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Everything posted by Naglfar

  2. What idiot said that? Like the other Australians in this thread, I know pretty much nobody who likes Fire Emblem. This includes online, excludes SFF. There definitely isn't anybody to talk to about it. Perhaps I'm lucky, though, because I've never had to put up with noobs who know Marth, Roy, and Ike, and assume they're all in the same game or something.
  3. Kristen Stewart as Vika... As much as I actually like Vika, they both do have a stoned expression at all times.
  4. So a Gato who we have some attachment to, as opposed to the kind that just rocks up at Endgame drunk? 1 and 2. You want to eliminate two of the most famous character archetypes in the series? 3. Plenty do, at least on hard mode. You can only count on seize bosses and the final boss to be stationary.
  5. I hesitate to say that they're all horrible... but the Gordon archetype has existed forever, you know. If there are good ones you want to separate them from the crappy ones, you could do that. Remember Oifayes, the salvageable counterparts to Jeigans?
  6. Claimed too many dragons. Fuck you both
  7. Should speak for herself too. Triple ninja that ended up with the right person anyway. Woohoo!
  8. Has only one dot more than me, despite joining almost a year earlier.
  9. Probably started that Brooklyn saying.
  10. Is not the general, and isn't going to loooove this.
  11. Has access to unfunny pictures that accuse pictures of being unfunny. I love that irony.
  12. Moulder can't use Elder tomes, can he? Control Enemy Glitch. Anyone can learn Dark "Elder" magic through use of Stone. Just use their brilliant WEXP output to get up to D level and use Flux to get higher. In short, cheat.
  13. Lolfixed. Edward is the best potential-wise, but only slightly. Mia rapes him at everything else. Oh, and Ranulf isn't that bad.
  14. I'm a purge user. Maybe some time in the future I'll try a run without any light magic.
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