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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. He's gay. Just let him be gay. It's more interesting that way.
  2. Volug will be a star unit during the DB chapters at the very least. Eddie and Soren are not "very good". Just so you know. As for your last team, let's see. Mist is nearly unsalvageable, Brom is a nightmare to level, levelling both Makalov and Calill may be tricky, and Vika is falling behind after being missing for two thirds of the game. Nailah and Tibarn will be very helpful, and Ulki, Zihark and Jill will fill in the blanks while you lack royals. It may not end up that easy at all. Boss abuse on 1-7 + paragon on Vika should help her significantly. If you can get her a few levels (fight untransformed for much more Exp), have Micaiah sacrifice, Sothe shove Mickey out of the boss's 2-range, and Laura heal Mickey. Boss attacks, Vika counters. Get her strike to SS and her level to ~22-24, and she'll be usable. You'll also want to pull the paragon scroll for 1-E so the DB can use it in part 3. But do take her and have her boss abuse Jarod to get to ~26-27. She'll be quite usable for endgame if you do this. We all know you can boss abuse Vika. Still, not everyone particularly wants to do that (I know I don't), and that leaves the other four problem units anyway.
  3. What makes you think I didn't know that? I'm sure you did, but not everyone does. Other people in this thread may not know, and I am attempting to clarify this point. It is, after all, quite a common misconception. Fair enough. But you quoted me when you said that, so I thought it was directed at me. Yeah.
  4. Volug will be a star unit during the DB chapters at the very least. Eddie and Soren are not "very good". Just so you know. As for your last team, let's see. Mist is nearly unsalvageable, Brom is a nightmare to level, levelling both Makalov and Calill may be tricky, and Vika is falling behind after being missing for two thirds of the game. Nailah and Tibarn will be very helpful, and Ulki, Zihark and Jill will fill in the blanks while you lack royals. It may not end up that easy at all.
  5. are there any other series/games that have similarly blatant pairings? Eirika and Ephraim.
  6. With what str value? The toughest Reds have like 77hp and 38 def (HM). She only needs 115 mt to OHKO them. If they are on cover, 125. Even giving her S strike (13mt) she needs to hit just 112/5 str. 22.4. Since she can't have 23 str (even with wildheart actually. 15 str = 22 and 16 str = 24) she'll need 24 str. That's just 12 str. She can eventually get there, especially if you put a drop on her. Without a drop she needs level 31 or 32, more likely 32 if you gave her a bexp level back in 3-4 to make her actually double stuff. With a drop she only needs like level 26 to have the str to OHKO the things. In fact, if you give her SS strike (18mt) that drops 125 down to 107, so 107/5 = 21.4 and so all she needs is 11 str since 11 x 2 x 5 = 110 and SS strike takes care of the rest. With no drop and assuming one level gave +0% str, she'll still hit 11 str before she hits level 30, so if she actually has Rend, guess what? She still OHKOs the thing, even on a cover tile. Rend is that disgusting. Also, stick them on a cover and it's much easier to get the 0 damage -> OHKO thing happening (I say this for the fun factor). With effectively 48 def (or 46 def for the weaker ones) she'd need at least 47 mt to do any damage. 14 str and SS strike is 46 mt and she does 0 damage. 14 str is level 37 on average, so she'd need more str just to do damage to the weaker Reds on cover. Oh, and let's go with level 32 Lyre with 12 str and SS strike. 24 + 18 = 42mt. She does like 4 damage to the best dragons not on cover. 8 after doubling. Technically, she 10 rounds at this point, since 9 rounds is only 72 damage. But let's analyze the chance of her not using Rend after 19 attacks (20th attack KOs the dragon regardless). Actually, 12 attacks, so her chances of not 6 rounding. 0.2176782336%. Basically 1 in ~459. After 4 attacks (2 rounds) 12.96%. 1 in ~7.7. She's not really all that likely to need more than 2 rounds anyway. Basically, if Astrid is 3RKOing instead of 2RKOing, Lyre is far more likely to 2RKO or better than Astrid is, regardless of how long it actually takes Lyre to KO the thing without Rend. Especially if you stick the thing on a cover tile. Give Astrid max str and she has 33 + 3 + 22 = 58 mt with double bow. That's 10 damage on the covered one. 4RKO. But if she Sols it is still a 2RKO. She'd have to Sol twice in the first round to ORKO. But she won't have max str anyway, at least on HM (but I'm talking about HM hp/def values anyway) so she'll have trouble there. Bleh. Nevermind. I screwed up royally on the calculation... I used the untransformed strength value. Sorry.
  7. I stated an opinion, not a fact (I suggest you learn the difference between those two). :P Again, this is an opinion. :D Your opinion is wrong. I hate when people attempt to prove something logically (especially when it's obviously not true), get their arguments shot to pieces, and then pull out the "opinion" ploy, thinking it saves them from being wrong. I've deduced that in this world, there is only fact and things that cannot be proven. Opinion is a fancy word for guesswork. If your opinion goes against proven fact, it is wrong. And since this is a Fire Emblem forum, the sooner you accept that being wrong is a part of theoretical discussion here (unless you're Fox), the better off you'll be.
  8. No at both. You obviously got the furst from some trope, she can't talk to animals, she can only speak and read galdrar, which Soren can read galrar too. She is not secretly a princess when she was thought dead, she was supposed to be the empress, making Sanaki the princess. And again, she can't be the secret sister of Sanaki when Sanaki wasn not aware of her existence or when nbody even knew they had a connection. And Pelleas is not her love interest. "Galdrar" is the plural of "galdr", the herons' songs. It is not the name of the language. I don't know where people get this idea. Sure, she was supposed to be the empress, but that doesn't mean she is. Sanaki wound up as the empress instead, so Micaiah was indeed, a secret princess. Sanaki not knowing about her sister and nobody else knowing who Micaiah actually was is EXACTLY what makes her Sanaki's secret sister. What the hell are you on about? Yes, Pelleas isn't her love interest, but it is hinted that he likes her.
  9. Actually, even though Fiona > Lyre, Rend >> Sol in this case. 40% activation vs. (skill/2)%, so even at max Fiona has just 17%. Also, since Rend multiplies str by 5 it allows Lyre to kill even dragons rather easily, but Fiona might not even 4HKO dragons so she'd need to somehow activate Sol twice (or crit the thing). Even if she is 4HKOing dragons, she's still taking a counter even if she manages to activate on the first attack (Lyre OHKOs with Rend). At least if she activates Sol on the second hit then she'll heal back the damage from the first. I was about to fall in line and concede that until I realized that dragons only account for the enemies in one chapter. Against almost anything else, Sol will suffice as a OHKO. It's true, Fiona's Sol activation rate will be 17% at most, while Lyre's Rend activation rate goes up to 40% or something. Still, on the subject of dragons, neither are doing very much if their skills don't activate. I think Fiona's 3RKOing and Lyre's 4RKOing, assuming the dragon is an uncovered red or a covered white. Against covered reds... Fiona's 7RKOing while Lyre is maybe 12RKOing or something. Twelve. And that's if her strength is good, though I guess if you're using her she'd have gotten an energy drop. Thank god for masteries, right? Oh, Lyre can't OHKO a red on a cover tile even with Rend. Ha!
  10. King Sanaki wants a word with you.
  11. Try not to make a move that has a chance to come back and bite you in the ass. Irresponsibly exposing units to enemies with bonus damage against them or with high-crit weapons equipped are two of the more easily-spotted moves of this type.
  12. No, not really. She'll be getting HP, Speed, and Luck. What she needs is Str, and a lot of it. Lyre is heading nowhere fast. Fiona got lucky because she doesn't need BEXP to be useful. She has part 3 where she can be deployed for free and do something slightly useful. Lyre's deployment is never free. Enlighten me. Have you checked Fiona's tier 3 caps to cross reference this claim? A) And a Level 7 Lance Knight is going quickly? It may be easy to take her up 1 level, but by the time she's a respectable level (or at the very least mediocre), you're out of luck. If you can build up Lyre's speed she can double some mages (yes, I know that's pathetic...), but soon be attacking much more. Fiona's enemies are mostly laguz. Those aren't easy to kill, and there are no execptions. B) Even if she can be deployed for free, she's not doing anything but dying. Tiger laguz take her down in one shot, unless you used some major favoritism. That includes boss abuse. There are plenty of character that could easily becoem better units than her without you wasting time slamming and slamming the same boss. C) Good, but there are better. Plus it's impossible for her to hit those caps, unless you're a devoted Fiona user. I'll admit the same applies to Lyre, but if you can bring her up to 35-40, which is only 16 levels as opposed to Fiona's 30+, she has better stats, plus a skill that multiplies damage by 5. Look, they both suck. But Lyre sucks just enough less that Fiona is my worst. A) Fiona can't kill anything. Neither can Lyre. B) Fiona is doing nothing but dying. So is Lyre. C) This is a better point, but don't forget that Lyre's gauge holds her back until Endgame, laguz level slower than beorc, and Sol kills just as well as Rend and even heals.
  13. Mordecai is plenty good enough if you choose to use him, and he even has time to build supports, which happens to be the current topic. Royals, on the other hand, have hardly any time to build supports thanks to their availability. Plus, by part four, when your royals have (mostly) joined for good, if you've been using Mordy, he'd have Roar, plenty of grass to smoke, and probably enough laguz stone uses to last him until Endgame and its laguz gems. At that time, Mordy's only shortcomings compared to royals would be lack of Formshift (like one player phase lost per map) and heavy doubling issues. Still, he doesn't take damage easily and is quite helpful during the many chapters he's present for. Especially if we're talking about higher-level supports, which Mordy can get and royals mostly can't, you can't just say that royals are better. In any case, it's sad that Mordy is the only decent unit with a water affinity (not counting Leanne, but she's not supporting anybody anyway). This doesn't mean that earth > water, however; remember that the unit doesn't make the affinity, the affinity makes the unit. Earth > water is because of the bonuses they give, not because of the units who have them. EDIT: Ulki has water too.
  14. yes Nobody, not even Haar, is going to perform spectacularly when equipped with bronze weapons. And if he "starts dying", at least within three turns, you're doing something wrong. You can heal him anyway. thats my goal, I only need him to weaken enemies so Marcia gets the kills, as chapters go by he'll start dying. I give him iron not bronze, Ike has bronze + disarm. :) Oh, nicely done there. Does Ike have Blossom too? But no matter how much you don't like Haar, or when you're certain he's not going to Endgame, everybody still uses him for something.
  15. Judging by what's been said, he'll probably start to fall behind (at least offensively) during 1-8 or so, then his usefulness will spike up come part three when you can take Wildheart off. Incidentally, he'll start levelling nicely by the time you reach 3-6, too, so it all works out.
  16. Normal fanartists don't draw Volug, they draw Naruto shounen-ai. Furries don't draw Volug, they draw... well, proper furry stuff, and whatnot. Not Petting Zoo People. And nobody plays Fire Emblem. Ensemble Darkhorse of Nintendo's main franchises indeed.
  17. yes Nobody, not even Haar, is going to perform spectacularly when equipped with bronze weapons. And if he "starts dying", at least within three turns, you're doing something wrong. You can heal him anyway.
  18. Woohoo old thread, here I go. This. Lyre! Gah! "Volug sucks" and "X unit is good when babied" in the same post? Christ. Just to recap, Volug does not suck and everyone is good when babied. With the possible exception of Lyre. This applies to all the other "X unit is good when babied" posts, too.
  19. Please present evidence that there is a chapter in which Volug has trouble doubling. You realize thanks to minimal exp gain in part 1 and halfshift stats he only has 19 AS for basically all of part 1. 95% hp, 25% str, 15% mag, 35% skl, 40% spd, 90% luck, 15% def, 10% res Now, I suppose you could give him bexp at some point and hope that he procs spd instead of skl. They are really close. He'd have 21 AS and double all but myrms and maybe a few bosses for all of part 1. I think only Jarod and myrms have more than 17 AS. But otherwise all those 16+ AS bandits in 1-8 and the 16+ AS soldiers and fighters and whatever else in 1-E aren't getting doubled either. Of course, the person's original statement was about 3-13 and thus flawed as I pointed out earlier, but your statement allows me to look at any chapter. Ah, right. I tend to miss this stuff. But yeah. There are definitely no doubling problems in part three unless you keep Wildheart on him. Which you aren't doing.
  20. I don't know, I wanted to see where it would take us. Nowhere, apparently. Also to punctuate that "Jill > Haar" is a silly statement and you should feel bad for saying it. Unless we're talking about FE9. Which we aren't.
  21. Please present evidence that there is a chapter in which Volug has trouble doubling.
  22. I doubt you're the only one. Thinking about this, I'd imagine that Volug was argued up to where he is by someone who really, really likes his abs. Well, let's find out for sure. To answer your question quickly, yes, you do gain BExp for not killing the 2-3 enemies. However, let's find out if that's really a wise idea, or whether it's just better to kill them and get the CExp. In NM (for the sake of argument), you get 200 BExp for not killing a unit. Let's say that, on average, a character that would be getting this BExp is --/5. This means that you need 1300 BExp to get 1 level (of course, you may want to save it for BExp abuse later, meaning you need even more to gain a level. In other words, we need to be gaining at least (100)*(200/1300) = 15.7 Exp per kill. (They may be your citizens, but we are going for efficiency. They shouldn't have betrayed you and sided with Ludveck, and treason must bear some price.) No one knows for certain what the actual formula for CExp is, but we'll assume the NM growth for PoR, as I doubt it will vary too much. In that case, you're gaining ((3/2)*(10.5 + your level - enemy level) + 20) exp per kill. We'll further assume that the partner CRK units kill 2 units for every 5 that you do. On average, enemy units are about 20/2 or so, and your units average 20/5. Therefore, we can expect to gain somewhere around 30 Exp per kill, and 60+ for Astrid. So, I'd say that you may want to save a few, but you're gaining Exp on average by killing them. In hard mode, it's effectively 1/4 BExp, since you need twice as much but are only getting 1/2 as much. In Easy mode, you're not getting more BExp, but you're getting more CExp, so I'd say that they have to go, no matter the mode. Yes, there's going to be less BEXP than CEXP. But what would you prefer? Less BEXP for a unit you will use, or more CEXP for a unit you won't? The CRKs can handle their remaining chapter and a half at base level anyway, with the possible exception of Marcia and of course Asstrid, but Marcia has 2-P and all of 2-E and Asstrid isn't fighting. After 3-9 on a standard playthrough, you wouldn't use the CRKs, right? They won't be fighting again, so their CEXP will go to waste. However, if you went for max BEXP, that experience will stick around for you to use later. The combat experience gained by the CRKs hardly matters. Even if it's a fraction of NM's experience, I'd take 2-3's BEXP in HM because I can use it to give a push to a unit I will in fact be fielding in the long run. Better to have less of something and make it count than to have more of it and waste it.
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