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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. I would play an FE8 0% growths draft. Seth/Tethys free, maybe free tower?
  2. you actually sort of know me as opposed to all the other people doing this fad and my vanity won't get its dick out of my face so let's go
  3. this is the only good one so I'll post here, even though you don't know me
  4. Forbidden Memories would be nice, I wasn't aware that there was any way to play that game with any degree of efficiency.
  5. Touhou started.

  6. Touhou started.

  7. Touhou started.

  8. Okay here Round one, th06, starts now. It ends exactly seven days from this post. PM download links to your replays to me, and for fuck's sake don't mention your scores in the PMs. Have fun.
  9. Chapter 14: 10 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |19/00|30|10|16|20|18|14| 6 Franz |16/14|43|18|16|22|17|15| 9 Moulder |10/01|28| 8|10|13| 1| 8|11 Joshua |18/00|34|13|18|19|12| 8| 4 Tethys |04/--|21| 1| 3|15|13| 5| 6 L'Arachel|03/00|18| 6| 6|10|12| 5| 8 Ewan |1/0/0|15| 3| 2| 5| 5| 0| 3 Rennac |--/01|28|10|16|17| 5| 9|11 GUESS WHAT'S NEXT
  10. man I kind of kept forgetting about this I guess people can ask for round extensions if they need them, and I still need to find someone to hold onto replays...
  11. Chapter 12: 11 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |18/00|29| 9|16|20|17|13| 6 Franz |16/12|41|17|16|22|15|14| 9 Moulder |08/00|23| 6| 8|11| 1| 4| 7 Joshua |17/00|33|13|17|18|10| 7| 4 Tethys |03/--|20| 1| 3|14|12| 5| 5 L'Arachel|03/00|18| 6| 6|10|12| 5| 8 Ewan |1/0/0|15| 3| 2| 5| 5| 0| 3 Chapter 13: 2 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |18/00|29| 9|16|20|17|13| 6 Franz |16/12|41|17|16|22|15|14| 9 Moulder |08/00|23| 6| 8|11| 1| 4| 7 Joshua |17/00|33|13|17|18|10| 7| 4 Tethys |03/--|20| 1| 3|14|12| 5| 5 L'Arachel|03/00|18| 6| 6|10|12| 5| 8 Ewan |1/0/0|15| 3| 2| 5| 5| 0| 3
  12. This'll just turn into LTC except everything is a rout chapter, unless you put in extremely low turn limits that can't be met unless you're hurrying too much to pick up any extra kills anyway. And what would happen to the real rout chapters?
  13. Okay, let's see here. It's also very easy to understand and familiar to most players, since efficiency is the most popular form of measured play. Actually, are there any others? Besides ranked, I guess. Using the argument "X was designed for the purpose of Y, not Z" is a good way to make me lose my patience very quickly. What we assume the game designers were thinking when they put a mechanic in the game is relevant to approximately nothing. Legitimate issue. Drafts really should include the extent to which RNG abuse is legal in the rules. I never actually looked at any experience drafts, but I think I understand the concept. What's this about good draft parameters though? It's not hard to see if a ruleset is good or not. And fun. It's a similar kind of appeal to the lower tiers of pokemon. Rescue "abuse" isn't a problem. That's your own irrational bias. I would have to imagine that in a draft like this would need multiple offsets and must-reset situations to make it challenging enough to not get a perfect score without being drunk off your tits. Maybe, but this idea needs to be developed before it's worth discussing. None. A "normal" FE run keeps track of no parameters, you just play the game. Since "what makes FE fun" is highly subjective, this probably isn't the best line of thinking to use. With infinite turns, you can do anything. I don't think any draft ruleset will work without turncount having at least significant influence. They can be accounted for, and apparently it can be made to work, but it's going too far to say that they should. A few drafts have given credit for support conversations. It works okay, but it's sort of complicated. Unquantifiable and thus a bad idea. Too many factors. I don't think I would want to keep track of all of this, nevermind plan for it. Sorry, what? My brain completely switched off during this part. Drafting should never be a maths project. It does! There is no "real" fun of FE, as clearly demonstrated by the fact that we all play it in different ways. Join one of zahlman's drafts, those seem to be closest to what you're looking for.
  14. man look at that timing I missed fuck that night phase extension
  15. your bullshit threesome is partly why I cbf to go back and do postgame
  16. If you want to. A lot of these go without saying.
  17. what the fuck is everyone a troll because that's not what they do in Homestuck
  18. Chapter 10: 6 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |15/00|27| 8|14|20|14|11| 5 Franz |16/07|37|16|15|21|13|14| 9 Moulder|05/00|21| 5| 7|11| 1| 3| 7 Joshua |13/00|30|12|15|17| 9| 7| 4 Chapter 11: 11 turns Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Eirika |17/00|28| 9|15|20|16|12| 6 Franz |16/09|39|16|16|21|14|14| 9 Moulder|07/00|22| 6| 8|11| 1| 4| 7 Joshua |16/00|32|13|16|18|10| 7| 4 Tethys |02/--|19| 1| 3|13|11| 5| 4
  19. I never really made any effort to hide it. I would ask Excellen to back me up, but he's dead. So sorry for not claiming publicly in super-earlygame for no reason like the rest of my faction. There was literally a one in ten chance that the roleblock you say you have stopped a kill. This really doesn't work as evidence, especially with the existence of a doctor being a far more likely method of stopping the N1 kill. Why'd you hook me anyway? So we're back to not worrying about you until later, of course. Everyone who hasn't claimed a character yet should. As soon as possible, please.
  20. No it isn't. I don't know why some people have decided that's what it is, but it's never been that. It is a tier list of the performance of units under the rules of a draft playthrough. "Best picks" is a very situational concept anyway. If you want a drafting guide, write a drafting guide.
  21. Let's not pursue that too far until Snike's claimed a character.
  22. wait that's wrong YOU NEXT, SCORRI, YOU SMUG PIECE OF SHIT.
  23. Me first? Fine. I was prepared to anyway. I'm Karkat. Scorri, you next.
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