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Everything posted by Life

  1. Bolded: The issue is that only you care and we don't. This is why people don't usually like you. If you can't contribute to the conversation on hand, then... don't contribute. These are all amazing reasons to not post in this thread and to not railroad a conversation. Next season, we'll make two threads. One will the NFL thread. The other will be the Pittsburgh Steelers thread. And the NFL thread will be dedicated to all 32 teams, not just Pittsburgh 80% of the time and the other 31 teams 20%. That's what the Steelers thread will be for.
  2. It's not that. It's that nobody cares when you go in depth about the Steelers while we're having a conversation about a different thing. It's almost as if you enjoy talking to yourself. You're almost like Amy from TBBT but without being cute. I dare you to go 5 posts in a row in this topic without mentioning the Steelers once. If you can do that, I will forever lay off of your case. If you can't, I will actively attempt to convince everyone that I meet that the Steelers are the devil's spawn and that Big Ben only got off his rape charge because everyone involved was on his bankroll. Just try me. The only thing worse is the guy on the Bills message board who is trying to convince everyone that we need to trade away Mario Williams, Marcell Darius and Kiko Alonzo to the Bucs in return for the #1 overall pick in order to take Jameis Winston.
  3. It really depends. Da'Norris Searcy is going to FA but I'm pretty sure that the Bills are going to resign him (he's not too expensive and has great chemistry with the rest of the secondary). If he doesn't, I bet that Doug Whaley will look into him but I'll need to see more of him before I make a decision. As far as I can tell, Searcy, Marcus Easton (WR) and Brandon Spikes (LB) will probably get resigned by the Bills. I'd love to keep Jerry Hughes but the chance that another team throws big money at him (10+ million) when he shouldn't be getting that amount (I personally wouldn't resign him for a dime over 9 mil) means that he'll go to the highest bidder. Shame too, Hughes is great as an edge rusher but he's also a product of a great defensive line that could rush 4 and still put major pressure. He was lacklustre in Indianapolis and if the Jags/Raiders/Falcons want to toss him a lot of money, good for him. Buffalo will probably be moving to a 3-4 this season and considering that Kiko Alonzo is coming back along with the rest of the Bills LB corps (Nigel Bradham, Preston Brown and maybe even Ty Powell stepping up) means that Jerry won't have much to do in Buffalo. What's Baltimore's options regarding their secondary? Sounds to me that you might need Pollard more than us. Your offensive backfield is also a mess now, thanks to Ray Rice. Also, is Pernell McPhee going to FA? If so, I like him.
  4. Twenty posts per page and I still can't go a single page without OMG STEELERS. Christ Ana, you single-handly make me despise the Steelers. Are all Pittsburgh fans as obnoxious about your team as you are? I know this girl from Boston that I work with. She was the same but with the Patriots. One day, I sat her down and explained to her that she'll be treated as less of a joke when it comes to talking about football if she can speak about other teams for once. And now, we're cool. New topic. The Buffalo Bills achieve their first winning record in 10 years. To celebrate, everyone quits. Seriously, offseason for the Bills will be fun. Rex Ryan's the coach, QB issue will finally be looked at properly (either proper draft in 2016, EJ Manuel or another young FA within two years) and our defense is going to be retarded. Not enough that we lead the league in sacks this year but now the fun starts. The only questions is if Jerry Hughes gets replaced, resigned or franchise tagged (going with options 1 or 3). If anyone has questions about the upcoming Buffalo train that will rule the AFC East starting next season, please go ahead and ask.
  5. Just making sure I read this right because there's no punctuation. - You're before army and even if you're working, my guess is that you're not paying taxes like arnona or bituach leumi - Leiberman was crap - Lapid should be either Foreign or Education Minister - You're not a fan of Bibi - You want Moshe Kahlon to be PM Pretty much in line with my own thinking however I'm still going to vote for Lapid. Simply because Lapid needs enough seats to be able to argue for the job of Foreign or Education Minister. My hope is that he's Foreign Minister. As for Moshe Kahlon, I really don't know enough about him to support him or be against him. But as long as Bennett isn't PM, I'm happy. By the way, speak English on the forums. I might understand you but everyone else won't.
  6. So we have two "may be related" massacres, one which can be argued whether or not it was deserved (depends on any given view) and the second that can only be chalked up to killing Jews. These radicals are only looking for reasons to attack everyone else. Remind me again why we have to appease them? And who here is in favour of handing over the Sudetenland again? Because look at how well that worked out last time.
  7. Question: What about the attack on the kosher supermarket at the same time as the Charlie Hebdo attack? Did the Jews shopping in there also deserve it?
  8. I pulled Authoritarian Left (ever so slightly on both, however). The Authoritarian part was to be expected but I'm surprised about getting center left than center right. Always viewed myself as more of the right wing fellow.
  9. First of all, hit me up sometime. Let's chat and get a beer. I speak Hebrew too so don't feel like you need to speak in English. Point number two: Yair Lapid was shoe-horned into a job where he was handcuffed and designed to fail. Why would you not give the reporter the job of שר החוץ or שר החינוך. Finance Minister? Plus, Bibi handcuffed him by not allowing Lapid to actually work the way he wanted to. And Lapid STILL managed to put through and pass a proposal of raising the minimum wage. Are you before or after the army? Because if you're before, you have no idea what that means for the working class. I believe that if Lapid was שר החוץ (Foreign Minister), Israel would have a much better PR with the rest of the world because A) it's not Lieberman and B) he's very educated and knows how to appeal to people, considering his reporting background. Long story short, I'm either voting for יש עתיד (Lapid) or עלי ירוק (Marijuana Legalization Party) this upcoming election.
  10. Bills in Denver to keep playoff hopes alive? Oh god, this is too much to bear. First time the Bills have been relevant in December for fifteen years since Flutie Flakes. Our schedule is a nightmare. Aside from Oakland, we need to beat Denver and NE away and GB at home. If the Bills pull this off, we're going to the Superbowl. That being said, I'll probably win the lottery first.
  11. The fuck you smoking, bro? With that defense and run game? This game spoke a lot more about Oakland than it did St. Louis.I need Denver to win today and a tie tomorrow. I can't bring myself to cheer for the Jets but I need the Dolphins not to win.
  12. Because it's unbearable. Do you understand that I know more about the Steelers than I do about the Bills? I'm a diehard Buffalo fan but every other post is about the freaking Steelers in this (and the last two seasons) thread and it comes from one person.On another note, Oakland is CRAP. 52-0 to the Rams? Really?
  13. And we have our annual thread showing Anacybele knowing nothing about football aside from Pittsburgh. God, you singlehandedly make me hate the Steelers. Anyway, Buffalo is still in the hunt at 7-5. Not realistically but theoretically.
  14. Because it's me. Everyone else is lesser than me.
  15. Here's the official restart. Terra/Biggs/Wedge bust through Narshe and Terra suicides in the pincer formation. Pretty much gives an auto -3 against Ymir. Nice. In the caves, I grab the Phoenix Down but leave the Sleeping Bag. The PD will actually be more useful to me than the future Guard Bracelet but I'll take a late Elixir. Locke's party booked it for the Guard Leader and Locke killed himself for a -3 in that battle. So far, I'm working with minimum levels and Edgar's coming up. He'll carry me right up to Thamasa which will be nice.
  16. Easy. Because you don't know how to properly argue.
  17. I'm center-right. That being said, left in Israel is considered loving Palestinians to the point that we should apologize for them wanting to kill us and right wing is wanting them to be killed entirely. Also, kibbutzim in Israel used to be (and some still are) socialist.
  18. And you should have been a blowjob.See how easy it is to make stupid remarks in order to get a rise of people?
  19. Here's a hell of a necropost but here goes. Restarting this run now. Considering that I just switched jobs and was released from the army early this year, I can do this.
  20. Life

    First Part-time job

    Rule number one of looking for a job: People don't give a shit about YOU. What they care about is the business and if you are going to be a positive or negative for them. Th name of the game is money.
  21. It might be important to point out that according to various newsites and IDF reports, civilian casualties may be as low as 1 person for every terrorist. At least 900/2000 are not civilians. That's pretty much unheard of in urban warfare. Genocide and ethnic cleansing my ass.
  22. This is gonna be fun. Donny, this is for you. Your points in your order. 1. It's one thing to want better for the Palestinians. It's another to claim that Israel is commiting war crimes and genocide when top generals from both the US and British army repeatedly claim that Israel has the most humane approach of fighting terror. Take the US now. If they go back to Iraq to take on IS, what do you thing the civilian casualty rate will be? A shitton higher than in Gaza. Who's going to be marching in the street screaming bloody murder over those death? *crickets* The point is that most pro-Palestinian rallies are thin veneers for anti-semitism or full of college students that took a class on the ME and now consider themselves experts. It's why cries like "death to the Jews" and "Hitler was right" are still be chanted. Or the NYC rally that called for an Intifadah (which means killing our civilian population). 2. Why should Israel be the only country in the world to be held to that standard? US isn't. GB isn't. Why only Israel? As Navi Pillay pointed out, "when Palestinian men beat their wives, it's Israel's fault". 3. Now I call bullshit. Israel is a democratic country with 1.5 million Arabs that choose to go to the army and fight for their homeland. Last week, an Arab woman was on Galgalatz (Israeli radio station) and she has two sons in the army, one in Golani and one in Kfir. She was saying how she was proud of them and how she is proud to live in a country where she is treated as an equal. I remember this because I was in a cab at the time, listening. Don't spout shit you have no clue about. 4. Actually... yes, Israel would be. Try actually opening a history book. Israel conquered the Sinai in 1967 in a DEFENSIVE war. And then, they spent the next 15 years offering it back to the Egyptians for peace, which succeeded in 1982. Same thing with a good part of the West Bank and Jordan but Jordan didn't want it. Israel also pulled every single Jew out of Gaza in 2005 in an attempt to give Palestinians their own land. Then they voted Hamas into power in 2007, knowing that Hamas only cared about the destruction of Israel and look where that's gotten us today. 5. Yes and no. The UN brought up a two state solution where Israel said yes and the Arabs said no. Then there was a war and Israel still existed. Oh wait, that was 1947. My bad. The point that you're missing is that the UN granted Israel a country in an area where a country didn't exist and Jews had been living there for thousands of years (with the main flock of settlers coming in the 1890s and 1920s to escape Russian pogroms). The argument about who was there first is long and pointless but no land was stolen at any point. Arabs and Jews co-existed in the area peacefully... Until the late 1930s when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem decided "fuck it, I'm gonna be butt buddies with Hitler". Since then, skirmishes started which then turned into full out wars after 1947. If you're going to point fingers, don't blame everyone else for your own mistakes.
  23. From an ex-soldier's point of view, I can tell you this. If I were to see someone running around in the middle of the night while in Gaza and I don't see a helmet, I'd shoot. Why? Because chances are that they are going to attempt to harm me and the real civilians won't be out and about at night while tanks are rolling through. My life over yours and my friends over yours. It comes down to that. But take that with a grain of salt since it is my personal opinion.
  24. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/24785/Default.aspx I'm going leave this here. Each point is backed up with creditable proof.
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