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Everything posted by maybe

  1. nothing i feel like this was kinda obvious, i was hoping people would follow my great example
  2. the thing is, the reason a lot of people are gonna care about this game to begin with is because it has the "fire emblem" name on it that's instantly gonna attract most fans of the series, regardless of the game the gameplay being good is important too, but the big thing that makes fans including myself want to play it initially is that it's fire emblem and if the fire emblem aspect of it doesn't meet people's expectations... then it's really just another game that may or may not be decent, and whether or not it's fire emblem is sorta irrelevant there's a decent amount of characters in that I like, but up until lyn was announced I wasn't interested at all, since there wasn't really anyone in I cared about except chrom, and as fun as robin looked to play as, it wasn't enough to make me prioritize buying it over any of the other games I was thinking about buying the full roster has around 3 or 4 characters I like, and I still do want to play as robin, but it's definitely not a big priority to me. on the other hand, if tobin or soren or someone else I really liked was in it, I'd probably try to get my hands on it as soon as possible because I just like those characters that much and I'd really want to play this fun looking game as them whether the game looks fun or not, the main draw of it for a lot of people is gonna be getting to play as the characters they like, so whether the gameplay looks good or not, people won't be as interested if it doesn't have the characters they like
  3. huh, looks like I was right the first time about it being lianna here's that support again but with the proper names
  4. alright, so since that support probably is lyn and hinoka, for the sake of convenience here's the same thing but with an actual name
  5. oh right, I forgot that they were twins i assumed it was lianna since it looked like they were sorted by games and it wasn't with xander and corrin, but there's no one else it could really be aside from hinoka weird that she doesn't really talk about herself much at all ok while rowan is definitely a total shithead, eating cookies without thinking or asking about it is the one thing I will defend
  6. alright, finished with lyn's a few lines might be on the wrong characters but it shouldn't be anything major lyn/celica lyn/anna lyn/tiki lyn/robin lyn/marth lyn/xander lyn/chrom lyn/corrin lyn/lianna
  7. alright, here's lyn/chrom there may be a line or two on the wrong character around "till then", but the rest should be right i'll add more of lyn's to this post and maybe chrom's if no one else has got them once i'm done with lyn's lyn/xander, although I kinda had to guess who was talking for the last few lines here's lyn/marth again, one of the last two lines might be mismatched lyn/tiki i feel like they might not have thought about this one very much since lyn mentions ninian and nils being dragons, but there's no way they'd both still be in elibe after she knew that lyn/anna, where I still kinda had to guess around the end lyn/robin is pretty weird but there's one bit I thought was pretty funny lyn/celica the other person's name isn't actually mentioned in this one, but judging by the placement I'm guessing it's lianna? some people said hinoka but I feel like the other character would've been a little more involved if it was an existing one and finally, lyn/corrin. again, not much indication of who the last lines are, but that's the last of them
  8. doesn't look like anyone's cleaned up any of lyn's supports, so I might work on those might try some of chrom's after that but I'm not sure which pages those are on here
  9. i like path of radiance's story the most, echoes' slightly less, and i'm generally fine with shadow dragon's. the rest are pretty much interchangeably under those two there are some I have more opinions on than others (i like lyn's story a lot, i love chrom as a lead character, everything past part 2 of fe10 is awful) but they're generally balanced out by something else (fe7's actual plot isn't very good, i don't care about any of the other characters in awakening's story, and i thought part 2 of fe10 was pretty much the best fe got in terms of story and writing)
  10. i picked tobin soren and noire none of those are very likely, unless they do an awakening kids pack
  11. just about every day I think about how much worse laslow's voice in heroes is compared to fates as in I was literally talking about it yesterday and hoping that one day if they added inigo or some special laslow he'd have his original voice actor back so this was pretty well timed because for the first time in a while I remembered how much I loved laslow but also he still has the same voice actor which at first was an immediate turn off (i haven't even used him in heroes solely because I don't like his new voice) but... it's just one clip, but he actually sounds a lot better here? it's hard to describe exactly why but even though it's still nothing like how he used to sound, it bothers me a lot less. not interested in any of the other characters, but if I can hear a few more of his voice clips once people do the datamines and stuff, I might try to get him if I like it
  12. yes but brave lyn and bride lyn both mention how you remind her of the tactician bride lyn's level 40 conversation is all about it like I guess it'd be an actual conversation between characters here but I don't really see the point aside from a callback that's already been done
  13. why though it's just gonna be another "HAHA WOW YOU REMIND ME OF SOMEONE ELSE, AND BY SOMEONE ELSE I MEAN ANOTHER TACTICIAN GUY, THE GUY WHO WAS YOU, I LIKED YOU A LOT, MY GOOD FRIEND MARK THE TACTICIAN WHO IS A LOT LIKE YOU" they did it in awakening, they did it in heroes, and they did it in heroes again it's gotten a bit stale at this point
  14. hey chen you gotta buy this game now
  15. since this thread is back and I apparently never posted in it kamui and noire are the main two I'd want, but I'm also waiting on micaiah and leonardo. lucia or ranulf would be really cool too. this is in no particular order but it'd be something like 1. noire 2. kamui 3. micaiah/leonardo 4. ranulf 5. lucia not entirely sure on that but noire and kamui would definitely be my first picks
  16. owain's voice actor tweeted something about it so he's probably gonna have the same one but so far the VAs have been the same ones as in heroes, and niles and takumi (who originally had the same VA) both got a VA change in heroes, so niles will probably sound like he did in heroes if you haven't heard it, it was really different from fates and I thought it was kinda bad
  17. damn i'm glad this thread title was updated to be correct not that i don't like the other db members i love leonardo but they all pale in comparison to meg
  18. i really wouldn't i generally don't use characters i don't like unless i'm actually forced to or I need them for a bonus
  19. i don't really know who makes games usually @Umbran Darros 3would you buy bayonetta 3 if kamiya didnt work on it
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