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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. pay attention to enemy attack ranges, decide on a core team of units, mind the numbers, don't be shit at video games
  2. He's saying that she's good in her joining chapter if you aren't using Marcus. He also said "versing", which is reason enough to disregard his entire post.
  3. Okay. Normal mode. You guys play, I'll handle your replays. Drafting order is up. Meanwhile, I'll be trying to beat the same games you're playing on lunatic during the appropriate rounds, just to give me something to do, and desperately needed practice.
  4. Chapter 6: 4 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |11/00|24| 7|13|18|11|10| 4 Franz |14/00|30|12|10|15| 9|10| 4 Moulder|03/00|20| 4| 6| 9| 1| 2| 5 Joshua |06/00|25| 9|14|14| 8| 5| 2 Chapter 7: 7 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |12/00|24| 7|13|19|12|11| 4 Franz |16/00|31|12|11|16|11|10| 6 Moulder|04/00|20| 4| 7|10| 1| 2| 6 Joshua |07/00|25|10|14|15| 8| 5| 2
  5. Normal's looking likely. Bal? Em? As for th13, just download it. If you really absolutely have to fund ZUN's alcoholism, you probably have something like two months to buy it.
  6. I downloaded that recently. It wouldn't execute. Fuck that game.
  7. Wasn't that patched? Uh, maybe it wasn't. Guess I'll just ban MarisaB there? If everyone who signs up feels like it, I'll bump it up to Normal, but I'm trying to make this accessible. We need an even playing field regardless. It's a draft. Just don't let your opponents get all the characters who are good at scoring, and be the better player when your character is suboptimal. ReimuA can come third in th06 and you'll still have done well. It's an easy mode clear. Think of it as something like the special olympics. (and it'd be a good way to ease ourselves into this thing)
  8. OH DICKS okay but how are we even meant to score these douchebags, they make no measurable contribution to anything
  9. we're playing touhou fagnuts Rules: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. All the Windows games will be played, except for the TSS clone and the ones that aren't integers. That's seven games. 3. Only one character/team/shot/whatever the hell is going on may be drafted per game. 4. Normal mode, default settings. 5. No cheating. I don't want to see Malice Cannon or anything like that going on. MarisaB is banned for th10. 6. Practice all you like, but all replays presented are to be recorded during the correct round. No here's-one-I-prepared-earlier. Procedure: 1. Snake-style drafting, the kind we all know and love. Take your pick from the entire pool, but after choosing from one game you obviously can't choose another from the same game. 2. The games will be played in chronological order, with each player using what they drafted for each game. I'm leaning towards alloting one week for the completion of each round. Opinions would be chill. 3. After attaining a satisfactory score, players will send a replay as evidence to a trusted non-player who will release these replays at the end of the round and declare the rankings. You can submit as many improved runs as you like before the deadline, the best one will count. If enough people want to play this, I'll give up my slot and be the judge dude, otherwise I'll find someone else. Probably Integrity, since he's basically the designated draft bookkeeping bitch of Serenes Forest. 4. The player who scores highest will get five points, second place is three, third place is two, and one point goes to the last place finisher. Failing to clear the game will get you no points. I think that's all? [spoiler=Draft pool] |touhou06|touhou07|touhou08|touhou10|touhou11|touhou12|touhou13| | | ReimuA| | | | ReimuA| | | | | | | ReimuB| | | | | | | ReimuC| ReimuC| | | | | MarisaB|You&Yuyu| | | MarisaB| | | | | Reimu| | | | | | | | Yukari| | | | | | | | Marisa| | | | | | | | Alice| | | | | | | | Sakuya| | | | | | | | Remilia| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Yuyuko| | | | | Shmucks (in order): |Player |touhou06|touhou07|touhou08|touhou10|touhou11|touhou12|touhou13| |Raymond| ReimuB| ReimuB|Rei&Yuka| MarisaA| ReimuA| MarisaA| Reimu| |Bal | ReimuA| SakuyaA|SakuRemi| ReimuA| MarisaC| SanaeB| Marisa| |KAL | MarisaB| MarisaA| MAlice| ReimuB| MarisaA| ReimuB| Youmu| |Naglfar| MarisaA| SakuyaB| Youmu| MarisaC| MarisaB| SanaeA| Sanae|
  10. Inzektors? I'd been meaning to look into those, since I tried making an insect deck a while back and it turned out decent.
  11. I remember turning it off once. I didn't like it.
  12. We should bring them drafting.
  13. someone give me a list of decks worth giving a shit about at this point in time and maybe in the near future, that'd help a lot
  14. Dicks to the survey, but I need to get on top of the metagame. There's some interesting stuff going on right now.
  15. some of you are retarded Joins late and isn't exactly invincible, but she does everything you really need a unit to do, including being an extra ready-to-go flier for C18. Syrene's join time really shits on her, but there's little else you can fault her for. She has the rank for silver lances, the speed to double, the strength to follow through, the move to get around, and the movement type to get around even more. She does have a small problem in that her durability isn't the most reliable, but during her period of availability it doesn't really need to be for her to do her job. Give her a robe if you have a spare one for some reason. In the end it comes down to the fact that she actually has a use despite her scarce availability and isn't just that unit who does a thing that somebody else does better, which is more than can be said for a disturbingly large chunk of the cast. 5/10
  16. Where the hell do the Japanese even discuss Fire Emblem? Either everything happens on 2ch, which sounds pretty terrible, or all their forums and whatnot are hidden behind some xenophobic IP blocking bullshit.
  17. This; Metal Sound is the only way Bastiodon will ever hurt anything.
  18. probably fuck it Could use visual accompaniment, more proofreading and a self-imposed ruleset, but let's see where this goes.
  19. The only FE character whose name isn't in katakana who comes to mind is the Black Knight... which isn't a name. it's fe8 c5 all over again
  20. all I get from this thread is that Nestling is moe for Volug
  21. Earlygame she can help less shitty units not be countered by loldiers and zombies and do other chip stuff maybe. Then bench, because when I have to put qualifiers before the word "chip" you're not going anywhere fast. She gets a horse later, but by then your team is full of horses. With stats. 2/10
  22. Naglfar

    Touhou Mafia

    Proto crap aside, there is a contradiction here that we should be thinking about maybe? [spoiler=Iris] [20:16:35] Hextator: incidentally, who is it? [20:16:41] Iris: I can't tell if scummy or [20:16:43] Iris: uhhhhh [20:16:44] Iris: alright [20:16:46] Iris: Kevin [spoiler=Kevin] (20:56:52) kirsche: who told you that I talked to them? (20:57:03) kirsche: I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago (20:57:11) kirsche: *anyone Considering the forty minute gap here, someone's bullshitting. Here's what Iris had to say. Empty spaces are emotes because lolmibbit. If Kevin were actually around this would be a lot easier to figure out, but nope. Voting him would be useless because he won't show up anyway and I'm still trying to measure the significance of this.
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