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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. They're shameless Estrogen Brigade Bait, so you should fit one of the following: 1. you have refined taste 2. you are not into guys 3. both
  2. Twifagguy can... turn into a wolf. That's not even remotely furry. Come on, seriously now.
  3. On that note, what does Seize mean again? getting to a glowing point with your main character and selecting "Seize" lolspelling. But yeah. There are like... two seize missions in FE10.
  4. Fool! The only controllable raven in FE9 was Naesala, only around for the final chapter, where there were no chests. There were just a handful of ravens in ch14 or something who could open chests. Not even all of them could do it, it seems.
  5. If Touhou characters with maybe five lines have cult followings, then EddiexLeo shippers are bound to exist. The subtext is obvious anyway.
  6. When creatures would be destroyed, if regenerated, they're not, they're just tapped instead, and if they're in combat, they're removed from it.
  7. This seriously sounds impossible. But your recount of 1-7... everyone running out of weapons, and then it all coming down to Meg, of all units... nothing has ever been so epic. This painful turtling really seems to be working, too. Fiona to 20 in her starting chapter? On HM? Meg promoted? TAURONEO promoted on 1-6-2? That's it. If you succeed, I'm going to be doing one of these myself. Oh, and can your "lowest units" change mid-chapter? Or is it decided every chapter for the length of it, for the sake of simplicity?
  8. We need to run THREE colours to use the brothers' triangle attack? That's insane. >_< And why doesn't Rolf have reach?
  9. Bastards. Nothing ever gets down here. It's like the Ike and Skrimir predicament in Feast or Famine.
  10. Maor Pl0x! Anyway, I think that rating of Naliah is quite fair. Because she is the only female royal, that gives her extra points in my book. ;D Nailah, an example of that old paradox, "if you hit it, you're a furry, if you don't, you're gay". Isn't that so? So next is Rafiel, and then what? Will you be rating the Burger King? EDIT: I can't believe I got a dot from a post like this.
  11. Hm, I guess we could ban the jeigan-y unit... There should be some rule that could be set up for most games to make it not an instant win for someone. Even if the rules get a little complex for some games. Yeah. Just ban Seth and Titania outright.
  12. You can't forge daggers, only knives. And I highly doubt a forged knife is going to be better than a Peshkatz.
  13. Don't... get... involved... BLARRRRRGH
  14. Can't think of much to say about me that doesn't involve Vika. OUT
  15. no rare candies are for those who wan't max results with min effort (you just have to max out effort points first) wan'ts Amelia and crash to marry I...? Has lots of rare candies, unlike me.
  16. Maybe. Maple's a possible canditate too. Has an average-looking Wendy. Soul ninja's me a lot.
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