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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I suggest the theme to sesame street, it fits better with the way everyone acts
  2. Left neck/collar region is very ugly and poorly done, personally I still like the original better, but out of those two, 2nd one I suppose.
  3. OoC: I'm pretty sure we've exhausted any chit-chat we can do, and considering there a new player whining about wanting a fight in feedback, we can jump a few hours/days (depending on the distance) to near the capitol? I don't know, but I'm sensing that unless I start whining at throwing hissy fits at people again, things'll be really slow. "Joy, heading into the a swarm of unfriendlies without a plan, sounds like something only the greatest heroes would do, either that or the biggest idiots" she said rather loudly. but not loud enough for the entire group to hear. "Why me" she asked herself quietly, wishing the day would hurry up and end, maybe asking someone to kill her would make things easier? If she was going to die anyway, why should she walk all the way to the capitol for it when tossing a few rocks at the mad fire mage would get her the same thing?
  4. Personally, I'd say traveling with this group compensates for any bad luck you're character would miss by getting into a fight, but that's just my opinion, might want to PM Snowy and ask when the next fight is if you want to know so badly.
  5. A fight would require Snowy's presence, and preparation, so if you're intent on joining in during a fight... well, as I said before, you'll probably be waiting for awhile.....
  6. "These people couldn't be the same group of heroes aiming to interrupt or even cease the return of the Demon King could they?" "One's still high on drugs" "It's probably those two to stay quiet before they cause anymore grief. "Others seem to think pretending we're on a picnic will make things all better" she said looking at Aiya who had started playing with the wyvern. "Others seem to have no idea what they're talking about" she said glancing at Helios. The nomad, Healer and Shaman seemed to have be lost in thought, hopefully they were thinking up something useful, though judging by the actions of the former, that seemed unlikely. And then there was the archer, who was apparently was a criminal even before this whole charade, and he's suggesting going to see the man that wants him behind bars? "If this were a job, I'd put in my resignation right now" she muttered bitterly to herself,
  7. *Raises hand* Sorry XD *Everyone ready, aim, Fire!" @Kai of course XD Yes Snowy, I said FIRE!
  8. OoC:*Looks for the Phoenix smilie*... found it. "Your kidding right?" Kamilla asked the wind mage, "You want us to impersonate nobles?" Can't you people think of any ideas which won't lead to breaking the law and adding to the list of offenses already committed?" "How about we just blow the capitol up with explosives while you're at it, I'm sure that he's more then willing to destroy an entire city" she said cocking her head towards Isotov
  9. He does? I've never noticed I've always thought it was you that did that? XD PS @Ether, Something tells me we're supposed to take a path, (Use Katie as bait, Rely on Mage Academy, and perhaps seek out Conrad) not peacefully resolve things and be on our merry way. Though that's just my take on the words Harold "CORRUPT" XD
  10. Yeah, but at least they're a team, which definitely doesn't describe this riff-raff of a group we have here XD
  11. I'm contemplating sigging that for future arguments.... :P Well if you say so :/ I just find it funny when people have an issue with me and yet still keep quiet, if anyone else wants to complain feel free to, or even PM me, since there's no way I'm changing unless I know what's pissing people off, but on the other hand, if I don't know I can continue wreaking havoc and generally enjoying the chaos, so it works either way for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Is still slightly peeved that everyone's started running head first towards the capitol without really having a clear idea of what they're going to be doing once they get there.*
  12. Shooting Isotov an angry look she muttered "We're all outlaws now, thanks to this idiocy" sighing, she wondered out aloud "I wonder if we'll all need disguises once we get closer to the capitol" looking around unless they ditched the wyvern and horses somewhere she couldn't see how it'd be any use. Looking around, she still wasn't sure what they were heading towards, the capitol, sure. But some wanted to approach this from General Conrad Jacksons side, while others seem intent on making contact with the legendary Harold, she didn't know if anyone was considering the Mage acadamy's headmaster, but since many had stayed silent during the whole ordeal, it wouldn't surprise her if someone wanted to rely on the Headmaster either, Kamilla personally was preferring that option to any other.
  13. Well aware of that Lacuna, but frankly, I'm aware that I'm probably the main "plot screwer-upperer" here, and figure it's referring to me, I'm well aware that many of you are glaring at me, willing me to shut-up and disappear XD But until I'm asked by Snowy to leave, or life gets in the way, I'm going to continue annoying the crap out of all of you XD Despite, hating on his characters, and throwing mean insults at him every few seconds in OoC, I actually like Phoenix (since I returned, before that he wasn't very active) While I don't agree with all his points, he's one of the few that actually use the "feedback" thread, for feedback, on the RP'ers as well as the RP plot, (I'd say Balcerzak is probably the only prominent other) @Birdy Hmm, again your examples are regarding backstory, and as Lacuna said, there is a difference between adding something into the past between characters (without their permission) and causing a reaction (Guards and Fire). I don't really think arguing about the former will do us any good, since we seem to all agree on that (Ask permission if you want to do make a past connection with someone) and since Snowy's already retconned(?) Ether engagement post there's really no point in arguing over it. What I want to do is shift the complaining from Ether, to Me! I wanna be in the spotlight! since I'm clearly derailing the plot (unless Snowy is some sort of genius who is predicting my actions). And figure while we're on the topic of illegal actions, figured I might as well listen to complaints (other then, "Don't be mean to me") now :P
  14. Ether's post is plausible, but I did find him having connections with every Npc we come across a bit annoying at first, but considering I enjoy causing you all grief, it's not like I could complain anyway. Though I'd probably throw a hissy fit if someone suddenly posted "Kamilla *wheeze* I am you brother!" Fortunately no one would want such a catastrophic position XD Though judging from the way you were explaining things with Ether in regards to Ivanko, I thought he had gotten your permission for that? A problem with waiting and asking Snowy is that the plot moves. Taking personal examples, it wouldn't make sense for Isotov to use fire in the wooden inn *laughs at you* scare the guys off, everyone calming down, going down stairs and eating sandwiches, then all of a sudden flames errupting from upstairs where Isotov started a fire. It's really a reaction, to another persons actions, not just something made up out of nowhere. Same with Irina being tailed, would you hand someone who you'd never met or heard about 200 dollars and expect them to do as you say and buy your groceries? I admit I'm not running event actions like this past Snowy, and they do affect the plot in major ways clearly (EG: Criminals now) But I just don't see running every action past Snowy as a viable option. (EG If you had asked Snowy if you could hang the guard from a flagpole it may have led to a better result, but if we're going to do that, might as well get Snowy to write a fanfic instead) I'm assuming "others" is referring to Kai and myself, and as I've said before with Kai, his... events(?) Usually only involve himself anyway, and if his plans have faults they could be excluded as pure rumor from the RP by Snowy, surely. (Unless it's stuff like, the Fire Emblem is in Helios's hometown XD) Addition: Regarding Kamilla's knowledge of Conrad and Harold, my comments have been mainly beliefs that could reflect common opinion (Harold is a hero to the people) and in Conrads case, Rein tried to make Conrad a prominent general (despite what he says in the sign-up thread) and having been a resident of Elysimma for awhile, I think it'd be safe to at least allow Kamilla to have heard rumors of the man. (She did work at an inn afterall) Either way, none of the claims were important, and were easily refuted, so I don't see that being a potential issue.
  15. Kamilla shook her head in disappointment, she had expected at least the shaman to think things through properly, it must be a mercenary thing, she told herself as she closed her eyes. They hadn't even decided on why or what they were to do at the capitol, did these people not understand that they had to get passed a wall of guards before even coming anywhere near their targets. "If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither" she said to herself, she paused and had to think about it, it wasn't the teachings of the church, so where had she heard it? Shrugging it off she watched everyone get ready to leave. Wherever she had heard it, it definitely applied. Some of the group seemed intent on getting the crimson weapon, others like her seemed more concerned about clearing their name. As if doing one wasn't hard enough, these fools probably were thinking they'd do both. "Have you even decided what your priortizing?" she asked the group? Some turned to listen, others just simply ignored her "Your status as criminals or the crimson weapon, you don't seriously plan to get away with both?" she asked, hoping that someone had at least tried to plan out things.
  16. This should be in Feedback :/ @Snike: Probably a few days away since we're on the road to Viridian City Elysimma's capitol, unless we get attacked on the way :/ @Lacuna I haven't done anything to Haltonia yet >_< Oh wait, I wiped out Damians troops.... whoops XD (Back in chapter 1) As for Elysimma... *Starts the finger pointing game* *Points at Isotov* @Cynthia: Hmm, well I know that's how things are officially atm, but I kind of have to disagree with that logic, (with Snowy, not with you) at the very least if Demons could attach it to human souls, then chances are the demons can reattach it once the former user is dead. Though I suppose they can be a one off thing, I can't imagine what use they'd have as useless weapons though. As for Kamilla, I lost :( I was told to make a quiet, polite character as a challenge, but there's just no way I can RP such a character for more then a few posts. Though she won't be as severe latter on I think, just really upset and hysterical at the moment.
  17. You already have, the moment you posted your character, life-time contract if I may add ^_^ @Birdy: Don't worry I'll still love Irina and Isotov just as much ;) @Cynthia: I'm willing to contest that position :P @Lacuna: Menace to Society? How can I be a menace to society when I'm holed up infront of the computer all day? <_<
  18. Greetings Snike, I am Nadesico, the plot derailer, and local arsonist. Don't worry, you'll fit right in, and you'll come to hate me soon enough XD
  19. Good to know someone's going to be applying Murphy's law on himself, Saves me from doing it to you XD
  20. Probably, it's pretty late and I doubt there'll be much activity hereon out. Nighty night I suppose And hurray for new applicant!
  21. Kamilla looked over at Kelas and Irina getting ready to leave and shook her head in disbelief "Is he always like that?" she asked no one in particular, they'd barely considered the idea of going to the capital and the man was already ready to go. "Clearly not the brains of the group" she muttered as she looked over Katie's messages again, "On one hand we can threaten one of the legendary heroes and demand he waiver our crimes, chances of this working" she paused looking at Katie's scar "is slim, and there's no evidence that he won't revoke the waiver the moment we return his daughter, more then anything though the idea of committing a crime to null another seems ludicrous. "Or we can rely on this Headmaster of hers who is likely to hand us over" Kamilla frowned, "There wouldn't happen to be a plan C would there?"
  22. I don't like how you've labeled the CORRUPT/Uncorrupt, since I think that's for the characters to decide individually, but I guess it can't be helped now. Like birdbrain said, Nice profiles XD Yes, I'm resorting to name calling I was always under the impression that Bethold/Berthold was dead though XD Nyahaha, I was randomly killing character off in my head.
  23. Guess it's settled then, off to see the wonderful city of Oz
  24. Kamilla shook her head bewildered, she found it hard to believe that a father would attack his own daughter. She was about to say something comforting to the woman but the look in Katie's eyes stopped her. Shaking her head she sighed "I don't believe it, Harold's a hero! One of the great heroes that saved us from the Demon Lord 25 years ago, he wouldn't" she trailed off "Either way if what you say is true and he took your voice the last time, taking you hostage might not do much good, probably force the soldiers to take you back regardless of whether you lost a limb or two" she added on the end to emphasize her disbelief "If what you say is true."
  25. Kamilla nodded in agreement after peeking in on the note from beside Morgan, "Adding crime ontop of crime isn't going to prove anyone's innocence" she looked at the top line again, "What was the other method?" Hearing Irina's proposition Kamilla shot Irina a dirty look at her initial agreement, but huffed as Irina came to her senses and called the whole idea off.
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