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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Very real. It was a recent Worldwake spoiler. I'm excited. Read the tier list. They're not THAT bad. I was hoping to avoid that topic coming up in this thread. It tends to get, shall we say "less than friendly" when that kind of stuff gets brought up. If you say Sanaki and Pelleas are as bad as Meg, someone's going to disagree with you. That's like moving Astrid forward with her full move on the first turn of 2-3 and "hoping" she doesn't die. I mean, both of them can be of use without putting themselves in danger, while Meg can't, unless you really don't need those Wind Edges. But yes, we can talk about this in some other thread.
  2. And the sad part is that would make perfect sense without any sarcasm.
  3. Either I need a new meme radar, or I'm in over my head here. My furry radar is reacting too.
  4. He was banned because he gave me bad growths. Not like I need such things, like you mortals.
  5. I actually kind of hate most of you guys. :D
  6. One question. How is Gatrie meant to get a speed transfer?
  7. Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them. Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders? Nailaih makes sense, she IS the Queen of wolves >.> Yes. It makes sense. But here's an idea: what if they omitted leadership stars from the status screen and only displayed them on the map screen when you check commmanders? Extra points for outlining the exact bonus. That way we wouldn't have to glare at Sanaki and Caineghis.
  8. I jest my friend... I know how hard it is to get a copy >_> Only two of the Gamestops in Las Vegas had used ones in stock... lol, 4chan references? I am innocent, as I have only seen a few motivational posters involving that scary place... I have never gone on the site itself ._. Been there. Stay away.
  9. Noun baka (hiragana ばか) 馬鹿: idiot It's also used here, though I never learnt (or cared) what language it's from. Among English-speakers, "baka" is most commonly used amongst Narutards with too much estrogen in their systems. Ironically, most happen to be idiots themselves. I would think that if you looked to see who used that word the most, it'd be obvious what language it's from. For the really slow people: it's Japanese. And "Jade Curtiss" calls himself a Tales Fan LMAO 「馬鹿」だと言いたかった。でもユーチュッブでとても多い馬鹿がいっている。「馬鹿」を言いすぎるよ。 Being polite when asking someone to die just doesn't make sense ._. "Shinen" would be more appropriate ._. It's called humour. :(
  10. Baka Naglfar-chan! Sasuke-sama fans use the word baka too! Sasuke-sama kawaii mo desu ne se yo ka? Shinde kudasai.
  11. Right now we have "Guess my name". What do you guys think is coming next?
  12. Noun baka (hiragana ばか) 馬鹿: idiot It's also used here, though I never learnt (or cared) what language it's from. Among English-speakers, "baka" is most commonly used amongst Narutards with too much estrogen in their systems. Ironically, most happen to be idiots themselves. I would think that if you looked to see who used that word the most, it'd be obvious what language it's from. For the really slow people: it's Japanese.
  13. Why does nobody tire of Yu-Gi-Oh-is-gay jokes? They're really annoying.
  14. Moar like men are superior because there are no such thing as female Berserkers and Berserkers fucking rule and you people know it, mirirte? lolno. Have you seen Nino's caps?! They're ridiculous. What good will Nino's caps ever do? You just contradicted yourself horribly. Wait a second. Fa's a Chiki. She's actually bottom tier. Also, let me direct your attention to Fir, Ilyana, even Chiki.
  15. There's a big difference between the Uber metagame and bringing an Uber into a match where Ubers aren't specifically being called for. In my experience, it's a matter of courtesy between experienced players not to do that. I don't think it's unreasonable to call people who do this noobs. I haven't been involved in the metagame since Ruby and Sapphire days, but this was very much the case when Groudon and Kyogre were at the top of everyone's list. I don't see anything in the post I replied to about using Ubers when it wasn't agreed on. He flatly said using legendaries makes you unskilled. Experienced players will obviously agree on a format to play, the noobs who don't know about tiers obviously won't. Yes, they'll likely bring an Uber or two. But you're likely unskilled in the first place if you haven't researched the intricacies of the game enough to even know what's ranked where. Mismatched Ubers is just a possible symptom of lack of skill (or knowledge), not the cause. Lol, you remind me of some guy's recount of a kid bragging about his Groudon. It had Sunny Day.
  16. Meg and Fiona can block the ledge in the top-left corner of the map in 3-13. I don't think I could fight on the lowest ledges of the fortress without them helping me out there. XD It's good that laguz don't have 2 range. The tower of guidance ability is really cool. I played her on NM recently. I was able to make her good with an energy drop and the DB's paragon (this meant I left it on her for 1-F, which meant they didn't have access to it during part 3). The latter sacrifice is not one I could bring myself to make on HM. Comments are up in the quote.
  17. I know you weren't talking about every playthrough, but god. I must be missing something because I don't think it's supposed to go that fast.
  18. Why would this be against the rules. Let alone crossing a non-existent line twice ...Never mind.
  19. Stop. Just stop. Although I believe it has more to do with a character archetype than anything This. They follow the Chiki archetype. She just happens to be a loli... so the others follow suit.
  20. I can see it now... Fire Emblem de Danjo... it's probably out there. Why are you comparing Cormag and Syrene?
  21. Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them. Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders?
  22. 3-4 I think is the lolyaoiarrivetogether one. I think the seize maps are 1-F, 1-7, 3-10 and 2-3. And IMO 2-2 is effectively a seize. 4-4 would be a hilarious seize on account of Oliver moving off the throne to be recruited by Rafiel. I know. I wonder if you could get a quick finish out of that... it's not easy to sneak past enemies on 4-4. ...Hm. Yeah, it's definitely 3-4. Because I know for a fact that 3-5 is the ceasefire chapter, which comes after the we-must-save-Simba chapter.
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