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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Good thing it does! How does "levelling unit X makes it easier to recruit unit Y" become "unit X is better"? You're also using hypothetical units which don't exist in any game, so it's a non-issue. Uh, yes? Deciding who to deploy isn't even close to the whole point of rating units and debating tiers. There are wild RNG swings that may have an effect, or, you know, you could accept that everyone builds their own strategies and shit. Except it is consequential, because something that doesn't happen doesn't matter.
  2. erk can warp? and uh cam you probably shouldn't base an argument entirely on the highest level of play of a genre you don't know or apparently even care about
  3. You're going to do 1-P with just Micaiah and Leo? Maybe if you use all your healing items. Even then I'm not sure it's doable. That's just pedantic. Perhaps I shouldn't have altered my wording, but I did say something to the effect of "necessary or near-necessary". As in, there's leeway for unfathomably retarded things, not just impossible ones. dondon: isn't the point to educate such people
  4. Look, I don't know much about fighting games, but it goes something like this: Newbies/button mashers are hard to predict and can't predict Mediocre players are predictable, but more skilled and can predict a bit (this can result in them losing to random bullshit from button mashers, especially since their play is unrefined) Good players are much harder to predict, predict well, and can play in autopilot to shit all over players who are worse than them, insurance that lesser players don't have I don't know how this "autopilot" works, but I think it involves not bothering with mind games and just using programmed responses to everything that a less skilled player can't keep up with. Since players below a certain level aren't familiar with high level play, high level fakeout tactics have a tendency to backfire. Or something.
  5. 40% where did you get this figure what the fuck kind of experts are you playing against oh
  6. Holy shit, your singular tiny case of cookie cutter strategy has totally convinced me that there's no skill in FE. The reason prologue strategies are copied is that there are rarely many ways of doing them with any acceptable turncount and they're so simple that most people have them committed to memory anyway. SRPGs require strategic capacity, a skill. You learn this strategic capacity by playing the game. This should be obvious because we're clearly all better at FE now than we were when we started. Remember the first time you played, when blue units dropped like flies on easy mode? That wouldn't happen now, would it? Sure, you can copy someone else's strategies move for move and win flawlessly with no experience, but in that situation it's debatable that you're even playing the game. Nobody does this either, by the way. There are also drafts and whatnot, for which there won't be any strategies for you to copy in the first place. Shmups and fighters are the same way. The knowledge of how to act in certain situations comes with time, practice, and research. The ability to deliver on this is a learned ability developed through experience, a concept known to most of us as skill.[/] I think this is the second time I've had to explain the English language to you people? You're fucking welcome. edit: Also, intelligence could be defined as a capacity for learning and creativity. Thus, an enabler of skill, not to be confused for it.
  8. This is bullshit. I'm probably the only one here who actually watches tokusatsu! Curse you, Folgore Rangers!
  9. Yes, risk assessment is a skill. Strategic capacity is also a skill. That's about 100% of Fire Emblem so there you go.
  10. Chapter 26: 12 turns experience! Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Hector |17/00|33|15|13| 7| 8|18| 2 Lyn |16/01|28|12|19|16|13| 9| 9 Serra |10/02|24|12|10|14|14| 4|11 Guy |14/00|34| 9|19|20|10| 7| 4 Erk |15/00|27|14|12|18| 5| 3| 8 Sain |18/11|50|25|13|19|12|14| 5 Wil |14/00|29|12|12|13|10| 6| 1 Dart |16/00|40|17| 9|12| 6| 9| 3 Heath |14/00|39|19|12|13| 8|14| 3 Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0 Louise |--/04|28|12|14|17|16| 9|12
  11. I would title it "Low Turns Character Guide" or something.
  12. Is it really not obvious why tier lists aren't guides, can't be guides, and aren't meant to be? "Victim" what. You try having intelligent discussion with a bunch of people who keep repeating debunked arguments, failing to back up what they say and ignoring you, and then not getting a teensy bit pissed off. The superior arguments are the ones that are backed up. The rambling of baboons are the ones that aren't. This is pretty objective. No, I don't think that was an argument. Note that dondon isn't actually arguing. Again, it was a waste for you to not put it on GameFAQs.
  13. Snowy: your rating system is terrible, you just took the subtleties of tiering and turned them into numbers of equal value, which you would realise is completely impractical if you only thought about it for a bit Othin: Seth doesn't even approach necessary, I'm talking about stuff like 1-P Edward and 1-9 BK that you literally can't do without, also no skill in FE, what the fuck is wrong with you your tiering thing still arbitrarily quantifies shit and is still invalid for reasons outlined in my big post from earlier which you ignored Banzai: you clearly don't even like tier lists and your posts have degenerated to you passively insulting people who do enjoy them, I suggest you stop posting not to be condescending or anything but why are the people who like tiers the least consistently logic-impaired
  14. Last I checked, units aren't given credit for necessary or borderline necessary actions because it just shits all over discussion and the list as a whole.
  15. I never thought to go through the summaries. I guess I can manage that.
  16. Chapter 24: 2 turns purge :( Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Hector |14/00|31|13|11| 7| 8|18| 2 Lyn |13/00|23| 9|14|14|13| 5| 3 Serra |10/00|20|10| 8|13|13| 2| 9 Guy |11/00|32| 9|17|20| 8| 7| 3 Erk |14/00|26|14|11|17| 5| 3| 8 Sain |18/09|48|25|12|17|11|13| 5 Wil |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1 Dart |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2 Heath |07/00|32|13|10| 8| 7|11| 1 Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0 Chapter 25: 11 turns fuck Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Hector |17/00|33|15|13| 7| 8|18| 2 Lyn |16/00|25|10|17|16|13| 6| 4 Serra |10/01|23|11|10|14|13| 4|11 Guy |13/00|33| 9|18|20| 9| 7| 4 Erk |14/00|26|14|11|17| 5| 3| 8 Sain |18/11|50|25|13|19|12|14| 5 Wil |13/00|28|12|11|12| 9| 6| 1 Dart |12/00|37|14| 8| 9| 5| 7| 2 Heath |10/00|35|15|11|11| 7|12| 2 Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0
  17. You're the only one who thinks I'm angry. And they still manage to disagree somehow.
  18. Note that nobody is arguing LTC as the primary metric. This thread is even more terrible than I thought.
  19. Holy shit, arguments in which everyone's arguing for the same thing! SF's trademark.
  20. The first two paragraphs are you failing to understand fairly simple rules of efficiency tier lists and I'm not going to bother explaining since you've no doubt heard it many times before. Speedrunning is time efficiency, or at least time's equivalent of LTC, and nflchamp already concisely explained why it's a retarded metric for tiering. A lot of this "discrepancy" seems to be people who generally agree with tier list standards but hate them for some reason and assume they're all these things they aren't. The only hiccup amongst the debating community that I can see is people with an extensive history of being wrong, being wrong some more.
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