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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Just as Katie knocked Esphyr over, Kamilla glanced at the sword. "You mean that piece of steel? I've seen plenty of weapons like it, and there's probably duplicates all across the continent" she said, her anger shifting from the group to just Helios, "If you're going to blame the sword, then I blame the sky for giving birth to you, and a pity it had to" she said frustrated, "Even if miraculously they did cause misfortune, they didn't walk over to me and getting me mixed up in this mess, you people and your damn feet did", Kamilla's voice was getting raspy, but she didn't care, she'd probably be facing the guillotine this time tomorrow anyway.
  2. ^^^I'm working on it, soon I'll start throwing rocks at Isotov, he'll try to cremate me, and I'm sure I can make a tree or something nearby catch fire :P Likewise, I'm too busy throwing a hissy to notice anything XD
  3. Kamilla looked at the group incredulously, "Right tell that to the man hanging from the flagpole" she shouted at Chase, the moment we crossed that gate, we're criminals, all of us. "Why couldn't I have been drugged and unconscious" she moaned, just as she was going into a spiral of self loathing Helios spoke up sparking her rage again. "I don't know why I'm here! I should be at my inn, cleaning my floor, or my dishes" she said in hysterics, "Live with it? You expect me to live like you bandits? I can't even lift a stupid sword" she said angrily, "And your best defense is blaming someone elses weapon? That.. sword didn't do anything, and if you didn't know, your friend there decided he'd burn the other patrons of the inn into ashes, if that's not murder what is?" she said pointing an accusing finger at Isotov Having shouted as loud as she could for so long her voice started to hurt, she looked up at Arrins suggestion and shook her head, "The innkeep and matron got a more then good enough look at all of you, and I suspect they'll be more then willing to have everyone thrown behind bars after having their inn burned down" (it didn't actually burn down) Coming up with a plan is fine, I don't care what you people do as long as it's going to prevent me from being locked behind bars, but sitting around feeding the stupid lizard, isn't one of them.
  4. Keep in mind killing her off is still a exclusive right of mine, so if you're relishing the thought of killing my characters.... well just expect to be let down. Unless of course Snowy takes her on as an enemy in a battle (probably with improved stats) then anyone's free to take the kill. Though even then, judging by Snowy's behaviour, he'd probably ask if it was okay with me first :/
  5. I regret expecting anything decent from you <_< Getting past the gate took a page at most, if that's a year for you, then I have no idea how old you are at the moment. If anything I'd expect people to complain that they didn't get time to respond to the gate passing because it happened so quickly <_<
  6. Kamilla sighed, having had enough. "Am I the only on here who comprehends what this group has just done?" "You made an arson attack in a border city, smuggled drugs across the border, killed civilians, trespassed and attacked guards and killed civilians" she was so confused she didn't even notice she'd said civilians twice, "And now you're all sitting here having a little picnic while the group back there" she indicated the way they had come "are probably sortieing for a bandit hunt" she shouted angrily, "and you sit here like nothing's happened? What? Do you cause so much chaos everywhere you're used to this, this" unable to find the words she burst out in tears. Just a few hours ago her life was normal, she was broke, but had a bed to sleep in, and 2 or 3 meals a day. Now she was probably on Elysimma's most wanted criminal list, and it was all because of these lunatics.
  7. @Kai, She'll either join the group, or be killed, yes.
  8. Hmmm? Do explain :/ This is the feedback thread after all, and I'd be more then delighted to hear what you have to say in regards to my Rping. (If it helps, I wasn't the only one he had a strong agenda against) Frankly, your initiative wasn't really.... effective, I mean most of the stuff you did only affected Helios. And often went unnoticed by the majority anyway :P
  9. Lieutenant is lower then a captain XD Once again I repeat. "Screw FE4" Don't know what FE4 did, but if we probably need the crimson weapons in some shape or form, and the only way to get them is through cooperation (friendly) or forcefully (kill). Stealing them is clearly not an option, and it's unlikely we can't just go "Meh, don't need that one"
  10. Eh, Shanice isn't a Crimson weapon wielder, from what I gather, we need to accumulate all the Crimson weapons, Or Morgan will kill us all. So he either needs to join, or we need to take the weapon off him (kill him). I guess we could have him as some sort of NPC friendly, but there's not much a Captain can do :/ If he were a general, or some influential figure sure.
  11. Fire might have killed someone, either way, considering the state the nation is in, and the imagery I painted behind the town through the guard captain (Lying, con artists everywhere) coupled with the Captains anger at not being able to capture anyone, I'd assume it's safe to assume propaganda. Edit, Ah right, how could I forget that XD I was so focused on causing fire, I forgot some people died to cause it XD Speaking of fire, I was wondering when the bushfire season starts, there is a fire season right? I mean sometime in summer when the fire break out across the land of fire?
  12. Hope Conrad has a mighty good reason for defecting :/ From what I read he's not exactly the carefree type, (More like a military rock-head) and it's no mistake that Chase stole according to that profile, so "Hey, I'll join you guys and desert my army of men and nation" isn't exactly a viable option IMO Screw FE4 :P *Yes that's directed at you too Ether* XD
  13. Can I start a fire yet? Yay, new chapter, wrote out Kamilla's opinion of everyone, (Not for insertion yet Lacuna, don't want to kill you with work, just yet) I think I got everyone. @Lightning, not sure if you had anything planned, but I'm sure you could have Cynthia's character ask Chase what information you have, (she has asked before I think) cause frankly, it's a bump in the round we can't get passed to move the plot forward, whether we end up taking your info or just head stupidly towards the capitol (aka Bandit hunting army) As for Elysimman soldiers, I really hope we're not going to just charge an entire army >_>
  14. Kamilla sighed as she looked around, she hadn't expected anything like this to happen this morning when she woke up. Looking around at the odd group she shook her head. Everyone here was either insane, stupid, or some fatal combination of both. She took a glance at Esphyr, who Kamilla had looked upon as one of the "normal" people in the group, but apparently she was a drug dealer who'd got a whiff of her own drugs in the fire. Kelas returned looking like she'd finished rolling through the cellars of the church, his horse had joined him, and the lack of interest he seemed to have in being so dirty was befuddling, if that wasn't bad enough, he'd returned looking like a crossdresser. On the other hand there was her brother, talking to the woman with pen and paper about his teacher, mage business no doubt, but it was irritating to see the two so calm and composed after what had just happened. A quick glance at Tessa, Aiya and Damian, she didn't know much about them, but apparently the two in armor were the leaders of this group, though it bothered Kamilla at how silent they were, they'd often talk to eachother in whispers but didn't seem too interested in the rest of the group, perhaps it was a military thing, getting personal with your own troops might not be the best way to go she supposed. Beside them was Morgan arguing about something, possibly about their next destination, her attitude was somewhat comforting, she looked like she was calm, but her voice seemed to be laced with a bit of irritation, unlike the others who seemed like nothing had happened. She looked at Chase, unsure what to say, she'd thought he was a woman until the flames, but the escape had significantly altered his appearance, and the disguise was pretty much ruined now. Finally her eyes rested on Irina and Isotov, the cause of all the trouble, if it weren't for them she'd still be sitting at the inn enjoying her lunch about now. She looked at Katie, the mage had offered her a sandwich, but Kamilla had declined, she didn't feel like eating, and she hadn't been taken into consideration when they were made, so her eating one would decrease everyone elses share. Her eyes returned to Irina, glaring at her, her eyes were those of accusation, anger, and loathing. If it hadn't been bad enough that her stunt had led the guards right to them, she'd gone as far as attacking the guards. The man beside her (Iso) was probably her lover since the two looked nothing alike. A madman, or possibly even some sort of demon, either way he was someone she wanted to avoid, and she didn't want to risk making eye contact out of fear of being turned into ashes. Having nothing to do, she continued glaring at Irina, as if doing so would solve all her troubles.
  15. My opinion on tomes breaking was that they become worn and obsolete. (EG rechargeable battery) Since in FE it's not possible to cast a spell without a tome and the type of attack unleashes depends on the tome, I was thinking that the human/mage is the battery, and the tome is the output. Forcing too much mana into the tome, causes it to break, due to over usage. (Break = no longer be able to transfer mana, not snap in half XD)
  16. ^ <_< You click on it, it redirects you to Photobucket, you click on it again for full size. :/
  17. Now that I've complained about it, the rest of you may go praise him :P
  18. ..... Firstly I'd like to call you insane, and I'm not complimenting or criticizing your work at all. You sound like some madman who's been awake for the past 2 weeks and drinking gallons of coffee a day, and I got that impression before you started typing in caps. Get some sleep, eternal sleep if possible On to the splice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm no expert on splicing, and what little I do know of comes from GBA mug splicing, and even then I don't sprite sprites, or half/full bodies. But I'll list my problems anyway The first thing that I shook my head at after your hyper-ness is the lighting, I'm not too fussy when it comes to lighting when splicing myself, but the darkness of your shoulder/chest peice, is a hell of a lot darker then the hip/leg pieces. It looks like the chest pieces has gone through many battles, but the hip/leg pieces were just recently purchased. (They look too new) that's their shiny-ness there, but other then that it looks like there's spot lights or something shining up at her from infront of her feet. Combined with the red star, it made me think "clown" or a circus theme at the very least. Something about the grey pants annoys me, not sure what, but I think it'd have looked better if the bottom and top were the same color (red or grey)It might have something to do with the much lighter borderline on the pants as well. Frankly, you didn't get a "wow" factor from me :P I don't know anything in regards to FE9/10 spriting so that probably means nothing to you, but frankly, I had expected more. :P Anyway now that I've whined about it, let the masses come and praise your works I suppose :P EDIT: And since you seem so desperate.... "Good work" *Pats the flaming birds head* That would be all :/
  19. @Snowy, got much else that still can be done needs to be done before the end of this chapter? Or am I right in presuming that we're near the end?
  20. @Lacuna's relations chart "Holy crap, it looks like we're trying to summon demons now" XD Confused by the wind element sitting on "tolerates" between Morgan and Tessa Lol's at Kamilla's "scared of" being nulled XD (It's correct but made me laugh anyway) Phoenix is lying low, and pretending to be spriting to avoid all the wrath his character will receive XD
  21. OoC: I was well aware that Katie might pull such a stunt, that's why I was so delighted when Phoenix jumped the gun and started getting physical XD Kamilla, looked at the scrunched piece of paper as it was thrust in her face trying to read "People think mage gotten us problem I was working on blast through I'm criminal, access the capitol?" She asked confused, "Umm yes it's probably the mages fault, and it's probably a good thing you didn't blast the guards, wait, you're a criminal?" Kamilla asked taking a step back, then realizing she was probably under the same category as of now. "I don't think accessing the capitol is such a good idea, unless you can get in and out before news spreads" she stated thoughtfully, "What do you need at the capitol anyway?" she asked curious, not really sure why the woman wouldn't just speak to her instead of writing everything down.
  22. That stupid Nadesico bitch is screwing up the RP again, can we ban her from the RP? To be a bit more helpful though, -We ran away from flaming inn -Irina tried to trick them into giving up and giving her gold -Nadeisco turned the trick 180 degree's on Irina -We were at the gate surrounded by guards -Kelas pretended to be a fire mage and ran off taking most of the guards with her -Irina/Kiev decided to get violent with the guards -Running away from the town, (As criminals on the run! XD)
  23. Well I suppose you could make it a an exclusive option for non-crimson weapon holders, Doesn't really affect me since I'm not planning to have Kamilla "attack" stat-wise. And Reika... well as I keep saying, it's not even clear if she'll come back. I just find +1Dmg-1Hp, to be alot less useful then x2dmg. Cause let's face it, you're increase crit chance from 15%ish to 50%. I know people can break their weapons if they desire, but are you really going to break your own weapon and opt for a crappy weapon? Crappy being a normal weapon. If there were more variation in weapon skills it'd be good, but I don't see this working, but then again it's not up to me :P
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