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Everything posted by Life

  1. So the latest ceasefire (a 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire) lasted 2 hours and 3 minutes before rockets came from Hamas. And they used a suicide bomber as a diversion to kidnap a soldier. That's fucked up. Like I said, these people aren't in this for peace. They want Jihad and they're not going to stop after Israel. The next target will be the USA afterwards. Now tell me that Israel is the evil one here.
  2. 60s max. I'm a pretty heavy smoker and professional stoner on top of being a cook. If I make it to 70, I'll be impressed. Assuming that a rocket doesn't get me.
  3. Beret and medal of my unit in the IDF. Combat Engineers, regiment 601 (Asaf). These days, I have my regiment sign as my profile picture as support. Still hoping that I don't need to go to another funeral of a friend.
  4. I can't cite sources well as I'm on my phone but we'll try right now. http://www.truthrevolt.org/israel-revolt/italian-reporter-confirms-deaths-al-shati-result-hamas-misfire-not-israeli-missile#.U9gyhmkCf1I.twitter This is from a reporter who was covering the Al-Shati accident. This is Hamas hitting their own civilians (not on purpose) but then showing no respect by blaming Israel and silencing reporters. Might be Twitter but it still counts. Israel's hand is forced. If rockets were raining down on the USA, do you honestly expect to believe that you wouldn't do anything about it? I'd like you to explain your reasoning.
  5. Fair ponts but couple of things. Israel "supported" Fatah instead of Hamas. Important because Fatah is the less psycho group. Also, I can call out ignorance when you compare civ casaulties because someone here already did.
  6. Ok, I'm better now. So let's review the facts. 1. Like I said before and any statictical analysis will back it up is that less children and women have been killed than "many". "Many" is the term usually used but it's flat out wrong. Remember when I said that over 80% of dead male "civilians" are between the ages of 18 and 38? The only way that could be only civilian casualties is if the word "civilian" is given to every dead person in Gaza. And for the record, I'd like to note that the response I got was "but what about those 4 kids on a beach?". If you're going to villify Israel for that, remember back to when America was carpet bombing Afghanistan with no indescretion. Were you up in arms about that? 2. Palestinians are dying too but it's not because Israel is intentionally trying to kill them. In fact, Israel can't be at fault for the Palestinians' problems with Hamas because Hamas was voted in as the government in 2007. Mind you, this was after a very bloody civil war (which involved real massacres) that got very little media coverage, and so I ask again, why didn't any of you cry foul then? In case I was misheard or you read that wrong, I'll write it again. The Palestinians knowingly voted Hamas into power. If you want to point fingers, better point at a mirror. 3. Forget the invasion for a second. Israeli casualties are so low because of the Iron Dome. A first of its kind rocket interception device that was developed out of necessity. These aren't pebbles that Hamas are tossing at us. They're hardly poorly armed. Hell, they have millions of RPG-7s and 29s scattered across Gaza. We're just better at defding ourselves than they are at killing us. But does this mean that the only moral thing for us to do is to scurry to a bomb shelter every time and not retaliate? Because the Iron Dome isn't perfect. Do you believe that Israelis should die just so the Palestinians don't? If yes, your agenda is pro-Hamas. If no, then get off your high horse and try living here before tossing out your two cents.
  7. I'm not prone to outbursts like that and like Phoenix pointed out (which all of you convieniently missed), I've been greiving for a good friend for the past 24 hours. Today was the hardest day of my life and I wouldn't wish that kind of pain upon my worst enemy. The Jerusalem Post actually caught a picture of me and put it in the article about Yaori. Look, I'll comment in a bit when my emotions get sorted but I truly appreciate the personal attacks while I was clearly in pain. Real nice.
  8. I'm quite bitter right now because I'm going to a friend's funeral in a couple of hours. Not just someone that's a friend of a friend but someone I knew well.What the fuck is wrong with you? Just because Hamas hasn't killed more than ten civilians doesn't mean they're not trying to. In the meantime, we're not aiming for civilians but they'rr being forcibly put in our way. Or do the stories of soldiers in hospitals about being attacked by gunmen with babies in their arms not compufe? As of 6 hours ago, my opinion has changed. Hamas is more than a political party or terrorist cell. They are living proof of an idea. The only way to wipe them out is to raze Gaza. And fuck it, I'm OK with that. Because the entire fucking population is worth less than the life of Amit Yeori and that's final.
  9. Need to call bullshit at this point. It's not just you but everyone.Look. Say what you want about the government but you cannot equate it to army actions. There is not a single shred of evidence proving a "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Furthermore, I brought up ISIS before to bring out this response. A lot of you (including Nightmare who I respect entirely) proved just know how the country itself has an impossible double standard set on itself. Let's list the points. 1. No proof of a genocide during a time of war. Look at the statistics of people killed during this operation. The vast majority of dead Palestinians are male and between the ages of 18 and 38. In addition, this includes about 200 confirmed terrorists. That's two possible (probably less) civilians to one terrorist. Take away that 200 and you still have over 80% of the casualties being over the age of 18. Like I said, no genocide and definitely no ethnic cleansing. 2. The number of dead in Gaza is at ~600. Syria has 200,000 dead over two and a half years, with both sides just firing to fire. And yet when Assad calls Israel butchers, the world believes him over us. 3. There is more of an ethnic cleansing in Europe against Jews right now than anything that has or may happen in Gaza. France, Germany ("gas the Jews" made a comeback this week), Belgium and fucking Austria where crazy Arabs stormed the field of a soccer match of Maccabi Haifa and started attacking the team during the game. People want both Jews and Israelis dead and not just in Israel. 4. And this bothers me because a lot of people ignore this important point. Gaza is not an occupied area and has not been since 2005. The "occupation" argument makes sense if fighting was in the West Bank which is still held by the Israelis. But Gaza has its own government (which is Hamas) and nothing Israeli inside it. The only reason why they would lob rockets at Israel is to attack Israel, not to fight for their own land... because they already have it. Relief aid goes in through Israel (including hydro/electric of Israel) with Egypt not doing shit because they don't like Gaza too. And yet Israel is accused of occupying Gaza. These double standards are both absurd and wrong when you look at the facts. There are no rallies for Darfur or Nigeria. Nothing for Syria and Iraq. But Gaza... gimme a break. The hypocrisy here is so bad that it hurts to look at.
  10. Reread my comment and then ask yourself if this is truly a response that should properly thought about. Because you missed the entire point.
  11. There's on thing to say here. Horizontal for attention, vertical for effect. Forget people who actually go through with the act, those that talk about it in order to get attention sicken me.
  12. I want to just toss out a comment about Bibi. Look. The guy obviously doesn't eant rockets fired at his country. But Bibi loves being PM. And while Hamas is in power, Bibi is (unfortunately) Israel's best choice for being a PM who understands war. I mean, Naftali Bennett pretty much wants Gaza razed to the ground, for example. Talking about Bibi and his own wants is an entire can of worms and one I won't touch because I don't know enough to offer a better solution (not even Yair Lapid and I voted for Lapid) and I'm also holding back a bit of bile. Phone double post. Nightmare, do me the honours. I'm now going off topic to another thing. ISIS. For those who have no idea what ISIS is, it stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. AKA another terrorist cell. The amount of deaths in Syria has been staggering. We're talking over 100,000 in the last two years. So why the fuck are people up in arms about Israel when their northern neighbour has a legitimate genocide going on? I think I know the answer but this still bothers the fuck out of me.
  13. Two things that need to be pointed out.1. The Iron Dome. Are you actually suggesting that Israel is in the wrong for designing and maintaining a never before seen defensive tool against Hamas rockets? Is it unfair that Israel has a way to stop most of the rockets from Gaza? 2. Israel has moved ahead with a ground invasion that involves nearly 40,000 soldiers and there have ONLY been 600 deaths in Gaza in two weeks. Never mind the fact that Hamas claims those deaths to be only civilian (the majority are actually Hamas members and their immediate families). For one of the strongest armies in the world, they're pretty terrible at killing people... unless they're not trying to. There is no "genocide" or "massacre" here. Far from it. There's a famous quote by former Israeli PM Golda Meir."Peace will come when the Arabs learn to love their children more than they hate Israel." At this point, a lot of the world (forget the Western world, Egypt just went on record to support the Israeli operation) is starting to realize that Hamas aren't in this for land or anything like that. They just want dead Israelis. Look at the riots in France. We almost had Kristalnacht version 2.0 last week. That's scary as shit.
  14. Here's Israel's major problem. They know that ceasefire agrements with Hamas aren't worth the paper that it's written on and yet, they still accept them. There have been three ceasefires... wait, that's wrong. Israel has ceased fiting three times in the past two weeks. Hamas has not. Tel Aviv nearly took a rocket an hour into the second one. The boom sounded as if it was two blocks away from my apartment. I think that the Knesset might just be pants on head retarded. The only real ceasefire will come when Hamas sues for peace but that's pretty much not going to happen until they run out of rockets. EDIT: The name Bar Rahav means nothing to you. But he drafted with me to Handasa Kravit (Combat Engineering Corps) in March '12 and was killed a few days ago. I didn't know him but a lot of my friends did. This war is real. People are dying and on both sides. No loss is too small or too insignificant. I just hope my friends make it back alive.
  15. #firstworldproblems It really depends on a child's upbringing.
  16. I'm already regret signing in for this shit but I need a break from arguing with retards about it and want people who can formulate proper sentences. So here we are in Round 3 since '05. A little bit of personal context for you guys is that I'm a civilian but the vast majority of my army buddies are not. Obviously I have a bias here but this will still be fun. Thoughts?
  17. I am back. I'm still looking through my notes but I can personally say that I would not have backed a Kay lynch. However, Eclipse did what she thought was right given all the information that I had acquired so whoops. The good news is that I am now incredibly sure of who is mafia and who's lying to me. These two lynches have cleared stuff up. In case I die overnight, tomorrow should be a Blitz lynch. I'll work out a more detailed lynch schedule in a bit but I'm now 95% positive that he'll flip mafia.
  18. The best part about this game is when you mute the voice-overs. Then the game goes from great to epic. Literally the worst VA of all time.
  19. I demand to have my warnings removed and to be warned again.
  20. Actually... no.First of all, we're not talking about real reciprocated love. This is either lust or more likely than not, puppy-dog love. Next point. Because person x wants person y so badly, x can easily "wait" until y falls into his (lets go with x as male and y as female) arms. No shit that it hurts x to see y with another person (and furthermore happy with said person) but x is so much of a pussy that he believes that y will one day fall into his arms. Most of the time (hell, I'd be hard-pressed to find a case where this doesn't happen), x is also chivalrous to a point where it is sickening. He'll do anything for her except make it known that he has feelings for y simply because he is waiting for y to commit rather than take the plunge himself. What do we learn from this? X is essentially a cunt for not truly considering y's own feelings. He honestly believes that the universe will not be right until y is with him, irregardless of y's happiness with someone else. That leaves x with only two methods of escape. Either the fantasy scenario comes to life (unlikely) or he grows a pair and moves on. There's a lot of teen fiction that illustrates this concept really well with the Mortal Instruments series being straight up obvious about it. Personal experience, brah.
  21. I am back now. Phone's up and running. Eclipse, it's your call if you want to keep playing or not. If you do, I will cede entirely and become an I/O (will be interesting to find out who lied to me). If not, I'll take over again but need to hear your logic before the lynch goes through. To everyone else. If you have been holding out on me/eclipse, time to spill.
  22. I need a temp sub until Thursday due to no internet. Phone broke last week and still being fixed. Sorry BBM.
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