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Great Geargia Gateway

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Everything posted by Great Geargia Gateway

  1. I would like that. Like that survey in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and then depending, you get slotted into 1 of 6 or so different personalities, stats are set to suit you, but if you don't like what you end up with, then choose manually. Then during the game, your character's personality will effect things differently, choose different dialog's depending and etc. I think it's about time FE had this kind of freedom, but why isn't this made yet? Too much effort, not enough room, or too much freedom and IS not liking the general idea?
  2. Is this why same sex isn't a thing? Cause there's so much romance of say two characters of the opposite sex during romance and same sex just do comedy. They balance it.
  3. That final picture of Kamui and his child. Kamui doesn't look to pleased. Also, Kamui's hair color (The father's hair color) didn't pass down. Sow what, males have less to do with the marriage systems?
  4. I think I've just grown to not care about repeated character lookalikes, anymore cause I'll bet they'll be more, then people will flip tables or something. I look at them in a "You know nifty? This..." easter egg/trivia kinda thing now. But do know completely why these lookalikes are made? Maybe it could be this anime look they change into since Awakening and they're having trouble making new character designs for Nohr? I dunno.
  5. And then you get noticed... the wrong way.

  6. Edit: Sorry, I thought it was a legitimate question (And I don't wanna here any more contradictory) and you made me see that Kyza, but other people just don't try enough.
  7. Those were to people who never played another Fe game. They say, "I can't play FE cause I keep losing my units." and don't touch classic ever. Though it's the same.
  8. I'm aloud to ask, something I've never asked before. I mean, if IS made a new mode that's basically the same thing, then why was Casual even invented? Or why was Classic even re-added? You guys don't even know how to mind you're own. And New Mystery was like a beta test for the new MU and Casual mode, and it was rather successful in Japan, so they made Awakening.
  9. They were there for a while. Beserk, Sleep, etc. They had pending success rates. Mattered on Res and Skill accuracy. Edit: Aaaand you know that. :| Shhh... no talking.
  10. Uhg. So much text (I was warned...) and almost did a 'too long, didn't read' but I kinda skimmed, stopped to read and then skimmed again. Good speech. This I don't get. With anyone for that matter. Why Casual mode? I get it cause you said it in the quote above, but many older FE players just play and when a unit gets dropped, they restart the mission thus learning a mistake because it had more meaning. It's no different from casual mode, but apart from Classic making you just resetting the map, rather it makes you want to keep your units more as it feels like they're more important and valuable (Hell, it probably makes the children a tad less redundant in a way). So that's why I don't understand this at all. An older Fire Emblem player prefers Casual but even though the modes are the same? Unless you never thought of Classic used this way.
  11. So uhhh.... F!Kamui x Nishiki = ??? (Hybrid?) So who would like a hybrid? I wouldn't mind actually. It's be pretty cool for a transformation to look either Dragon Wolf/Fox mixed (Am I weebing out). Or make the first unit ever to transform into 2 different beasts (probably makes sense). What would you rather a mix of though Dragon Fox? or... Dragon Wolf?
  12. Marx: "I bet I can make a better child than you." Ryouma: "Like put a wager on that?" Marx: "Kamui?" Ryouma: "Kamui."
  13. You just made me realize how cool a children war between the two nations would be.
  14. I'm arrogant, I know. And this argument is completely redundant, but when you play Casual mode or Classic. What's the difference? What's your reward? Well apart from resetting all the time when a unit dies making the characters feel more important which casual players keep saying why they 'don't play classic' about, no one gains anything! Classic players don't accept defeat of a lost comrade and reset the map, losing precious time. It's no different. And isn't it weird for Classic players being the actual ones more engaged to characters than Casuals are when all I hear is the complete opposite. "You're just gonna let your unit die?" "He'll come back." "Oh so his sacrifice isn't as meaning full then." It doesn't make sense. If we're just gonna restart the mission again, then why invent casual mode? Or re add Classic? IS want to appeal to vets 'n' newbies, but now I think they dug a bigger hole instead of solving the problem and refusing us. Look at what we have; an Awakening 2.0 and an evolved FE originating from the old.
  15. Cuz Eastern and Western. To be frank... Which side does the most pandering. West or East?
  16. I hope in someways it's better than Awakening. Story wise, I can already tell, cutscene wise too, but I wanna see more Maps, weapons, skills, mechanics overall, cause they were pretty weak in Awakening. I want a more of a reason for Awakening fans to touch that Classic mode and realize how good Fire Emblem as a whole really is. STOP BEIN PUSSES!
  17. Well... that's one indestructible, 1-2 Range, 18 Mt, Aether backed, Defense boosting toothpick then huh? Makes Durandal look like a splinter. I repeat, "We have a Giant Sword wielder, Ike." How a horseplay style would work is beyond my imagination. Getting knocked back, Special recovery, land on the ground from damage, tech animations and other numerous animations. It's not going to work as well as you think. As FS like a critical, probably. And why another Roy bloodline?
  18. You know what Joker needs to be? Wearing Black... Needs to be more perfect and flawless... Named Sebastian...
  19. I like the support in the older FE's too. There's all the time in the world to fall in love... BUT NOT DURING A FIGHT! Imagine, Kamui, proposes to Felicia, in the middle of the final boss fight. Funny as this sounds, it's just ridiculous and just a no no. Passing on skills now is more overpowered cause you look at classes limitations now and they can only be Myrmidon classes or Mercenary Classes then the other spouse passes skills down that the child's original class could never get. As this does mean you can get creative, it well get just as broken again, fast. "But, Gateway! This is optional." Well that doesn't help me beat my friends over powered children now in a Street Pass now does it.
  20. I thought weapon weight wasn't a thing. Also, it could be difficulty based. It is Nohr, and it could be on Lunatic for all we know. What was his Speed stat at the time in the video? Could just be a trial run and maybe they got bad level stat increases. Edit: I'd like to remind everyone that Kamui is an avatar or My Unit. Kamui could be set with High Atk and low Spd.
  21. It would be great if maybe the kids resembled the parents more. Some children in Awakening or at least most of them just had nothing in common with their parents. They were never like their male parents or only holding very few things in common with the mother. (I'm not saying Owain was bad doh)
  22. Everyone. I'm so cliche about being the guy to have the whole collection of ALL the characters I can obtain. Their could be possibly better characters than the ones we have now.
  23. Like if he was power hungry? Possessed? Taken control over dark magic evil or whatnot.
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