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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Two hours! I wonder if we'll have any last-minute stuff. We can be procrastination buddies.
  2. Chapter 11: 11 turns getting that hero crest/elysian whip/money bolt was just the biggest pain ever and probably cost me turns but man look at all this swag Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |11/00|27| 8|12|14|12| 8| 3 Marcus|--/09|39|11|15|14|11|10|10 Chad |07/--|22| 7| 5|15|10| 3| 1 Rutger|18/00|34|11|20|20| 6|10| 2 Zealot|--/04|37|11|13|13| 5|13| 7 Treck |15/00|34|13| 7|12|10|14| 0 Geese |13/00|36|12|10|11|11| 9| 0 Lalum |01/--|14| 1| 2|11| 9| 2| 4 Klein |--/01|27|13|13|11|10| 8| 6 Chapter 12: 9 turns kindest rng ever Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |13/00|28| 9|13|14|13| 9| 3 Marcus|--/09|39|11|15|14|11|10|10 Chad |07/--|22| 7| 5|15|10| 3| 1 Rutger|18/00|34|11|20|20| 6|10| 2 Zealot|--/06|39|13|14|13| 5|13| 7 Treck |16/00|35|14| 7|12|11|14| 0 Geese |14/00|37|13|10|11|11| 9| 0 Lalum |02/--|15| 1| 2|12|10| 2| 4 Klein |--/01|27|13|13|11|10| 8| 6
  3. okay I know they're pronounced the same in America™ but how does everyone get rout and route mixed up like have none of you ever played pokemon or something
  4. Chapter 6: 7 turns fe6? uhhhh Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |07/00|23| 7| 9|10|10| 7| 1 Marcus|--/05|36|10|15|13|10|10| 9 Chad |03/--|18| 4| 5|11| 6| 2| 0 Rutger|08/00|26| 8|15|15| 3| 7| 0 NEXT CHAPTER: MORE UNITS FINALLY Chapter 7: 12 turns man it sure is great having no manpower! Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |08/00|23| 7|10|11|11| 8| 2 Marcus|--/06|36|10|15|14|10|10|10 Chad |03/--|18| 4| 5|11| 6| 2| 0 Rutger|10/00|28| 8|17|16| 4| 8| 0 Zealot|--/01|35|10|12|13| 5|11| 7 Treck |04/00|25| 8| 6| 7| 5| 8| 0 Chapter 8: 18 turns ahaha what is this chapter Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |09/00|24| 8|10|12|11| 8| 2 Marcus|--/07|37|11|15|14|10|10|10 Chad |03/--|18| 4| 5|11| 6| 2| 0 Rutger|12/00|30| 9|18|17| 5| 8| 0 Zealot|--/02|36|10|13|13| 5|12| 7 Treck |08/00|27| 9| 6| 9| 7|10| 0 Chapter 8x: 11 turns woohoo strategy Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |10/00|25| 8|11|12|11| 8| 3 Marcus|--/07|37|11|15|14|10|10|10 Chad |04/--|19| 5| 5|12| 7| 2| 0 Rutger|14/00|31|10|18|19| 5| 9| 0 Zealot|--/02|36|10|13|13| 5|12| 7 Treck |10/00|29|10| 6|11| 8|11| 0 Chapter 9: 7 turns light brand <3 Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |10/00|25| 8|11|12|11| 8| 3 Marcus|--/08|38|11|15|14|10|10|10 Chad |04/--|19| 5| 5|12| 7| 2| 0 Rutger|15/00|31|10|18|20| 5| 9| 0 Zealot|--/03|37|10|13|13| 5|12| 7 Treck |12/00|31|11| 6|12| 9|12| 0 Chapter 10: 9 turns recruiting geese cost me a turn or two, he'd better be worth it :U Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Roy |11/00|26| 8|12|13|11| 8| 3 Marcus|--/09|39|11|15|14|11|10|10 Chad |05/--|20| 6| 5|13| 8| 2| 0 Rutger|16/00|32|11|19|20| 6| 9| 0 Zealot|--/04|37|11|13|13| 5|13| 7 Treck |13/00|32|12| 6|12| 9|13| 0 Geese |10/00|33|10| 9| 9| 9| 8| 0
  5. do any of you know this programming shit teach me your ways
  6. you must be pretty fucking chill about this to find just the right humorous image macro for the situation
  7. exactly what went on in the harry potter draft
  8. now that I think about it, I'm up to that chapter in this FE7 draft and I have nothing but two Barrier charges to get through it STRATEGY good thing half my units have pretty sweet RES (however in this same draft I'm not selling any gems and shit and I'm just fine, so how the fuck can you go broke exactly)
  9. This is great, but you're still pretty terrible at this game.
  10. this is the best thread on the entire site
  11. Given the massive numbers we've seen the units pull in the trailers, I had to ask.
  12. When did we learn this? I probably won't be reclassing anyone the first time around. Besides, Magnificent Flame? Sweet, is it passive? I guess I'll try out the fliers sometime. And brigand because that's hilarious.
  13. Knowing what FE13 implies, this is actually sort of really plausible. Uh, in case anyone doesn't understand, Double is basically Rescue in reverse. The initiating unit can't be attacked and they move around with their partner, whose turn is amazingly not used up by being Doubled with. And instead of having their skill and speed cut in half, the Doubled unit gets a statistical boost in addition to support bonuses and being in perma-Dual. Holy shit. There seems to be no equivalent to complicated rescue chains possible, but you can have a unit Double with someone else and have the Doubled unit drop them off on the same turn, which already shits all over Rescue even without the rest of that stuff.
  14. sorry sorry Tell me off for this shit. ROUND 1 STANDINGS: 1st: Raymond - 107,708,050 - ReimuB (5) 2nd: KAL - 106,522,360 - MarisaB (3) 3rd: Naglfar - 100,129,930 - MarisaA (2) DNF: Bal - 78,858,030 - ReimuA (0) I don't think any of us tried very hard here. Bal was the only one who outright failed to produce a cleared run, but I personally only really tried... twice? I personally didn't spend enough time getting the last two stages right and it shows. Anyway, let's put this behind us and maybe do better for the next game. 1st: Raymond (5) 2nd: KAL (3) 3rd: Naglfar (2) 4th: Bal (0) Round 2, th07, starts now. It ends a week from this post.
  15. Welcome to the forest, enjoy whatever, and never break character. And join a draft. Drafts are fun.
  16. Chapter 27: 13 turns dicks Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Hector |18/00|34|15|13| 7| 8|19| 3 Lyn |16/01|28|12|19|16|13| 9| 9 Serra |10/03|25|13|10|14|15| 5|12 Guy |15/01|40|11|20|20|10| 9| 5 Erk |16/00|28|14|12|18| 5| 3| 8 Sain |18/12|51|25|14|19|12|14| 5 Wil |15/00|29|13|13|13|11| 6| 1 Dart |16/00|40|17| 9|12| 6| 9| 3 Heath |18/00|43|20|14|16| 9|14| 4 Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0 Louise |--/04|28|12|14|17|16| 9|12 Chapter 28: 16 turns terrible design. not gonna bother with the hassle of the 28x requirements. Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS Hector |18/00|34|15|13| 7| 8|19| 3 Lyn |16/02|29|12|19|16|14| 9|10 Serra |10/05|26|15|10|15|16| 5|12 Guy |15/01|40|11|20|20|10| 9| 5 Erk |17/00|28|15|12|18| 5| 3| 8 Sain |18/13|52|25|15|20|13|15| 5 Wil |16/00|30|13|14|13|11| 6| 2 Dart |17/00|40|18| 9|15| 6| 9| 3 Heath |20/03|49|21|18|19|10|15| 7 Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0 Louise |--/05|28|13|14|18|16| 9|13
  17. Tana has nice bases, add promotion gains and her combat will be helpful. Don't forget she flies.
  18. There seems to be a logic issue here. I'm reading tier position = chance of deployment. It's more like overall quality = tier position and immediate relevance + a bit of overall quality = chance of deployment. High tier placing and high chance of deployment are symptoms of the same factor, but they aren't directly related and shouldn't be treated as such. Isn't it completely unnecessary outside of ranked?
  19. Stop making drafts I want to play!
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