing to write home about. Aside from a few ID pulls on Chainsaw, the battle went as planned. The Opera House was a bitch. I almost ran out of time on the way to Ultros (I don't know how) so I didn't secure Slow for Sabin. In addition, I fucked up the formation so I had to sit through Ultros's script until he moved back to his original spot. Managed to do it in the end but I remember eating an Imp Song and Lv.3 Confuse (both Sabin and Edgar were Level 9) so I was not happy. Ramuh, 2x Aura Cannon and 2x Chainsaw will down Ultros if you're set up properly. I managed to be a lot better with my money on the southern continent this time. I spent a long time debating whether I should buy a 2nd Reflect Ring (spoiler: I later found out that it's required for Flame Eater) but didn't. The brothers trashed the Espers (Slow acquired via 5x Onion Knight), Number 024 (Sleep comes with Slow) and Number 128 (brute force works here). And then came the Cranes. Reflect is vital for this battle but since the Cranes only have 1800 HP, Carbuncle will last the majority of the battle. Everything and their mother will OHKO the brothers but Magnitude 8 is the scariest since it activates after a minute. I got Edgar to jump over that (took a long time to figure out that battle) and finished the IMRF with Edgar at 11 and Sabin at 10. Colour me impressed. Since I was careful with my money, I could actually afford to go to the auction before the Cave to the Sealed Gate. I picked up Zona Seeker, bought 3 Poison Rods (for Humbaba) and booked my way through the cave. Goodbye Edgar, I'll see you in the WoR. After that, Locke and Terra made their way to Thamasa and Locke stole 2 Gaia Gears along the way. Excellent. Bought 2 Ice Rods in Thamasa and then tried to save Relm. At this point, I finally bought that second Reflect Ring and used Locke to summon Espers via the Magitite Shards in my inventory in order to clear out the Balloons that Flame Eater summons. That sets Terra up to use a ST Blizzara from an Ice Rod for about 2.3k damage. A few more attacks from the Icebrand puts Flame Eater in the ground. And that's how you beat a boss at level 8 with no good magic available. At this point, I'm thinking about Ultros and how to do 10k damage to him (forcing Relm to show up). This should take a day or so, but once I do that, I then have 2/3 of my WoR available (Setzer and Shadow) for the Floating Continent. Can't wait.
  17. Oh, Baitojoh. I love that guy. All you have to do is survive until Karol picks up the Bravior. Then you get the full party.
  18. FF4 is poorly designed in general. This isn't a secret. I've got a list ready to go. And there will be spoilers. - The Baten Kaitos series is notorious for having retardedly hard bosses that test your mastery of the game. In the first game, you've got the Giacomo trio (three times including a back-to-back fight), Fadroh (who is one of those "how the fuck is this guy so strong" kind of battles) and Kalas (who will kick your ass over time). But this isn't including the Origins bosses who will make you cry. Lord of the Lava Caves, Holoholo Bird (also known that "that fucking bird"), Giacomo (hits harder than he deserves to), the Nasca/Valara/Hughes trio and other goodies. But then you have Guillo. And the only way to describe Guillo is "WHAT THE FUCK". He's got defense to hell (enjoy doing 200 damage a turn on a guy with over 4000 HP), FLY FLAIL AND SLAUGHTER (that's Fellstar Gleam and it'll pretty much kill a character after a combo) and Heavenlapse. Heavenlapse will probably do about 75% of your entire party's max HP to all of them. But to make it even more fun, the damage is randomized between your party members so Sagi can take like a good 1400 or so (and get OHKO'd) as an example. Oh and the only real good way to damage Guillo is to use Blackest Yang... which you don't actually know that it exists on your first run of the game. Weak Attack B, Medium Attack, Strong Attack, Ghostarrow, Wickedwing Revels and Shadowflame Engine. Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed that. Fuck you, Guillo. - Tales of Vesperia isn't exactly a hard game but Gattuso does hit like a truck and comes out of nowhere. Considering that he's fought early in the game, your party is kind of on the weak side and Estelle is your only healer. Rita's basically useless while Repede and Karol won't have vital skills yet. Have fun dying. - I think BNK-3R deserves a shoutout for Borderlands 2. He flies around, has about a million and a half HP (AKA just won't fucking die) and you also have to deal with a lot of Auto Cannons all over the place while hoping that you don't run out of rockets (because let's face it, a corrosive pistol ain't gonna do anything to him). He's not difficult per say, just tedious. It really does take a long time to beat him. - Sharkman from Megaman Battle Network can go suck a dick. He's one of those "I'm underwater and only electric attacks can hit me" (like Toadman or Diveman from 5 and 6) but then you throw in the fact that he's also got two decoys. So... fuck him. Luckily, he's completely optional. - A lot of people would say Eidolon Odin from Final Fantasy XIII but he's never actually been difficult for me. And I've seen a Youtube video that claims that Barthandelus v1.0 is retarded (uh... no, learn how to play the game). But let's go deeper into the series and you'll come across... Caius Ballad from 13-3. And holy fuck. When you play 13-3 on a difficulty above Easy, this game gets difficult. There's no real healing aside from a maximum of like 6 items you can hold (and you kinda want 2 of those slots always holding Phoenix Downs) and Mediguard (which keeps you from actually doing damage). And Caius loves to pound on the damage. Honestly, I still don't know how I beat him. - The other Final Fantasy boss that really deserves a mention would probably be Seymour Flux from Final Fantasy X. Because why pound on the damage when you can just Zombie away and then auto-kill with Full-Life? The lategame bosses in that game were basically a "grinding is stupid and fuck you" message to all players. - Demyx from Kingdom Hearts 2. No explanation needed. If you've played that game, you know what I'm talking about. That's what I got so far.
  19. The Xaosologos is synthesis only. 4 Grimoire Pages, 2 Bat Wings, 2 Spider Webs... should be available after you complete the Weasand of Cados. You won't find Bat Wings or Spider Webs before there.
  20. Updated my score since I'm now at the Opera House. Tunnel Armour, Hell's Rider and Dadaluma were all easy but Kefka required a Desperation Attack from Edgar (3k HP with no Runic as defense sucks). At this point, I'm trying to figure out how to beat Ultros quick enough (or survive long enough, depending on how you look at it). Should take me a few days to get to Thamasa at this point (Ultros and Cranes are the only tricky bosses from this point out until Flame Eater).
  21. 1. Yes and no. Her HP is slightly lower and TP slightly higher unless you have a skill called Combat Force equipped (Xaosologos teaches it and that's a secondary weapon). It coverts 25% of Rita's HP to TP, giving her 75% of her max HP and 125% of her max TP. Chances are that you've got it equipped. 2. I don't know. Flynn's the other secret character in the PS3 version. As I've stated, the Xbox version is only Yuri/Estelle/Karol/Rita/Raven/Judith/Repede in the party. 3. Lemme break this down for you. Base and Arcane artes are learned naturally. Azure Edge is a Base arte. Dragon Swarm is an Arcane. An Altered Arte is when you have a skill like Hell Fire (there's eight of these skills) equipped and use a specific arte in order to change it. That list is finite so don't expect it to happen with every arte. An example that I've mentioned is Nice Curing Smash (which is an Altered arte of an Altered arte). A Burst arte can only be used in Overlimit. Hold the arte button (I change mine to be B instead of A) as you're finishing an Arcane or Altered arte and it'll activate. Divine Wolf is Yuri's. Burst artes can be altered by skills too. Divine Wolf Flood has both Great Deluge and Dispersion equipped. The Overlimit level doesn't matter. A Mystic arte has a couple of criteria that need to be met: - Character must have the Special skill equipped. - Character must be in OL level 3 or 4. - Hold the attack button after an Arcane/Altered/Burst arte. There you go. And that answers question 4 also.
  22. Wow, that hit was ridiculous. In my opinion, that's 4 games at least if not more. The hit that Wallace gave reminds me of the Saints back in 2012 when they actively tried to take out Favre.
  23. Crime and Punishment is great, Anna Karenina is great, The Brother Karamazov is great, Tycho is great... Marry me.
  24. Congrats, Buffalo. Year 16 since the Tragedy in Tennessee is in the books. Football is supposed to be an escape. Can't you accidentally be good for a year or does that simply mean "no playoffs with a 9-7 record"?
  25. Stop saying Golden Sun. The series just put out a game about a year and a half ago.
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