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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Don't worry, we'll judge for you. oh hey I can start now, fuck
  2. Yes, I suppose so. Deadtalking should be kept to a minimum. Not that I'll freak out over a couple of passive-aggressive quips or anything.
  3. What you may mean by "invoke" aside, you're alive...?
  4. gonna do team analysis now because drafting may as well be over, it's just great how the person who gets first pick also gets the last of the remotely serviceable units Naglfar: Franz, Tethys, Moulder, Syrene, Joshua, L'Arachel, Rennac Franz for all my combat forever, Eirika and Joshua on cleanup I guess. Moulder for healing early and inferior Saleh late (never used him in LTC before, this'll be fun). I can't believe you people let me get Tethys, and then L'Arachel/Rennac/Syrene join to fill utility holes in lategame. Ephraim, Orson and Myrrh are in there somewhere. I'm feeling good about this. The Creeper: Vanessa, Saleh, Gerik, Forde, Ross, Innes, Knoll or something I wouldn't say Eirika/Ross/Vanessa is a bad earlygame team by any means, though it's flawed in that all of them desperately want levels, so he'll have to be particular with experience distribution to get full mileage from them. Forde (fourth round what the fuck) joins afterwards, and he'll be pretty bro in a few levels. Then there'll be Innes and Gerik, who will give the team some much-needed fortification, before Saleh joins to do much of the same and provide some sweet Warping if he gets to A staves in time without turncounts suffering (easier said than done). Probably wins lategame, but I'm all over earlygame. Bonerusa: Garcia, Kyle, Tana, Colm, Lute, Natasha, a scrub A whole bunch of solid units who join relatively early. All the necessities, plus Colm for some early goodies that Tana would appreciate. This is the kind of thing you do when you draft third. It'll probably go well, especially midgame, but I can't say I know. Bolting: Cormag, Duessel, Artur, Gilliam, Dozla, Neimi, who cares Drafting fourth is an impenetrable science to me, and apparently, a lot of other people. Franz-Vanessa-Garcia seems to be a popular pattern among sane players (thus, it happens rarely), but the fourth player to draft always has different ideas. Honestly, I don't think there's any way in which Bolting's team excels, but I really have no idea.
  5. Kay died, nothing new was learned. You don't give a fuck. It is now Night 4. Phase end: January 15th, 3am GMT
  6. fucking hell all these other things Phase end.
  7. nobody said anything about any rout chapters, are you high
  8. standard rules make it pretty shitty drafting the last few units L'Arachel for staffbot and Rennac as if C19 1-turn wasn't easy enough already
  9. sending your preferred picks to the guy who drafts before you after said person has made their pick is the best way of doing it
  10. uh, The Creeper wants Ross, I think.
  11. Syrene and Joshua. this was harder to decide than it should have been
  12. nevermind, phase end in about two and a half hours
  13. Majority. Phase will end when I get back, all things considered...
  14. Just before you begin the day's now-routine head count, you hear something, loud and clear. <SIGHT VENT> A vision...? [spoiler=Sight Vent] Following your collective trip, it becomes clear that Iris is missing. It takes little imagination for you all to figure out what happened. It is now Day 4. Phase end: January 14th, 12pm GMT
  15. Tethys and Moulder, I got this.
  17. In-game, free units function identically to drafted units. They're separate from drafted and undrafted units, though, in obvious ways. Not so much a dictionary of common draft terms, maybe some of us just need a regular dictionary.
  18. But then you couldn't cop a feel, which would be counterintuitive.
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