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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Is the best artist ever. Three of you? Really? Oh, and I could totally get a Kingler from 30 to 60 in an hour.
  2. Doesn't properly participate in this thread.
  3. STILL won't tell me what's up with Gatrie and me.
  4. Loathes a video game character a bit too much. Fuck you both. :(
  5. This is so epic. Can you make me an avatar? :(
  6. You know, I'm starting to think we should have one of these for other games in the series. I'd like to try an FE8 one.
  7. To be honest, I don't know why people are talking about their free playthroughs in this thread.
  8. You've got to be kidding, right? no one is kidding assuming we are talking RD (even if it was Por i'd argue for him) he is the best Marksman in the game he easily surpasses Shinon. Yet Shinon will cap all the stats that matter, and needs much less babying. As for Part 2, I'd say the whole thing is nothing but filler to hold the player over until Parts 3 and 4. For christ's sake, it's a joke, people. ILMCI said something like this about Leo, everyone took it seriously. Even after a comment about sarcasm, people STILL take this seriously. I thought the way it was typed out made it obvious, but no, apparently FE players aren't very smart at all.
  9. Baloth Woodcrasher... ....wtf I guess these ridiculous cards are more common than I thought. Then again the last time I played magic was Ravnica, so maybe Wizards just started cards that are ballin out of control. It could well be happening. I'll just wait a little longer, someone will probably come up with a better CMC 6 green creature off the top of their head. And of course there's a certain planeswalker that costs 5, I believe and is pretty much the epitome of broken green-ness. Apparently. I'm a noob. :3 Rampaging Baloths is at least competing with Woodcrasher! You mean Garruck Wildspeaker for the Planeswalker, I assume? CMC is 4, and yes, fairly broken. Less sure about all the big green creatures necessarily being broken, though. Black has plenty of kill spells for 3 or less, blue can counter the ones not named Terra Stomper for 2 or 3 mana and has plenty of ways to return creatures to your hand to delay them, white can Path to Exile any of them for 1 mana and has plenty of cheap Enchantments that will usually put a creature out of the game, mono red is probably trying to win before these creatures come into play and has Act of Treason and Mark of Mutiny to turn these creatures against you for a turn. With all of the other colors having all this stuff green really does need it's creatures to be awesome if it's going to pay 6 mana for them. I think he's talking about Nissa 'watchmeplaymywholedeck' Revane, not Garruk Wildspeaker (who certainly isn't broken). Actually, hang on, Nissa is 4 mana too? INFACT, there are no green planeswalkers that cost 5 - they all cost 4. So it's not really easy to tell which one it is. I was referring to Garruk, but yeah, Nissa crossed my mind too (they cost four, yeah, sorry about that). And the creature Smash was FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFing over was green, so I mentioned some more greens. I don't doubt that they might be handicapped against certain other colours, particularly black and blue. We all know how big creatures get raped by control.
  10. You... even did the red circle thing. I love you But how'd you FIND that?
  11. Are you saying you brought Bastian and Oliver of your own accord?
  12. Second playthrough done. Records were as follows: Fifth, Lethe. She joins early in Part 2, so that makes sense. Fourth, Heather. She has even better availability than Lethe does, so yeah. Third, Soren. Besides Ike, he's was my only GM, so this isn't surprising. Second, Haar. He didn't come to Endgame but I used him a lot. I don't need to explain why. First, Leonardo. Seriously. Somehow the guy with no 1 range got first. I guess he was helped along in Part 1. Third playthrough: Sigrun Nolan Janaff Brom Calill Oscar Astrid Renning Ranulf Zihark Two of the better DB members, five units for Ike's team to juggle, two CRKs, and someone I don't have to train. Seems balanced enough. As I said earlier, normal mode from now on.
  13. These lands that do damage remind me of UG Madness, lol. Why are Melior and Nevassa mentioned? They're capital cities, not the names of the castle/keep. And you can make Sienne more in line with the rest by naming it Mainal Cathedral.
  14. No, but you do get a place in the Serenes Forest Wall. I'll edit all the latest submissions once there's enough to fill a new line. There should be enough now, actually... Edit: Your brick is 99 x 50, not 100 x 50. It's gotta be exact or the row your brick will be on will go slightly out of line with the others. I had a feeling it would have been slightly off... Is that better?
  15. It's true! D: See what happens when you spend enough time in the FE4 THREAD? >_> You start saying things that people don't understand? Seriously, elaborate.
  16. Haste lets creatures tap (allowing them to attack, etc) on the turn they come into play.
  17. Please, oh please don't overuse Availability. If it shows up on all the Part 4 joiners then it's going to get very tired and annoying. Just restrict it to the units that leave for a long time, okay? >_<
  18. If "Other unit experience" BEXP was based off "raw" experience as opposed to "gained" experience, you would get A LOT of it. Especially in 3-12.
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