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Everything posted by maybe

  1. yeah i felt the same the style is nice otherwise but the eyes bother me a lot ninian looked real pretty but it seemed especially jarring there since ninian usually has really sad looking eyes i feel like it affected elincia the worst though, she looks way too young
  2. i... can't say i'm a fan of that elincia art but it's not completely terrible to the point that i wouldn't want her and i love elincia enough that i'll still definitely try to get her, so i'm still fine with this overall seems kinda lame though that we're just gonna get 4 new fe9 characters total though i know it already had a few so it's a decent balance between the fuckton echoes got and the little increase fe8 got but it's still kinda disappointing still, i like all 3 of these characters, elincia in particular, so i'm still fine with this, even though it's a little underwhelming. amiti looks cool, wrath looks cool, and i like the new voices too. bryce papenbrook continues to have only 4 eyes across the now 5 fire emblem characters he voices
  3. who said i was gonna play it??? obviously im just gonna buy it and stare at the box every morning
  4. lyns cool and i like her so im glad shes gonna be in this video game that i might buy
  5. holy shit, it's alive looks pretty cool, i'll be getting this version if I buy the game and it look like a decent port
  6. i'm pretty sure in an interview pretty early they said that if any characters from other games appeared it would be as NPCs and their example for that was anna, so I don't think they really meant that anyone from games other than those will make an appearance
  7. i didn't plan to post in this thread ever, since I generally don't put too much into my units, but yesterday i had around 100k feathers and i summoned a 5 star ogma i was pretty mad that he broke my pity rate since I was trying for brave ike and the focus was almost over, but I decided i'd find a way to put him to use not by actually using him though ogma's boring and lame I decided to give his brave+ to someone else after about 5 seconds of decision, that someone became chrom, who I like a lot and had 3 4 stars of i trained him all the way up to 40, inherited brave sword+, death blow 3, and luna onto him, made him a 5 star, and got him DB3 and brave+ but i wasn't satisfied yet, especially since chrom couldn't actually learn that many skills due to the amount of sp he needed for brave+. thus, i had to go further. i trained up my second 4 star chrom, got him to 5 star, gave him a few skills and falchion, and merged them. now i had a chrom with more sp, more skills, and both falchion and brave+. i was kiiinda considering making him a +2 since i had another one, but I decided against it since that would take me down to around 40k feathers. the next day i had around 77k feathers. i have no idea how the arena orbs and free feathers helped that much, but they did. so i went through with it and made my third chrom a 5 star. i decided he'd help me get my chrom to heal people, so he got renewal, reciprocal aid, fury, draconic aura, and chrom's default c skill the end result was this the units that went into this were ogma, titania, frederick, camilla, hinata, fae, klein, chrom, and chrom unseen are luna, brave+, noontime (from ogma, unlearned), sol, guard 2 (from titania, also unlearned), wings of mercy 1 (from frederick, might learn some day for the hell of it), and savage blow 1 (from camilla, same as frederick) i have no idea if this dude will ever be useful but it sure was fun training him up and I don't regret spending a single one of the 60k feathers that went into this the best part is i got brave ike this morning so really all getting ogma did was inspire me to make chrom happen
  8. one piece of artwork that I really liked in heroes was alm's, by Arai Teruko no idea who the guy is but i'd love to see him do more since so far that's his only one for heroes berkut has one of my favorites too, the artist who drew him did a great job with ephraim and eirika too and it'd be great if they could do more another I would love to see more from is Aoji, who drew Boey's art. i actually really dislike boey's art in heroes, but I love the style a lot, so I'd like to see what the same artist could do with a different character. the one character i'm the most concerned about how they're gonna draw though would be micaiah generally her art not by senri kita ranges from Generic Anime Woman to Actually Kinda Terrible ideally I'd want her to be drawn by senri kita, just to be... safe? since I can imagine her getting something pretty bad, but aside from the brave characters and daisuke izuka whose contributions so far have literally all been characters he drew for their games, characters generally don't seem to get their original artists to draw them. although even then, I'd love to see someone else draw her, since it'd be really cool to finally see another good micaiah art. my first thought is the artist who drew takumi and leo? i remember he also drew chrom and lachesis once, and they both looked pretty great, and I feel like he could do a good job with micaiah. but even then, i'm open to really anything that makes her look both good and not like Generic Anime Woman
  9. that's not even celica's sprite from echoes this is definitely fake
  10. echoes mainly because of the characters, but the overall gameplay was pretty fun to me too and I think whatever fire emblem games follow should use a lot of the same ideas, even though that's not likely since a lot of them are from or tie into stuff from gaiden that's not like in any other fire emblem
  11. i dont usually do anything like that, but sometimes before they add a character i really like i play the game they were in a little sorta just to remember why i like them but also kinda for a weird sense of luck i did that when they added the fe9 characters, although i think more for the former reason that time i got none of them, and almost 5 months of summoning almost only greens later, after finishing that fe9 playthrough 2 or 3 days ago, I still don't have soren so yeah I don't usually do anything but I did do that and it didn't help
  12. sothe in fe9 he's a super shit unit and there's literally 0 reason to use him aside from like... maybe you want multiple thieves on one map at a time but for some reason i really like the dude he's kinda cute and also a really cool character in his support with astrid, and he has a really neat conversation with ike at the end of the game about what it was like living in daein on both my fe9 playthroughs i leveled him all the way up to 20 (his growths are super good because of his skill) gave him a stiletto and let him kill shit it was great for one who's less useless but doesn't even have decent stats like sothe, nomah. i dont know why but i find him really funny and I decided on my second playthrough (i actually didnt get him on my first one) i'd use him no matter how shit he was. i gave him every single stat booster i got after recruiting him and i let him drink from almost every water i got to. he can be useful even without trying to use him like I did since he can heal people, but he's not even like sothe where his stats can get really good if you level him up, hes just bad. i haven't actually finished that playthrough (i'm on alm's last dungeon though so celica's parts are all done) but i think i did give him stuff to the point that he could actually fight people and it was pretty rad. i took him to duma tower and hes totally gonna be on the final map whenever i do it
  13. it says in the game "after this summoning focus ends, these new heroes will continue to be available through summoning"
  14. actually the braves are gonna be added to the regular summons after the focus ends but anyway the limited units will probably come back eventually although there's really no telling when
  15. tobin maybe soren if i ever get him since i'd probably use him more but tobin for now
  16. is "falcommie" actually the name people use for whatever this is, because I want to like it just so I can call myself a falcommie
  17. radiant dawn it's still good but there's a million things that could've been done better
  18. the big difference between faye and leon is that leon isn't totally defined by liking valbar like, yeah he mentions valbar in most of his conversations, but outside of those he doesn't really at all. he's got his own fun, charming personality, and he can be likable in his own way. he's a pretty boy who's got a pretty huge ego, but he also has a crush on valbar which is pretty heavily focused on in his conversations on the other hand, faye's pretty much completely defined by liking alm. one of her crit quotes is "For Alm!", one of her victory quotes is "Did you see that Alm?", her class change quote is "Anything to keep you safe, Alm", and there's really not much to her aside from that. unlike leon, we don't even know why she likes alm so much, and there's nothing about it that's actually interesting for her. so i think it's really not the same thing with those two
  19. i never saw anyone say "we need a comeback mechanic" it was usually just "don't put one super popular character among a bunch of people who don't have a chance" i'm fine with the multiplier but it's definitely not what people wanted
  20. ehhhh, i know it's called moment of "fate" but taking into account that we know the black knight and nephenee are gonna be in the game, we saw a new map with the black knight on it, and it's named in english and japanese after the chapter where ike fights the black knight i think it's pretty safe to assume it's fe9 related instead
  21. i mean, regardless of wording, it is what hector's told his fate will be when he picks up the armads, and what it does end up being so I think it's most likely related to him although i'm not sure who the boss would be in that. zephiel?
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