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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Ike must have eaten Septimus on 3-8. Me, I'd do as he says. If I get hit by his fsmash I'd be a laughing stock forever.
  2. I feel tempted to congratulate you on this, Naners. :3 I bow to your seniority of... reporting or something, too. But... I don't think anyone gets banned on this site anyway.
  3. The Dawn Brigade should share a colour because they're the Dawn Brigade, not the Dawn Mob. They're a close-knit band of freedom fighters, not strangers who happen to be in the same army. To give them no synergy at all is just weird, and I see no reason to not give them all a touch of white. The GMs can stay separate in colours because there are quite a handful of them, but I wouldn't spread them across more than three and they could use some Ike-centered synergy as well. EDIT: You got Laura's flavour text wrong. It should be "how does I not get OHKO'd, guys". For the most part, their mana cost/rarity/usefulness is based on their tier standings >_> I'm not even touching on the mana cost/rarity/usefulness. I'm talking about their types.
  4. Lol @ Leo needs Lugh to double. So true. And don't call him Leo on the card. As for the extra cost to get the token, we have a keyword for that. Kicker. Finally, you should really consider making the entire DB share a colour. Micaiah being white and Edward being white-red were fine, you could continue that by making Leo white-blue and Nolan and Sothe... white-green and white-black respectively or something. You can't make them a chore to use together by splitting up colours. EDIT: Liking Nolan. The Avoid seems out of place, since it doesn't rely on a partner like support bonuses do. And lolnihil. Anyway. Light Sage, Myrmidon, Archer, Reaver... come on. Keep their types at the same tier at least, nevermind the stats.
  5. Ah, that's what it was called and that was what I was planning to use. Forgot the name, since I don't pay attention to the storyline. And yah, I just noticed that the first ability is useless >_> EDIT: Great, I don't know how to use an image for the symbol. it looks like I can't import any images so I have to make it on my own. Screw that, the symbol will just be one giant plain circle. I don't think it'd be that hard to make something that looks like the medallion. And, about Micaiah's ability... I don't know, actually. Maybe she can regenerate herself. I'm not too sharp on detailed rules... but as we know, Micaiah can't use Sacrifice on herself like that. Perhaps you could add W to the cost, give her 3/2 instead of 3/1, and let her redirect damage to herself provided it doesn't kill her. Might be a bit lengthy. But Sacrifice keyword plz.
  6. Lol at 2 toughness Eddie. Just use Lehran's Medallion for the expansion symbol. Surely that's good enough for you? EDIT: Just noticed that Micaiah's second ability more or less makes the first one moot.
  7. That explains everything. >_< Also, it's CALILL. C-A-L-I-L-L. Shitting fuck, get it right, people.
  8. Funny that you post a picture that's in the same video as what I mentioned. nothxanyway IkexRanulf lol. >that's enough for one night :3
  9. Only five. Needs moar Sixth Ranger. Kannadzuki no Miko!NephxHeather?
  10. ...At least you didn't say Lalum. On that note, Elphin?
  11. Loli! Nino right back at you. And um... when I start typing in Japanese, things have gotten exciting. Not like that. Shut up. :(
  12. Lolol why not. MTV slash? EDIT: Muarim, Tormod, Vika. See what I did there? Ohhhh I'm so magnificent.
  13. That's like, every other one of her lines. But yeah, Florina's cool. Miiiiiiiist. Oh, and Petting Zoo People is close enough to furry.
  14. Um... sure. If this keeps up, I'm going to become SF's designated furry. (now I just have to wait for this to be sigged) Florete!Ike?
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