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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. Surprise number one: I got into SE somehow.

    Surprise number two: I've been put on your support list. Are you fine with that?

  2. What kind of class tier list takes individual units into account, exactly? If we do that, it'll just be the normal tier list, only generalised to the point where it's completely useless. Let's start with... Lion above Tiger and Saint all the way down to the bottom. Valkyrie below Silver Knight, and Dark Archsage below Thunder Archsage. Whisper below Assassin.
  3. is thinking about setting his status.

    1. riariadne


      been thinking a long time about it huh? :P

    2. Naglfar
  4. Well, dodging something with 61 displayed hit isn't all that special... but 20/0 Micaiah with ten speed is. o.o
  5. I'd happily be a Shaman, if I were allowed.

  6. Funny and awesome, yes. But Mist is never effective with any sword, ever, because IS are Nazis and got rid of magic swords. 25 third tier strength cap ftl.
  7. Naglfar


    10% per hit point under 10. In this case, 60%. That would make the hit rate 40%.
  8. Well, it's still open to... misinterpretation. I'm still not sure if the first line was a snarky comment or not.
  9. If you have something to say, say it. If I see Pauline Hanson, there will be blood. I may not be responsible for my actions. Please explain? That's not really what I was getting at...
  10. If you have something to say, say it. Fire Emblem does it wrong. Besides, they're not even all that black.
  11. So you think that some races have different capabilities than others? I'm not only talking about races, but about all individuals. and it is known that black people in generall run faster, so yes, there are differences even though they shouldn't matter since we're all human (I'm trying not to discriminate) Black people in general have noticably higher speed bases, growths and caps than other people. Racists are just butthurt because they get doubled. Racism is bottom tier. Equal rights for all.
  12. Sorry. The eternal gender assumption problem. This heavily implies pairings. Especially since Ike x Elincia is a near-impossible support to build and will only ever hold the two of them back because of this, unless it's FE9, when I'm pretty sure Elincia has no better choices. But even then, one, it still hurts Ike, two, it's still impossible to build, three, you're not really using Elincia, and four, we're not talking about FE9. Arguing Ike x Elincia as a good pairing is fine. Arguing it as a good support would make you the new Smash. Go back to her original post and read the three lines above the quoted one. It's #36. I already read that. It changes nothing to how I interpret the post. But looking up further... Maybe that explains why it went off-track.
  13. Yes. That's exactly what it is. Clarify please. Was my memory wrong or was it misquoted somehow? The generic yes is a bit ambiguous. "We thought it best to hunt the strongest prey first" is what I was referring to.
  14. Sorry. The eternal gender assumption problem. This heavily implies pairings. Especially since Ike x Elincia is a near-impossible support to build and will only ever hold the two of them back because of this, unless it's FE9, when I'm pretty sure Elincia has no better choices. But even then, one, it still hurts Ike, two, it's still impossible to build, three, you're not really using Elincia, and four, we're not talking about FE9. Arguing Ike x Elincia as a good pairing is fine. Arguing it as a good support would make you the new Smash.
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