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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Reyson is... uh... okay, there's no doubting you just blew Time Walk out of the water. Lol Vigilance!Ulki. Lol Sigrun's growths. Lol Manith. And we get Reinforce! The Falcon Knight's as good as he is, true to form!
  2. Yeah. With this glitch, everyone can Nosferatank dragons!
  3. Life consists of very long Defend chapters. You can't make it go faster. So they should have plenty of time to build up a support.
  4. Shall I dive into this thread? Why not? Shiny Stones aren't easy to get. Be careful, especially if you want to play competitively. FFFFFFFFFFFFUCK. Lum Berries are perfectly viable options. Almost necessary if you're likely to come across Darkrai. Legendary Pokemon aren't always good. Take Moltres. When has Moltres ever been good? Pokemon has UU, OU, and Uber metagames. Plenty of idiots say playing Uber makes you a noob. Please don't be one of those people. You see, the Uber format is crazy unbalanced. Good moves are rewarded and bad moves are punished far more seriously than in standard games. Go look up some videos from MrMurai and people like that on YouTube for some examples of how Uber works. Then come back and try telling me you didn't see any skill there. Because it's too good for OU. Why else? It must have been over a year ago by now.
  5. Serenes Forest? Go visit the "Offended" page at Encyclopedia Dramatica. Your faith in humanity will drop like an anvil soon after. Any page on Encyclopedia Dramatica can and will do that. EDIT: I hate you, Hero.
  6. Are there even rules on this forum?
  7. This is a Fire Emblem forum. Therefore, he should build up a support with his sister, especially if they have good affinities. Go to schools at 3 PM and dodgetank children crossing the road, too. Then go all 1-P Micky-Eddie tactics on the pedo next time. Don't forget Nihil on both of you.
  8. If there's no exp dancing, then how'd you max out Leanne? You forgot to mention that.
  9. 4-4 should've been seize. It was the perfect map for it. D: Hm... could 3-4 (I think that's the one) have been seize or not? I think lolyaoiarrivetogether can't be made into seize, really...
  10. lol luck is the least important stat I meant it as RNG Blessed XD I... know... When will FE players learn not to take things seriously when they're obviously not serious?
  11. Of course, nobody really cares all that much about a heron's stats, right? Personally I prefer Rafiel for endgame. I don't find myself willing to give up one of Reyson's moves to use a Laguz Gem or something except on 4-E-1 and 4-E-3. And if he uses a stone on the other three chapters, he might not even see action. In endgame he only has flying over Rafiel, where Rafiel is, as you said, Fox, going to make Endgame much faster. Perhaps you prefer Reyson for flying over gaps or something, but there are lots of units to vigor and I stick the heron the boots and Celerity so they're getting wherever they need to be anyway. Plus Rafiel can have his refreshed units kill or block off what's threatening him so he doesn't need Reyson's Canto, either. And I don't think spirits are killing anyone, even him. So what's your reasoning for preferring Reyson? I don't quite understand.
  12. anata wa megas kawaii desu ne moe moe moe moe 君がきらい。 Hang on a minute...
  13. Lol Gratuitous Japanese thread. When you've been studying the language for a few years, people throwing around "kawaii", "sugoi", and various basic phrases around like confetti really makes you cringe.
  14. I'm just surprised I got there first.
  15. Skrimir. Not Skrirmir. God, the NARRATOR says his name a couple times. Come on, man.
  16. I have played this game a bunch of times. I have reread some of the script but pretty much never bothered with the DB dialogue (game script or info convos). Is the "subtext" just along the lines of the typical "eager, simple-minded guy who is always ready to put himself in danger and the cautious, reserved guy who scolds him because he is worried about him" kinda subtext? There's a bit more than that. There's not much, but...
  17. For Jacob at least it was digital, and it wasn't done so perfectly that you couldn't see it during the movie. Not really. He gained 30 pounds of muscle for this movie. And in the end he gained more fangirls than Robert Pattison had XD "Team Edward/Jacob" are half-assed opposites, right? Thank god they're girls, though. Teenage boys would start gang wars and fight at movie screenings. Actually, didn't something like this happen with Nintendo/Sega, way back?
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