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Everything posted by Life

  1. SCC v Carter ruled about 6 months ago that doctor assisted suicide is legal across Canada. Surprised people are bringing up Germany but not Canada. EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carter_v_Canada_(AG) Here's the Wikipedia link. This was absolutely groundbreaking. Also, we're not talking about passive euthanasia in this case. This is straight up PAS. If the patient is of sound mind and has an fatal illness, then the physician may assist in the patient's suicide in a legal fashion. PAS is only completely legal in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Colombia.
  2. *expect total collapse from mafia* It's almost 7 AM right now on Sunday morning. I won't be here until about Midnight Tuesday from this point on (due to tonight being a holiday and heading up north to visit my sister and her boyfriend). Play nice, lynch mafia and fuck cunts.
  3. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Why not let us jump the list or even put it on right now? Because of the way it's set up, with 36 hour phases, the game will take no longer than a week. 5 phases and it's over. Elie's game is going to take a week just to get through a phase.
  4. I prey on emotions and weakness. It's my style.
  5. When was the last time I grilled you? I haven't played a game in years. Also, by show of hands, who wants me subbed because they don't like my style of play?
  6. Honestly, I think he's that bad and is telling the truth. His outburst confirmed it for me. I think that Crysta is the next person that needs to be questioned. Either she or Eclipse are Mafia.
  7. Note to self. When lynch is on me, throw a temper tantrum and claim BG. Excellent plan.
  8. Welcome to Mafia. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. This shit is a GAME. Don't take it personally. Fucking Christ Almighty, are people really this soft nowadays? I still want to question Crysta and Eclipse. That'll happen soon.
  9. Hey moron. First of all, read the rules. There are no such things as Fuck Tigers (oh, I forgot, you're new here). Eury couldn't have gotten stealth lynched even if her mother wanted to abort her. Next point. All of your pointless talking took focus off of the lynch. Yes, you claim that you wanted Blitz to go because he was the "scummiest". If so, why the fuck are you claiming publicly that you might change to someone else? Keep that shit to yourself. Every comment you made with an hour left to go in the lynch was beyond pointless. So why bother? Unless you're A) mentally retarded (my guess) or B) mentally retarded and town (not very likely for both to work out).
  10. Or maybe, there are TWO persuaders! Considering the host, I wouldn't put it past him to do dumb shit like that.
  11. What's funny about Day 1 is that nobody actually picked up on what I was doing. There were a couple of things I got out of trying to nail Eury to the wall: 1. Enjoyment. Because that was hilarious shit right there. Just keep on poking the goat until it snaps (I like goats and Eury's a wonderful goat). 2. Reads on people who were following me (there's a reason why I didn't change my vote) 3. An additional read on a couple of other people. First of all, I don't think Eury is Mafia. I never really thought so. So why'd I go after her like that? Mostly entertainment but if it wasn't her, it was going to be someone else. What I was watching, however, was how people were going to back me up and also try to take focus off of the current lynch target (Blitz). And three people come to mind. Crysta 3rd Corinthian Lord Gaius (Eclipse now) None of you are masterminds. You're just not smart enough. Hell, I wouldn't even trust any of you to do my cousin's 7th grade homework because you'd probably fail that shit. But these three morons (whether it was on purpose or not) were trying to dominate the conversation of lynch in a different direction. Number 1 suspicion is Corinthian. Bozo the Moron Clown over here doesn't know whether he should vote Blitz at deadline or tie it up with a vote on Eury. The fuck is that? If you're not sure, just don't vote. Blitz would still be lynched, you'd have no blood on your hands and it would be more difficult to figure out your plan. But dingleberry was nice enough to let us know that he was considering saving Blitz. I can't vote for him but you can be sure as hell that I want those questions answered.
  12. I'm waiting for more people to post before I post my thoughts. Can't change my vote though.
  13. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Which was a mistake, mind you. I'm not perfect but this set-up is good and small. It'll be a fun one.
  14. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    No need, it's balanced. I used to check games back in the day. I just need a co-host.
  15. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Last game I hosted was two and a half years ago and I was in the army. It was also a lot more ambitious than this one (only 10 players). Who died and left you Queen?
  16. So at the risk of my head getting blown off this day phase... ##Vote: Life Carry on, my wayward sons.
  17. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I have a small (10 player) OC game that will be ready to go whenever. Would love a co-host just in case. Already balanced. EDIT: Let's call it... Mafialands. Borderlands theme.
  18. Dear hosts, Do not argue with someone smarter than you. You will lose. Signed, Life, The Resident Genius and Asshole
  19. Eury, here's an idea. Give me a reason why we should keep you around. Saying "I'm not mafia" isn't going to cut it. Why? Because you've posted a whole lot about nothing, sent some shots my way and then when I called you out, you got prissy and defensive about it. Which spells Mafia in my books.
  20. All I know is that if Eury flips Mafia, I know where my vote for Day 2 is going. And that kind of defense makes me think Mafia (simply because it's what I'd do).
  21. You're clearly worked up so I'd say it worked.
  22. Life

    The Well

    Alcohol is the answer to all of your problems.
  23. Since you've never played with me, I'll give you a breakdown. I used to be very prominent in the Mafia community and my forte was OC games. Go back to the original threads in this sub-forum and read some of the early games. Train Mafia 2, Pokemon Tactical Game, Mini Mafia 4... stuff like that. Believe it or not, I'm one of the better players here. I don't enjoy playing NOC games for the most part because to me, there's very little diplomacy and a lot more luck that goes into it. People here can disagree and that's fine (AKA they're flat out wrong). It seems that a lot of people think that I'm playing simply so that I can insult everyone because that's one of my trademarks. It's one of my skills and it actually works. But I'm playing because I'm simply bored.
  24. And you should have been a blowjob. If you want my take on the game, then OK. First of all, my gut feeling on Eury came off of this post where Eury is the first one to try and make someone look guilty. Then I put a vote on and all I see for the next few pages is Eury trying to discredit my vote with "it's Life being Life and he's not like the rest of us" as evidenced both above and here. Mind you, everyone else is also commenting on my "excessive hostility" (and for doing that, you're all cunts) so fuck you all. There's something that doesn't sit right here. As for Blitz... I don't know yet. Lemme get back to you. I'm not as fancy with terms as you all are because I think that your metas and "scumhunting tactics" are all bullshit dressed up with a layer of "oh, I'm sophisticated". I'll just play the way I feel is correct.
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