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Everything posted by Life

  2. Been here five and a half years, moved here with Tangerine. Have ruled various subforums at times, most notably Mafia back in the day.
  3. I'm with Rapier on this one. I'm done trying to help. You don't get it.
  4. I'm gonna call bullshit right now. A lot of kids who claim to contemplate suicide because "their lives suck" are, in my book, whiny little brats. Why can I say this? Because I have friends who are emotionally scarred from warfare and a good friend of mine who, as a Marine, had a soldier of his recently commit suicide because of actual terrors. So if you're going to call suicide because Mommy is giving you a bit of tough love, grow up.
  5. Week 2 and a new album to rate! O'Brother (Disillusion) - Honestly, meh. They sound as if they're trying to be the new Radiohead and it doesn't work for me. There's no real flow to the album and moreover, I'm not impressed by them as I was by Eels. No interest to look for another album by them or even listen to this one again.
  6. Fun fact, my cousins escaped Pittsburgh for war torn apartheid Israel. That says something about Pittsburgh. Bills/Patriots Thursday night season opener? It's not like the Bills were bad last season and we can do with a bit of prime-time football. Warm-up for the playoffs, eh? Seriously, I'm predicting a 10 win season for us this season. 5-1 in division (Miami in Florida will be tough and NE in Foxborough won't happen), Tennesse, Washington, Jacksonville, Dallas and NYG. Eagles, Colts, Bengals, Chiefs and Texans will be tough but aside from the Colts, I don't see a sure win. We could even go 14-2 with this schedule (reaching) if Greg Roman gets Cassel/EJ/Taylor working. Don't see a Buffalo tax coming in the next few years if we go to the post-season.
  7. I like my hair. I'm trying to dye it blue but when you're doing it by yourself for the first time at home, shit happens. Don't bother going. You're already starting with a defeatist attitude so no shit if you don't find anything. Like I said earlier, it doesn't sound like you're making a real effort and this proves my point. If you're serious about finding a job, there's a lot of things out there. Even if you think it's beneath you. Go to a restaurant and ask to be a dishwasher, for example.
  8. I'd say that it's how I got my job but I'm a line cook so that requires skills.
  9. Snowy, did you follow up? If you're looking for a no skills required job, it's not enough to just submit an application. You need to keep going back and bother them. What's the worst that can happen, they say no? Man, it sounds like you just wish your life could be different but you can't be assed to actually put in the effort. Nobody is going to just hand you opportunities on a silver platter. Plus, it sounds like you tried like ome or two places and not 30+.
  10. Guys, the whole point is that Cuan is more valuable than Levin efficiency-wise.
  11. This has been a long time waiting. The issue isn't that you don't know how to talk to women. The issue is a lack in social skills in general. This stems from no self-confidence, fear of the unknown... all that good stuff. There's really only one way to fix this problem. You need to get off of the internet, go to a bar and start speaking to people. Even if you don't drink alcohol, still go to a bar rather than... anywhere else. Bars are filled to people who are drinking simply to kill something inside, either major or minor. The general joke about alcohol is that it is the elixir of courage but in reality, it lowers a person's ability to keep his or her mouth shut. Most people sitting on a bar will talk your ear off about the most random shit that exists. Trust me, I work in nightlife and I know this for a fact. What does this have to do with you? Simple. This is how you work on building social relationships. You simply need to keep a conversation going that has absolutely nothing to do with something that interests you. Again, alcohol will help but don't go overboard and get drunk. The important thing here is to understand that you can have conversations with people without giving a shit about how you look or if they care about the same things you do. Take me, for example. I shit you not when I say this but my hair colour is currently sitting between blonde and green. Fact. Yet, I don't care if I look like a retarded leprechaun. I can still converse with people about things that I have absolutely no knowledge about whatsoever simply because I know how to keep a social relationship going. Dating is simply the next step after this one.
  12. Cuan's combat is really good considering everyone that's with him. Lex needs the Hero Axe to kill, Noishe/Fin/Alec are doing minor chip, Azel/Holyn/Ayra/Jamka aren't reaching combat most of the time and Ethlin is healing. That's pretty much everyone that joins before Chapter 2 starts. So yes, Cuan nuking shit from the word go is worth it.
  13. I'm having serious issues seeing Cuan under Levin. OK, so Cuan is around for 3.5 chapters (Prologue is half) and Levin is around for... 3.5 chapters also! Same availability. The only difference is that Cuan exists when your only other good units are Lex and Sigurd while Levin is pretty good but surrounded by a much better cast. Availability? Cuan gets the nod for being good when essentially nobody else is. Mobility wise, Cuan crushes Levin. Aside from the bandits in the central area, Levin doesn't see combat until the start of chapter 3. Cuan has no reason not to see combat at any point of his career. Prologue is Cuan taking out what Sigurd can't, Chapter 1 is more of the same, Chapter 2 has the pair running north-west and then north-east. And Chapter 3? Cuan gets the Gae Bolg and crushes. Sure, it's at the tail end of the chapter but he's still amazing. Levin, in the meantime, is OK. He's a very good combat unit but has no Pursuit and no mount. Limited fighting in Chapter 2, same amount of fighting as Cuan in Chapter 3 and then he's got a problem. Chances are that Levin won't be getting to Thove before mounts, even considering the forest so he sees minimal combat and then needs to be Returned back home only after Sigurd. He'll pick up Holsety and be awesome with it but he still has no mount. Chapter 5 is a rush to the end and even with the desert in the way, Levin still lags behind a bit and probably won't fight Reptor unless you're holding Sylvia back too or keeping your mounts from moving all the way. As for kids, Levin!Arthur requires Tiltyu (yuck), Levin!Corple is crap even with Holsety and Levin!Sety doesn't show up until Chapter 8 and we're talking deep. Leaf exists for almost the entirety of Gen 2 (minus Chapter 6), gets a horse on promotion (only Levin!Arthur has that) and is just plain awesome. Never mind Altenna. Oh and as for the daughters, Levin!Tinny is still pretty terrible, Leen is a dancer and Fee is going to be good no matter who her father is. Long story short, Cuan > Levin. EDIT: Also, Altenna for Upper Mid Gen 2 tier. I'm tempted to say the top of it considering that Upper Mid is comprised of really good combat units that require some time and effort in order to be monsters (Altenna is immediately usable, has the Gae Bolg and flies) but Altenna only exists from Chapter 9 onwards while the others have been around since Chapter 6. Let's put her under Amid for right now.
  14. Life

    Mad Max 4

    Mad Max minus the Jew hater? Sounds like a winner.
  15. Life

    Mad Max 4

    Not many movie sequels deserve their own topic. But it's freaking Mad Max. 30 years later. This movie is going to be so good. Who's gonna watch it? Here's the trailer if you guys are interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_4nzm9ICuo
  16. 1. Possible since no team actually needs a RB aside from like the Vikings and the Vikings have more pressing concerns (an offensive line for starters along with a non-porous defense). I might be forgetting a team but with the RB draft pool being so deep this year, I can see this happening. 2. Meh. 3. I'll be surprised if Mariota doesn't go 2nd overall, never mind not being in the top 10. Too many teams drafting in the top 10 need a QB. 4. Meh. 5. Peterson just got unloaded onto the Dolphins for a first AND second. They're not trading him any time soon. 6. You mean like Johnny Football or EJ Manuel getting picked far too early? Sure it's possible. It'll be a mistake but it could happen in theory. 7. The 2015 Texans are like the 2014 Bills. Trading up for a WR will make them a dark horse for the wild card but it's very high risk. We got lucky because Sammy will be an All-Pro. Kevin White is not Sammy Watkins.
  17. Canada has 35 million people. USA has 300 million. Hence, USA can probably afford to sponsor more teams. However, the vast majority of the players are Canadian.I'm really holding back on any other "thoughts".
  18. Absolutely. Marijuana is much less dangerous than alcohol and has medical benefits to boot. Why shouldn't soft drugs be legalized and regulated?
  19. The NHL is like 55% Canadian and max 20% American. You just have more money to host teams.And the Big 6 was 33% Canadian. So it's not your NHL.
  20. Electro Shock Blues: Feels like a mix between Radiohead, Tool and Arcade Fire. They definitely understand how to build an album which is a rarity. I really enjoyed it. Run The Jewels 2: My new closing music. I can't pick out a song I dislike but Angel Duster is probably my new favourite rap song. It's like an American Die Antwoord but much cleaner. What's Going On: Grew up listening to Motown so I already love Marvin Gaye. Haven't yet listened to the full album though.
  21. I fucked a bitch after fucking a bitch and failed hard at the threesome. #firstworldproblems
  22. I don't think I used enough bleach since the colour ain't easy to see. Oh well, next time I'll get it right, right? And next time, lime green will be better than midnight blue, right?
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