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Everything posted by Life

  1. JPP amputated his index finger. I don't give a shit about Ronnie Lott, JPP is done for his career. So long, have a nice rest of your life.
  2. I would actually say that he's far and away better than Gronk. Gronk's been a factor in the past few years but Gates has been around and making differences in the past decade. Gronk needs his production to last at least another 5 years to be considered on Gates' level.
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road. Your argument is invalid.
  4. The Dolphins have always looked nicer than their actual result. Tanenhill has problems when he starts getting continuously hit and hurries. Get to him early and he's broken for the rest of the game. Bills O-Line still looks weak (would have dropped Percy Harvin and Shady like calculus just to sign Iaputi) but it's not easy to build one in a season. And QB race is engaging but I'm not ready to back any given horse.
  5. Hyperbole. That is all.The WR is Jerry Rice and ST player is Steve Tasker. Coach is Todd Bowles.
  6. The bias is that you can probably only name one head coach (five if we're being generous) in the entire NFL but you probably know the names of all the coaching staff on the Steelers. Here's a test. Without looking it up, who is the current HC of the NY Jets? The QB of the Minnesota Vikings? The best WR of all time in 49er history? The greatest Special Teams player to ever exist? Hint on the last one: Anyone who can actually answer that question gets a cookie from me. Bias doesn't mean that you think that your team is the greatest no matter what (you do but that's a different matter). Bias is being favourable towards one team without awarding same merit to every other team in the league. For example, I'm biased towards the Bills. Chococoke to the Cheatriots. Lord Raven to the Ravens. The only difference is that while we all immerse ourselves in the going-ons of the rest of the league, you intentionally ignore anything that does not have to do with the Steelers but can pull obscure facts about Pittsburgh off the top of your head. It's nice to be a superfan but here, we don't want to hear about the Steelers every second of the day. Raven doesn't always talk about the Ravens or Chococoke about the Cheatriots. In fact, I don't even talk about the Bills that often. But the only thing you can post about are the Steelers when you blatantly ignore the other 31 teams in the league. And THAT is extreme bias. On another note, why have people started talking about the Bills all of a sudden? Are we actually playoff bound for the first time since Flutie Flakes existed?
  7. Life

    Work and jobs

    Here's a nice question for the more mature. How many people here have full time jobs/careers? If so, how many hours do you work and what do you do? Me, I'm a line cook and my work hours sit between 60 to 70 per week. Yesterday I clocked 69 hours for last week while I had 67.5 the week before.
  8. Working until Aug and then embarking on a month road trip through the US with my best friend. Been dreaming of this for years and now we're going. Vegas is gonna be amazing. Just need to win back enough to cover the hotel.
  9. I'm not a fan of SJWs mostly because they spread flat out lies about my own country (I'm looking at you, BDS). Honestly, people need to sit down and just shut the fuck up for once instead of making everyone else's business their own. It's been happening for the past 15ish years where society feels a pathological need to "help everyone else" when they are just as (if not more) fucked up as those they are trying to help. All in all, SJWs can go die in a hole.
  10. Seem to be? Seriously? You're underplaying a nation's collective effort to ostracize and then murder 13 million people over the span of 13 years as "seem to be"? The difference is that there is a terrible moral argument for one that can be logically made (Confederacy) if you base the argument upon economy while the other (Third Reich) can not and should not ever be justified. I'm not applauding the Confederacy but I do understand their argument and it is logically sound (but morally fucked up). I work with a man who actually proudly displays a Confederate flag on his chef coat (in Tel Aviv, mind you) so I do know what I'm talking about. The issue is that a lot of post-Confederates turned the issue of slavery into one of racism by believing that black slaves crushed the South economically and culturally. There is a lot of ingrown hatred there.
  11. Not letting me spoiler my answers. However, I agree mostly with Bal simply because most of the sentences are pretty terrible.
  12. Being someone who lives mere kilometers from Gaza, I can tell you that Hamas are scared shitless of ISIS.Also, someone asked earlier what Israel is doing about ISIS and the correct answer is "nothing at all". Think about it. ISIS are killing other Arabs. Until they attack Israel directly, we have no reason to get involved. In fact, we don't want to. We already get bad press with Hamas, a terrorist group acknowledged by the world and yet somehow, we're still the evil ones. If Israel were to strike ISIS, ISIS would instantly be labled "freedom fighters" simply because it's us. That's how hated we are.
  13. What to do about ISIS: Short of picking up a rifle and moving to the Middle East, you can all shut up since a lot of you are being pretentious about it. These people only understand violence.
  14. In Israel, left-wing means that you're for a two state solution (AKA you're OK with Arabs slaughtering you) and right-wing means Israeli preservation (AKA let's go murder all of Gaza). Yep.
  15. If you fail college, you get kicked out. I can't believe I had to type that sentence in a serious manner. Moving back to talking to normal people about intelligent things, I'm not happy about the PAT change. 33 yard PAT instead of a 20 yard? I get that you want to see more 2 point conversions... BUT THEY ARE COMPLETELY SITUATIONAL. For fucks sake, NFL.
  16. I'm only hard if she's hot. If not, then I'm just rigid.
  17. Salesmen jobs are about being able to sell me shit that I might not need. You can't even sell me on the fact that you care about turning yourself into a normal human being. Simple fact. Sales are not for everyone (definitely wasn't for me).
  18. He's not but he's not good either. Cutler has synchronicty problems, no matter who is in his receiving corps. Which translates into lost games.
  19. Lord Raven, what's Tyrod Taylor like? And will EJ, Cassel or Tyrod start for the Bills?
  20. #3 is false because the two sentences are unrelated. I smoke a cigarette in a roomful of people when it is not allowed. That doesn't make it dangerous (it would be dangerous for other reasons but not because it isn't allowed).
  21. True False False True True (marked as False) 5 really had me thinking and you're all wrong about it on a language level. Teacher isn't necessarily talking about the whole class. Just "the students". Therefore, it is possible that he's talking to just those two. I understand why it can be false and why the answer is probably false but it's like the analogy section on my psychometry. Whoever wrote this question is following a specific thought process. Not practicality due to modern day speech. Hence my answer.
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