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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Mm, testedich.de is terrible. o.o I prefer Steamroller!Wrys. That's just creepy. Worse than fapping to Tails, actually. Tails!Jill's wyvern~?
  2. shit I forgot there sisters not really i'm not that into bondage. What is worse than fapping to tails? Wryyyyyys? Do you want me to show you? I'm sure I could find something with minimal effort. Oh, and again, JillxNeph.
  3. And I thought you guys were mean to Crash. D: Sanaki x your hand.
  4. From what I can gather, if it's above 30-50%, it's good, depending on the class and stat in question.
  5. Meh, I don't remember being surprised when Ranulf spoiled the BK's identity...
  6. You get Dragonfoe in 4-3, I believe... if you can get it into the convoy I think you could have all three anti-laguz skills for Tibarn's team in 4-5.
  7. Seems to be taking a liking to my sig.
  8. I don't mind DAGRONS...

  9. @ Earlier: Moar like Super Tormod Bros. Loli!Mia? @ Danved = Devdan: Danved is most certainly not Devdan.
  10. Well screw you. Has MY chicken nuggets. Screw you too DLV :(
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