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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. I don't even know which is correct. Pronounce it or don't pronounce it if you want. Personally, I do. And after Kath & Kim, it's hard to take people who don't pronounce the H seriously.
  2. アアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアア
  3. About the planeswalkers: Why do I want to use Dondon for anything other than his +1? Narga seems a bit hard to use. Interceptor certainly needs CMC 7. Fox seems to be very good. Repeatable sorcery-speed Shock sounds fun. Grandjackal just seems like a shitty Eldrazi Monument. Or Nissa if she were faster and didn't really do anything. That's all I can deduce from this.
  4. I figured out pretty quickly that the majority of SE, like most sites, is full of assholes. You ignore them, or go somewhere else - ranting only gives them more things to be insensitive about.
  5. Holy shit, I fucked that one up. Forget I said that. But yeah. She looks like Kristen Stewart.
  6. Just to clarify... what difficulty is this?
  7. Nobody's saying your way of playing is wrong. You can like using Pelleas and Soren, that's fine. But saying they're good units (especially Pelleas) is going too far.
  8. She looks like bloody Kristen Stewart with white hair.
  9. I'm sure a few of you would enjoy it.
  10. Could have fooled me. Always add an emoticon.
  11. If the context were more apparent from that post alone, I'd sig it. Anyway, yeah. That and people are idiots.
  12. Welcome to our "humble" forums. You should fit in, most of us love Fire Emblem too. I also look forward to learning from you, provided you pop up on the FE10 forum. I'm not too well-versed in the other games. :D
  13. Fixed. I have learned that numbers determine the entire value of your existence. And The Power of Friendship makes you stronger, just as long as you're close to your friend and there's a limit to how much friendship one person can achieve.
  14. Okay. I decided to try out Shining Force (the original), because it seemed to be a fair bit like Fire Emblem. Turns out I was right, only perhaps a little more FFT-like. It seems okay, though the combat is a bit hit-and-miss. That leaves 1000 points. I might save it to buy Mega Man games once I've beaten the first. Why does it have to be so bloody hard?
  15. Yeah, just, what should I buy with these leftover points? Don't say World of Goo.
  16. By saying that, you clearly acknowledge that units that must be babied to reach their potential are not good. It's a simple thing, but if you know it, you can't really call yourself a noob. Well, I asked how Gatrie was getting a speed transfer one time in the tier list topic. Turns out it involves hogging the Knight Ward for the whole game and stuff like that. I guess that means he can make the best use of the Knight Ward, which justifies the nausea-inducing favouritism required for him to cap speed. Fixed mode is full of stuff that isn't apparent on the surface. Damn stat experience.
  17. Played them all. Loved them all. RP's avatar always looks like Giygas for a split second when I'm scrolling down. And the word is "series". Goddamnit.
  18. Sol won't activate with attacks from 2 range by anything that isn't a bow. Staves can't trigger it either. It's the same with the other masteries. Deadeye will activate from wherever, since it's the Marksman mastery and they use bows. Stun and Colossus won't activate from 2 range, Flare and Corona won't activate with staves (that last is obvious if you think about it), et cetera. So yeah, Mist's not triggering Sol unless she's using a sword from 1 range. And if you're letting that happen, you're going to want Sol to activate a lot. Yet another reason why Mist should never be used as a combat unit in FE10. As such, do it. It's the essence of self-imposed challenges in Fire Emblem and if you do it enough you'll be cool here. Five dots, bitches.
  19. Fox needs more than 2 base. lolgrandjackal. Your Narga and Interceptor cards are just asskissing. XD
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