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Everything posted by Life

  1. I know for a fact first hand that a lot of the people who live in the West Bank don't care for either Israelis or the PLO. The vast majority of them just want to move on with their lives and a lot of them feel captive by the PLO in a never-ending war cycle. But again, what do I know? It's not like I did months of patrols and guard duty at checkpoints there...
  2. Agreed 100% entirely with you. This is why I didn't want Bibi to be Prime Minister. He'll defend Israel to the death but he'll go too far sometimes. I really wish Bugi or Yair Lapid were the PM right now.
  3. So a Welshman, Irishman, Scotsman and Englishman all walk into a pub... Oh wait, my bad. Only the Englishman does because the other three are watching the Rugby World Cup.
  4. Hyperbole, bro. I did that too on Facebook months before the election. Here's an answer for you. You might have some family in Canada. I have my entire maternal family in Canada, including my immediate family. I'm personally disgusted in the country because it's at the best spot that it's been in since WW2 and yet people are nitpicking at small issues and making mountains out of molehills with regards to Harper. He's easily the best PM we've had since Diefenbaker. Major advances in foreign policy, economic policy at home (or was I just dreaming about Jim Flaherty's existence?) and he's managed to stop Quebec from advancing separatism movements (BQ won 2 seats a couple years ago) and managed to not alienate the Native Americans, something that none of his predecessors could do (especially Trudeau).
  5. That has nothing to do with anything. I'm born Canadian, have Canadian citizenship and my parents and other family members live in Canada (vast majority in Toronto). I'm pretty sure that I have the right to give a shit about who gets elected in Canada. Kindly shut the fuck up.
  6. I read those articles before you posted it and it's literally people looking for a way to badmouth Harper. Besides, I'm a Jew. We're second class citizens everywhere aside from Israel and there, we're racist. 70 years ago, we were being told to leave Europe. Now we're being told to leave Israel and move back to Europe because "that's where the Jews are really from". Shame on us for existing in the first place. Shit like that riles me up a bit. EDIT: I would have preferred Ignatiaf over Trudeau. He's going to make the same mistakes as his father and run the country into the ground. And in a couple of years, when you are all crying about how taxes went up and Trudeau is a terrible leader, I'll simply say "I told you so".
  7. Have you looked at the rest of the world? It's stable in relativity which is a lot better than what other world leaders have done.
  8. I watched that Scotland/Australia game. Australia should have won that game midway through the 2nd half but they let Scotland back into it. Scotland put 10 points on the board in the final 11 minutes and Australia looked shot at that point until the penalty with 30 seconds left. Don't expect the South Africans to beat the All-Blacks but it'll be a good game regardless.
  9. I'm considering reneging on my Canadian citizenship over this election. But that would leave me with just Israeli citizenship and I'd be screwed if I ever wanted to travel. Justin Trudeau has no economic understanding and even worse foreign diplomacy. Everything good that Harper built over the past decade will be ruined within two years (the surplus, Canada's reputation through the world, rapport with Israel, stable economy...).
  10. As Eclipse said, those questions aren't for no reason. It's actually impossible to prove that "Palestine" was a nation at any point in history up until now. It was the name of an area that was controlled by another power (Romans/Turks/British) and there's 2000 year evidence that it was Jewish territory. Masada, the Western Wall, Caeseria.. those are just the big three. The only peaceful way to solve this conflict is for the Arabs to give up on trying to kill us. Golda Meir said about 40~50 years ago that peace will come only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us (Israelis). That quote still rings true today. As for maps that show my side, not difficult. I just need one.
  11. The Leafs are crap and always have been. I turned my back on that franchise a decade ago and I'll never regret it. Not happy with the loss last night. Sloppy 5v5 play and too many penalty kills in the 3rd to get any sort of meaningful offense. Our powerplay is strong but we just couldn't get any shots on net during the last 20 minutes.
  12. If Bowmeister gets called for interference on Byfuglien, Jets would be on the PP with 6 to go in the game. We could tie it up but WHAT THE FUCK, REFS?
  13. I've turned off the football and I'm watching hockey. At least the Jets are good (and I mean Winnipeg, not NY).
  14. The amount of times teams are allowed to hold on the Bills is starting to get ridiculous. We have the refs against us.
  15. What the fuck was that? I mean really? Marvin Fucking Jones? That's the guy who's torching us?
  16. EJ's starting. I'm going to try to stay positive but I'm expecting to drop this game... unless Dalton throws some pick-6s.
  17. Can someone put a list in the topic of who each poster supports? It gets frustrating to remember.
  18. So the season kicked off a week and a half ago and I finally get to sport my first NHL jersey in ten years. I'm a proud Jets fan (my mother calls it treason but screw her Leafs and Canucks). We're 4-1 with Columbus coming to Winnipeg tonight. All we need is 6 in 5 to make the playoffs and we're currently at 8 in 5. I'll put down standings and playoff races at home. But who do y'all support? Updated as of results from October 31: Eastern Conference: Atlantic Division: GP W L OT Points Montreal Canadians 12 10 2 0 20 Boston Bruins 10 6 3 1 13 Florida Panthers 11 5 4 2 12 Ottawa Senators 11 5 4 2 12 Tampa Bay Lightning 12 5 5 2 12 Detroit Red Wings 11 5 5 1 11 Buffalo Sabers 11 4 7 0 8 Toronto Maple Leafs 10 1 7 2 4 Metropolitan Division: Washington Capitols 10 8 2 0 16 New York Rangers 11 7 2 2 16 New York Islanders 11 6 2 3 15 Pittsburgh Penguins 11 7 4 0 14 New Jersey Devils 11 6 4 1 13 Philadelphia Flyers 10 4 4 2 10 Carolina Hurricanes 11 5 6 0 10 Columbus Blue Jackets 12 2 10 0 4 Western Conference: Central Division: GP W L OT Points Dallas Stars 11 9 2 0 18 St. Louis Blues 11 8 2 1 17 Nashville Predators 10 7 1 2 16 Minnesota Wild 11 7 2 2 16 Winnipeg Jets 11 7 3 1 15 Chicago Blackhawks 11 6 5 0 12 Colorado Avalanche 10 3 6 1 7 Pacific Division: Los Angeles Kings 10 7 3 0 14 Vancouver Canucks 11 5 2 4 14 Arizona Coyotes 11 5 5 1 11 San Jose Sharks 10 5 5 0 10 Edmonton Oilers 12 4 8 0 8 Calgary Flames 12 3 8 1 7 Anaheim Ducks 10 1 7 2 4
  19. Let me break the norm here. Western RPGs. Bioshock takes the cake as pretty much the best WRPG to exist but Fallout 3 and Borderlands 2 both put up good cases.
  20. I've yet to put up my thoughts about any of the albums (save Demon Days since I know that album by heart due to listening to it so many times) so let me throw out an album before I get caught up. Welcome to the magic that is Purity Ring. Another Eternity (2015 album) Megan James' vocals are haunting and match up perfectly to Cobin Roddick's engaging sounds. It's as if electronic music decided to smoke a joint with a hot girl and just chilled out. The pair are from Edmonton and I'm really wondering if my buddy has met them (he's opened for the Arkells/Said the Whale/other local Canadian bands, played on Letterman and if I'm not mistaken, he's working on a 12" with his band). Demon Days - Gorillaz I'm intimately familiar with this album, mostly because it is one of my favourite albums that exist (it ranks in my top 10). The complexity of Gorillaz is a lot easier to hear than their previous albums but the lesser known tracks (El Manana, O Green World, Kids with Guns...) are the ones that stand out to me due to their stories and amazing electronics. And of course, you can't forget Feel Good Inc., which has become Gorillaz's anthem. As far as electronic rock albums go, this may be one of the greatest ever produced. Favourite Songs: O Green World, Feel Good Inc., El Manana
  21. Flutie was balling really hard that year with Thurman Thomas and Eric Moulds still playing. I don't think the Bills lose to the Jags.In any regard, just winning the Wild Card game would keep Flutie in Buffalo if he had played.
  22. It really depends. BDS is anti-semetic despite claiming to be anti-zionist. The issue with Matisyahu proved it.
  23. Let me correct your answers. 1. Up until 2012, there was no recognized State of Palestine. Which is the point I was trying to make. Before that, Palestine was never a country, not even before Israel existed. And it still hasn't exactly been recognized. 2. Oh, come on. I can go out and claim the entire world belongs to me and draft up a constitution saying so. It doesn't mean anything if you do it from another continent entirely. Take Israel for example. Israel drafted its constitution, declared independence (in Tel Aviv) and then won a war to actually keep the land. The PLO didn't own any of its own land. 3. Jerusalem is not their capitol because it is Israeli. 4. Technically, yes. Realistically, it's just a figurehead because they haven't actually done anything for the people. How do I know? Because I used to physically go out and speak to the people while on patrols. The vast majority of Palestinians don't want the PLO to run them. They just want to be left alone by everyone. 5. Mostly Islam but there's a lot of Christians and Druze mixed in. 6. Palestinian Pound was exactly the same as the British Pound, including fluctuations. Before that was the Ottoman Lira. After that was the Jordanian Lira and New Israeli Shekel. There has never been a separate currency in the area. 7. You can't diminish something that didn't exist. Besides, the Arabs refused every deal they were offered. 1947, 1993, 2000, 2005 (where we actually displaced our own people by yanking them out of Gaza), 2008 and now. Every single time, we offered more and we received war in return. 8. Wrong. Let me quote Wikipedia for you. Their goal, first and foremost, is for Israel to not exist. After that, comes a Palestinian state. The land was Jordanian owned in '64 but there was no request to King Hussein for a Palestinian state... because they wanted all of Israel. It's a farce. If the Palestinians really just wanted land, they could have accepted any number of deals in the past and the Israelis would help them grow their own economy. But since the deal also comes with recognizing Israel's right to exist, no deal will ever be struck. A 0 state solution doesn't work because A) Israel is already an established country and has been for almost 70 years and B) Jewish Israelis literally would have nowhere to go. You would be displacing now a good 3.5 million people (including myself) who could never live in the Middle East, Africa or even Europe ever again. Any area that is run by Muslims has this "no Jews policy". So nothing's been achieved aside from ruining the only real democracy in the Middle East.
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