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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Shouldn't that be obvious? It's no different than saving over anything else. The old file is lost and the new file takes its place. Be it MS Word, saving over an RD clear file, or saving over any other file in RD. This. And if I'm not mistaken, the game gives you explicit instructions upon clearing a playthrough on how to continue from clear data. I probably am mistaken.
  2. Hard mode is available upon clearing normal mode. How are clear files relevant? Apparently, a lot of people go for a new game, not realizing that you need to continue from the clear file, then save over their clear game and wonder why their clear disappeared.
  3. Sothe forced makes perfect sense story-wise. They should have made him a bit better, though. And Almedha makes absolutely no sense at all. Again, story. No powers, remember?
  4. If you're going to post weapons, post what the other nine got. o.o
  5. Oh, come on, answer ONE question... Don't be an idiot.
  6. This, and what chapter are you on? ...Actually, that's a stupid question. She joins Ike's team in like 3-11 and you should have some promoted units by then. Half way through second tier is very underlevelled. At least, I assume she's second tier. "lvl 11-12" doesn't help much with that, however unrealistic it is to even have her so far into third tier before/halfway through pt4 without bonus experience abuse, especially on HM. Or are you up to Endgame? I guess we're back to the "what chapter are you on" question. Anyway... use the #/#/# format for levels. It's too bad she has two and a half chapters to get from 20/2 to something reasonable by the time she joins Ike. And only two more chapters after that to get to third tier or something close to it for pt4. Take into account she's certainly not entitled to Paragon after pt2 and I'm starting to think she's a bit too high on the tier list... and she's fourth from the bottom. Perhaps put her below Meg, but Astrid(T) can stay where she is -if- the extra strength, skill and speed helps her. Which I doubt it does.
  7. As far as I can tell, Lucia isn't even that durable in 2-2 either... and loltypo at the end.
  8. That's because she's even more underlevelled than she was in pt2.
  9. Ooh! Ooh! I have more! She joins underlevelled. Ololololol Still, I'm using her in my current playthrough. We'll see how it turns out.
  10. She used Vika in part one, and Nealuchi weakened enemies for Marcia. These are two separate statements. Yes, Edward is awful in HM. I like the way you categorically state that Edward is awful, without even knowing what stats her Edward has. In addition, Edward's main problems on HM are his lousy earlygame (which TC has obviously already dealt with) and his general Dawn Brigade underleveledness in Part 4, which is easily dealt with as well. @TC: Use Edward if you want and he has good stats. Without knowing exactly what stats he ended up with, I can't make that decision for you. Categorically, Edward is awful in HM. I can't assume that he got blessed or anything, especially to the point where he's comparable to, say, Mia. lolwat. You mean she got blessed? Still, even with consistent 5-stat level ups or something like that, her availability and atrocious bases make her nigh impossible to use in HM even with Paragon. If you can do it, though, more power to you.
  11. Blood Pact is good... I like the picture you chose for Biorhythm... and equip-happy Kor decks might want Throne. I have a feeling that the defender effect might get in their way, not so much the cost of course, for not enough benefit.
  12. This channel recently got an overhaul. Now games get a ranking based on player opinion, and you can see how long you've played your games for, among other things. Firstly, FE10 has a rather unflattering bronze rating. This cannot stand. Those who haven't already, rank it high in player feedback, dammit. Now, about play time. How long have you played FE10 for? Statistics show that I've clocked up 355 hours and 26 minutes over 94 boot-ups, likely including my Wii Menu-pause "AFK" periods of varying length. Do share your times. I'm sure plenty of you guys have more embarassing times than me. I'll set up a poll, too.
  13. Yes, Edward is awful in HM. How'd you manage to get Shinon killed? And lolastrid. Bottom tier pls. Tough luck about the speed-screwed Haar... Yes, she can, but her strength is abysmal. You can avoid this by paying attention and not having anything but full HP units with at least decent defence take more than ~2 attacks per enemy phase.
  14. That implies 20 and above. Remember, the pointy bit always points to the smaller number.
  15. Do one of mine. If they can be properly applied to FE7...
  16. GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE. On that note, it's "immobile", not "unmobile". ...Hey, I just realized that Yune looks like Mist.
  17. I'm just trying to put things in context. Don't be too offended, there are lots of people who are Lower-Mid tier and still manage to eke out good lives. Will some light be shed on this vague crap if I look up those growth rates?
  18. Each post in an empire thread procs the OP's ego. On forums such as this, huge egos can be dangerous. Go play in the FE4 thread or something.
  19. With HP and DEF bases like yours? Let's not delude ourselves. You have your uses in the chapter where you appear, Your MAG is high enough to be a decent healer and that Restore staff you come with means that the player only has to bring one healer to the chapter despite the wide proliferation of status staves. But after that, you'll always be a second- or even third-stringer. A prepromote that gets 2HKOed by most enemies, with crap dodge, C weapon ranks and practically no possibility for improvement is of little use to any serious player. I'm sorry, what's all this?
  20. Hm... "released" should be capitalized. "World enchantment" is a term that went out of use ages ago. And I'm pretty sure the line is "Destruction is much more interesting than stasis". As for the card itself, it has an interesting ability. But the cost is WAY higher than it ought to be.
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