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Everything posted by maybe

  1. i don't like either of these characters but damn do I wish they showed them earlier the characters they were showing before were such boring, predictable choices that I didn't care at all who they were announcing, especially since the moment you see at least two of the fates siblings, you know all 9 or 10 or however many are gonna show up it's cool that there actually are some less expected characters, but I wish we knew that earlier instead of it just being "chapter 1 of awakening + cordelia" and "the fates characters who are on the box but not azura yet" looking forward to whoever else we might see who hasn't shown up yet, although I guess that might just be navarre and whoever the knight character is at this point
  2. fitting that it seems to be nohr outfit azura even with a character who appears on both sides, they still have a way of sucking off conquest while pretending birthright doesn't exist in all seriousness though I really don't care about azura or her son, so unless one of them has a skill I want or if it's not her son and actually someone I want (although I doubt that too since it's always awakening and conquest), I think my orbs from the chapter will just go to trying to get ike and soren on the tempest banner
  3. this thread is really old and apparently I voted meg for micaiah which was a joke since I like meg but after replaying part 1 of fe10, I still really hate sothe but since I immediately broke off micaiah's support with him I ended up having her support with leonardo instead and now I think I might be sf's only unironic leonardo/micaiah shipper i'm glad this thread came back
  4. i like eliwood's support with lyn the most, but I really feel like they're best just being friends, so I picked ninian anyway lyn with florina, just because I think their supports and general relationship are pretty cute, and I like how lyn's more natural around florina than with anyone else. surprised that I was the first and currently only person to pick this for hector I like him the most with lyn, since they have a really nice dynamic, but since I like lyn with florina he'd probably go with farina
  5. this doesn't sound particularly believable i'd be cool with a villain avatar but that really doesn't sound like something they'd do
  6. cordelia is sad that she has small boob and camilla has big
  7. yeeeaah, I'm not even gonna pretend to be ok with this. now that the amount of characters in it that I like has increased from 1 to 4, I'll probably still buy it, but this is super disappointing. seeing celica and lyn made me really hope and think that there would at least be dlc for more echoes and fe7 characters, which I probably would've bought. could've added eliwood, hector, mae, saber, lukas, alm, or even something totally different like athos. there's a pretty decent amount of fe7 characters I'd spend money on and i'd pay for almost any echoes character. but just out of these three... caeda and chrom are already in, and while there's a decent amount of characters i like from awakening and shadow dragon, the only ones I can really see myself paying for are noire (whose chances aren't very good), minerva.... and that's really all I can think of. from fates i like laslow, hinata, and felicia enough to pay for them, but while none of them would be too unlikely, there are no daggers so felicia's probably out, and the voice cast seems to be the same as heroes so far which is already enough to turn me away from laslow, since he got a major downgrade there. that really just leaves hinata, who I guess has a sorta decent chance? i never actually played birthright, but he was in the initial heroes lineup for fates so he seems like he's not too unlikely, but i'm not entirely sure what he could even add to the game, being another sword character tl;dr i'm mad because no more echoes stuff and there's like 2 characters i'd buy out of these 3 games
  8. i'd definitely say that's part of the problem like, lyn's line is the same one from when she was revealed "If you think I can't hold my own, you're sorely mistaken!" but it doesn't sound as good as just "you're sorely mistaken" granted that's one of the less bad examples but I think it definitely makes a big difference
  9. i have a feeling ashnard's gonna be the most popular choice by a long shot i picked him but only because I have no feelings about pretty much any of the others
  10. i feel like there's probably at least two more characters obviously navarre is in the game, but the main reason I think he's not alone is because it'd be really weird if they revealed every single character except for navarre prior to release, or showed him off after all the others, since he's not a character who's particularly significant over most of the others we've seen. but since he's not on the box art, any other characters who haven't shown up yet will most likely be on about the same level of significance as him if there's anyone other than navarre who's still coming, I'd probably say draug, since they've mentioned that at least one armored character will be in and unless you count frederick we haven't seen one yet
  11. xander I honestly thought sounded alright in this video, but yeah he was pretty bad in a lot of the other ones (the way he said WE MUST TRUST EACH OTHER was bordering on cringeworthy) but is corrin's really that bad? i haven't seen many of the videos with her but I thought she was one of the better sounding ones in this video. i only started one playthrough of fates and I used the higher pitched voice so I'm not sure how consistent it is with that, but she sounds close enough to what I can remember from heroes
  12. nah his voice in the other videos has been strange too the dialogue is weird too (there was that one where he said "You really think you can beat us?" which doesn't seem particularly in character but I haven't played awakening in a while) but he also just doesn't really sound like he did in awakening for better or worse the general voice direction seems pretty different for almost all the characters here compared to their original games, and frederick is probably one of the most affected by it
  13. while the inflection is a little different, celica still sounds like she has the same voice actress, and i really doubt erica lindbeck would've tweeted this if she wasn't voicing celica again the voices as a whole are kinda hit or miss (caeda still sounds great, lyn and elise sound better than in heroes, frederick and camilla sound totally off) the actual video is all stuff we've already seen but it looks alright I guess, even if a lot of the lines sound super corny
  14. probably celica or lyn but i'm sure i'd use caeda a lot as well, and probably chrom too so not really sure actually
  15. probably wouldn't have played as azura, so i'm not really disappointed, but I do think she would've been a really cool addition the only character who's been shown so far who I think could've been more interesting to play as is celica and she's.... yeah this is a pretty lame decision even as someone who doesn't care about the character and has barely played the game she's from she and ike will definitely be dlc at some point (probably roy too), but it's so weird that she's not in the base game, even if they did have to have literally every fates royal
  16. news flash not everyone complaining about a game is the same person
  17. my point isn't that she's a "clone" or not it's that it doesn't actually matter, it's just two characters sharing the same moves. and as of now, to people who haven't been thinking far too deeply about a single frame of a red outfit visible in one version of a trailer, they're lyn's moves even in a hypothetical world where lyn was the only character I wanted to play as, I'd probably still buy the game because there's no way to only buy the part where I play as lyn sure I wouldn't care about anyone else in the game, but I wouldn't want to pass up an opportunity to play as a character I love, so I'd buy the game anyway
  18. the plot isn't exactly something people care about in these games, and i sure as hell don't care about whatever they're doing with it whether she's a "clone" or not isn't really relevant to what people are gonna think, since the only character so far who she might have similar moves to is navarre, who hasn't been officially revealed yet and isn't being pushed at all, to the point that the only reason we know he's in the game is because they forgot to edit out a pic where part of his outfit was visible behind marth. they might have similar moves, but people certainly aren't going to be disappointed that lyn has the same moves as navarre (if she does), at most people will probably think "oh wow navarre has the same moves as lyn". calling lyn a clone would be like calling marth a clone of roy in smash bros melee either way, the big draw of this game is the characters, so even if the gameplay looks cool not as many people are gonna go for it if it doesn't have characters they like. i thought it looked neat, but there was only one character i sorta liked out of all the revealed characters. now that there's a character who i'd really want to play as i'm definitely convinced that I want to play it
  19. yes not sure what you mean by "practically nothing other than be there" but some people just really like certain characters i wasn't planning on getting the game at first, since there was a total of 1 character I liked out of the revealed cast, but lyn alone honestly made me want to play it, since I like lyn and I think she'd be really fun to play as in this kind of game. she's not a character who's appeared in an especially huge amount of games, so I think it's cool to see her as a playable character in another one and even if she was the last character they revealed, it probably would've been enough to make me want to play it now that we know celica and caeda are in that adds a few more characters i like but I definitely would've bought it at some point even if those two weren't in
  20. there actually is one other case, that being palla, who was voiced by laura bailey in heroes and alexis tipton in echoes considering alexis tipton voices lucina in warriors and 3 out of the 4 lucinas in heroes, I feel like patrick seitz would probably voice camus i did like his voice for zeke more than travis willingham's for camus, although I like zeke more than camus anyway so if it was camus who was in I wouldn't really care either way
  21. when lyn got announced, there was a remix of winds across the plains playing in the background, so she's definitely got something on the other hand celica just got some song from fates so there might not be anything echoes related
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