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Everything posted by Life

  1. Cars and planes can kill people. Let's outlaw travel next. And T.V. and computers since they can emit rays and give cancer. Logic is flawed here.
  2. Bolded for importance. But just so you know, I'll spell it out. I live currently in Tel Aviv, lived in Beer Sheva during the 2012 near-operation and have done guard duty on the Lebanese and Egyptian borders along with an extended (4 month) stint in the West Bank. When I say that I know what I'm talking about, it's because I've lived it. The West Bank is under Israeli protection (or more specifically, the cities and towns that have been around for decades that are primarily Jewish). These are places such as Ma'ale Ephraim (a city I used to visit while on the West Bank), Gush Etzion and Ariel. In cities such as Nablus or Hebron, they are subject to the laws that the Palestinian Authority has set down, not Israeli. They cannot vote because they don't recognize the Kenesset as their ruling body. They choose to follow their own government. However, the IDF is there to regulate traffic (and regulate means stuff like stopping bombs which I have personally done so on one occasion) into areas near the ones I listed above or the actual country itself. Hence, under Israeli protection but not law. There is no martial law by the IDF going on, no matter how hard you want to believe otherwise. Israel is not responsible for the Palestinians actions but we have a right to our own defense. Back in 2011, there was a family living in Ariel that was brutally slaughtered by a terrorist, including a four year old child and a 6 month old baby (the Fogels). It doesn't take a genius to realize that some form of security needs to exist in the area to avoid such acts. You can call it apartheid all you like but just because you have an opinion does not give you the right to accuse others without proof, especially when you have no personal experience in the matter. I do. Is there shit that I don't like going on? Yes. Is Israel responsible for abusing the rights of people? Possibly. But is the country apartheid? No. A friend of mine sent me a great rant about his reasoning for why he wants to join the IDF. I'll quote it here. The bolded sentence is the most important one. Look at the Holocaust. Then go back to the Russian pogroms and the Dreyfuss trial. Then back to the Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion before that. We Jews are always going to be hated. The only difference now is that we're done dying on our knees and would prefer to die on our feet. Feel free to comment with newspaper clippings and articles of your choice about how I'm wrong and that Israel is apartheid and whatever you want. Just remember that you are using second hand material verses someone with practical personal experiences in the matter.
  3. 1. Law of Return means that it is easier for a Jew to move to Israel and receive citizenship. However, it does not mean that only Jews can do so. Case in point: the hundreds of Eritreans living and working in Tel Aviv. Bet you didn't know that. EDIT: Just reread your comment and boy, you're wrong. A Muslim/Christian/whatever has the exact same rights as a Jew in Israel. Fact. The only places where this does not apply are Gaza (not Israeli territory) and the West Bank (under Israeli protection but not Israeli law). In those two areas, law is Palestinian law and that's why discrimination exists. 2. Quick question. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a predominantly Palestinian area, right? If your claim of Israel equating Arabs and terrorists is true, why has there been a peace treaty for 30 years with Jordan? 3. The same argument for voting for Hamas can be made for voting for the Nazi party back in 1932. The economic situation was so severe in Germany that the people were willing to listen to anything. And look at how that turned out. By the way, Germany isn't exactly proud of the Nazi party, in case you missed that part. Before you jump in with your comments of Apartheid and Racism, make sure that your Middle Eastern knowledge is more than just a high school course.
  4. Listened to both Electro Shock Blues and Run The Jewels II. Both are quite good. I'll put down my thoughts of them later.
  5. Honestly, a lot of people here are ashamed the Bibi won. My friend had a great post on Facebook about it. Bibi will now drive us into the ground just to stay in power.
  6. Best subtle example is the Snapple in Supernatural.
  7. Once we get to my album, there's a couple of things to note. 1. I live in Israel. Time zone is +2 GMT. 2. I work in nightlife. If I'm at work that day, I won't get home until like 5 AM my time which is about 10 PM EST. Word of warning. ANYWAY, Alexisonfire. This is Alexisonfire's self titled debut album and quite a doozy. The first song (.44 Caliber Love Letter) starts off quite melodic for about a minute and a half (longer on the remastered version) before all hell breaks lose. Searching around the internet, you can find this band described as "post-hardcore" but honestly, they don't really fit any specific genre. The band describes their music as "the sound of two Catholic high-school girls in mid-knife-fight" which is the album art and also another song on the album (A Dagger Through The Heart Of St. Angeles). They lasted about ten years, put out four great albums and then split up. I got to see them in 2009 just after Old Crows/Young Cardinals came out and they are incredible on stage. They're on a reunion tour right now and if I can find a way to go to a show, I will.
  8. Buy Redzone. That way, you can watch like... every single game. I mean seriously, I live in Tel Aviv and I still manage to watch like 5 different games a week. Considering that early games start at 8 PM, I deserve props. Superbowl ended at like 5:30 AM this year and I worked it entirely. Percy Harvin signed a 1 year deal with Buffalo. I don't like this. Feels like TO all over again.
  9. Thanks. Randomly found them after listening to Tame Impala. Honestly, they're great.
  10. You say that like the 9-7 Bills were worse than the 4-12 Jets. Oh and we also had the 2nd best defense in the league last year. Aaron Rodgers didn't merely have a bad game. He got outplayed. EDIT: Time to evaluate the Bills and see where we stand on FA/needs and wants. QB: Trade to Vikings for Matt Cassel. Honestly, I really like this trade. He compliments both Shady in the backfield and Greg Roman's offensive style which made even Kaepernick look like a stud. Cassel's been around for a while and even if EJ does win the starting job, Cassel is a great back-up. Chances are we'll draft a rookie QB in the 6th or 7th round. Personally, I'd love if Tuel gets the boot, we pick up a really cheap FA QB (one nobody is thinking of) and walk into training camp with the first two slots as the shot-caller open for the pickings. RB: And goodbye CJ Spiller. That was a waste of a first round draft pick. That being said, we just signed Shady McCoy to a respectable deal and it looks like he's pumped up to play in Buffalo. Considering that we'll be pounding the rock a good 40 times a game, expect to see Shady take most of the carries with Fred Jackson and Boobie Dixon playing 3rd down/2nd back options. Boobie will be especially effective on the goal line this season. WR: Sammy Watkins in his sophomore season and his number 2 receiver is Robert Woods. Young and dangerous for any pair of CBs. Toss in little slants and crosses by Hogan, Goodwin and Gragg and this is a Bills receiving corps that is dangerous at any time. Also, apparently Percy Harvin is thinking about joining up... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. TE: Probably spending our 2nd round pick here. We've needed an upgrade at TE for far too long. I'd love Maxx Williams (reminds me a bit of Gronk) but honestly, we'll need a much more physical blocker playing TE for this team. Charles Clay is another option for us. OL: Incognito signing was a good start but we lost both the Iupati and Bulaga races. If we sign Clay, this will 100% be our 2nd round draft pick. Defense: We lost Kiko (trade to PHI), Spikes (still unsigned) and Searcy (TEN). But the Bills managed to keep the scariest front four in the league intact (resigned Jerry Hughes). All we really need is to replace Searcy and we'll be fine on defense, especially with Rex Ryan's defensive scheme. Long story short, I'm predicting playoff for Buffalo.
  11. Jets land Brandon Marshall and Miami takes Ndamukong Suh. Guess we shook them up. Time to lock down the AFC East, boys and girls. Been hearing rumours of Iaputi or Brian Bulaga going to Buffalo. Wanted to draft Bulaga a couple years back and was pissed off when the Packers got him.
  12. LeSean McCoy is not a "dime a dozen" running back. He is a top five (and yes, we can toss around the word elite here) player at his position in the entire league and is in the prime of his career (age 26). He has been swapped player for player for Kiko Alonzo. Let me just repeat that. LeSean McCoy has been traded straight up for a guy who played less than a full season of professional football, is recovering from his second ACL tear and was a non-factor on a defense that got better after he was injured. That's right, Kiko is so good that he makes the defense get better by not being there. Let's not forget the fact that Kiko's season was half incredible and half mediocre before the tear. The Eagles have either grossly over-estimated Kiko's market value or under-estimated McCoy's. In either regard, our backfield just got better at the loss of... nothing, considering that Kiko had no effect on our 9-7 season last year. Plus, McCoy will restructure his contract because he'll want to be on a team that is now competitive and is a dark horse for the Superbowl. All he has to do is face the Patriots twice a year and their defense reminds me more of swiss cheese than it does of a brick wall. Do I wish that we could have kept Kiko? Of course. The guy will most likely be an all-Pro. But is our defense stacked enough without him? Were you watching Nigel Bradham and Preston Brown last year? I was and we weren't missing Kiko at all. Our defense was so good that we made average players like Jerry Hughes and Da'Norris Searcy big names in FA. If I recall correctly, we got Hughes for peanuts from the Colts. Now he's going to make 10 million a year as only an edge rusher? If the current level of management at OBD has told me anything, it's that we're finally understanding market value. That being said, I still want Brandon and Overdorf fired. Been saying this for years.
  13. Breaking News: Bills are now a wild card contender. This PSA was brought to you by every Bills fan to ever exist.
  14. I need a column all to myself. Dick/Asshole/Alcoholic Slut/Drug Abuser. I don't fit under any of those except Cool People and I sure as fuck ain't going to be classified with "cool people" from here.
  15. You're from Indonesia. You came up with The Raid. I don't believe you.
  16. [spoiler=Metric - Grow Up And Blow Away] [spoiler=Arcade Fire - The Suburbs] [spoiler=Tycho - Dive] Those are my favourites.
  17. No. Because you don't smoke, you have no idea what that means for using an e-cig and you wouldn't bring it up if you did. If someone's trying to salvage broken logic, it's yourself.
  18. Then that's their fault. They could be paying less for the same quality but they're not. If you're planning to use relevant data, use a more cost effective way to keep up a smoking habit. I paid 55 shekels for tobacco today and it will last me about 100 cigarettes. A pack is like 25-30 for 20 cigarettes. The only difference is having to roll but if you roll cigarettes, the pouch lasts a lot longer for less. And you're don't know what you're talking about because you've never used an e-cig. It's not the same and smokers know that. A person will only move to an e-cig if 1) the law essentially prohibits that person from smoking anywhere (which pretty much outlaws smoking) or b) they're trying to quit and it's a progression from actual cigarettes. E-cigs aren't a better substitute but rather, a simple substitute. Sort of like butter to margarine.
  19. Alcohol. If it's particularly bad (like when my buddy was killed in the Gaza incursion last year), I'll drink Arak. I don't drink Arak. I've had 5 shots of Arak in my life and I was sick after the first two (different nights). The other three were all in the same night and I was throwing back too much alcohol to actually taste it.
  20. Technically, 20/20 Roy with the Sword of Seals might be the best combat unit out there. Roy - Level 20 Master Lord 52 HP, 16 (+5) Def, 16 (+5) Res, 78 Avo, 30 CAvo Sword of Seals - 40 Att, 160 Acc, 22 Crit (Heals 30 HP) He won't BE 20/20 but I'm just throwing it out there. Even with Tyrfing, Sigurd does 22 damage per turn (after Roy heals) and takes 21 damage per turn. Sigurd needs to go first to beat Roy and he's doing that with a sub 50 hit rate. tl;dr: Roy's a combat god if we take 20/20 stats. But during a regular playthrough, my vote is for Sigurd.
  21. Bills should have had 4 rings... Speaking of which, I'd rather be an XXX fan than a Bills fan when you look at the state of our message board. Nobody believes in EJ Manuel, Rex is hilarious, Doug Whaley is either a genius or an idiot and then one idiot wants to trade Kiko Alonzo, Marcell Darius AND Mario Williams for the the 1st overall pick so that we get Jameis Winston. All this after our first +.500 season in a decade.
  22. Amazing album. Melanine's probably my favourite song but A Walk is a close second.

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