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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. .... Feed the horses.... poison? Flaming posion? Or simply set the hay on fire! XD Oh the possibilities XD
  2. Kamilla bowed at the two new arrivals (to the stable) and stepped back into the shadows, she wasn't really hiding, but simply keeping out of the way. She watched as Irina and Isotov fed Kiev, she reached into her pocket for the key to the stables, the old man who was supposed to lock the stables was always away gambling and it was usually up to her to lock up each night. Seeing Kiev finished the last of his meal, she stepped out, "Sir, Madam" she said curtly, "Inn policy requires me to lock up these stables until 4AM, while it would be appreciated if you do not visit the stables during this time period, if for some urgent reason you require entry to the stables, please come see me at room 3." she said lifting the key out for the others to see. Seeing the look on Irina's face she smiled, a fake empty customer smile "It's necessary to prevent the mounts from being stolen"
  3. Kamilla look Esphyr as if she was crazy, even when she was back at the church she'd been provided with a place to sleep each night. And here this woman was, demanding she be allowed to sleep in the stables. "Umm, my apolgies miss, but we don't allow our customers to sleep in the stables, for one, we lock them the gate at night and you won't be able to get out until daybreak. Secondly it sometimes scares the animals, and lastly, it'd devalue the name of our inn if people found out we were letting our patrons sleep in hay." She paused and thought back to the little exchange Morgan and Esphyr had had, "Umm if you're having trouble with your friends, you could share the room I'm borrowing, I share it with the stablehand at the moment, but he usually doesn't come back from boozing and gambling until late in the afternoon." (OoC: What time is it? I thought someone said late afternoon, but I get the feeling it's late/early evening)
  4. OoC: I left? Where? Why? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamilla quickly bowed her head in apology as the brown haired woman outside suddenly started talking to her, unsure what to do she quickly started apologising. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you, and I was just curious about what your friend said, I'm not even that interested or familiar with Crimson Weapons, right, I don't even believe they exist, I was simply asking a question" she blurted out trying to defend herself from whatever had upset the woman. Finally calming down, she looked at Esphyr and then at the horse blanket, "You're not seriously considering sleeping in the stables are you?
  5. Hmm, so.... anyone going to post anything? Or are we done for the day? XD Was going to go outside and either communicate with Esphyr or Katie but since mine was the last post, can't really do anything without a double post >_< Ah well, wasn't anything important anyway, just figured I'd talk to someone to past the time, and since the group inside the inn scares me to death, didn't really have much of a choice other then Snowy's characters XD
  6. *Mage nation = Big Library, with evil Librarians with hook noses and hawk eyes glaring at anyone who makes a sound* @Kelas, I know Kelas didn't actually draw her knife, but I made her actually put her hand on it (Power-Play!, well not really since you reached for it) and I'm kind of going for a more.... commoner type character with Kamilla, all the characters so far seem to act as if it's an everyday part of life to swing a weapon around, but Kamilla was raised in a church which didn't really have that many sharp pointy weapons flying around, so it makes her nervous. :P
  7. XD I don't know, I only skimmed the posts, so don't really know where we are XD Border town works better for me, so ignore that part. (It was OoC anyway... wait, does that mean you approve of me burning down the border town? XD Hmm so Elysimma is a slummy nation all round?
  8. (OoC: Don't worry ____ XD I'm going to leave Reika out of this RP for a bit longer since I can't really figure out how I'll make her rejoin, though at present it's likely she'll just be killed off, and the the Crimson Daggers will be placed under someone elses possession, Probably someone like Morgan or Damian XD, As for fire attacks... well I don't think Snowy would approve of me destroying an entire city overnight the inn though.... XD Kamilla quickly ran into the kitchen and locked the door behind her, if they tried to grab her then the creaky old wooden door wouldn't be much of a barricade, but it was better then nothing. Several minutes of silence past and certain the group didn't have any immediate intention to kill her yet decided it was safe to come out from under the table. "Sheesh" she said to herself quietly, "I thought they looked more civilized then the other group, but clearly looks aren't everything". She looked around the kitchen, not really finding anything to pass the time, so she decided to go on her break a bit early, pulling up a stool she stared blankly at the wooden ceiling. "Crimson Weapons huh?" she asked herself, she hadn't believed they even existed when she woke up this morning, but judging from the groups reaction over in the lobby the group were definitely hiding something, most likely the weapons themselves if the woman's words were to be trusted. Her mind started drifting as she thought about what she should do, should she follow the group? After all, that was what she had been sent out of the church for. But what would happen if she somehow obtained a crimson weapon? She'd be required to go back to the church and relive her childhood all over again. But if she was able to sell the weapon.... Shaking her head furiously she stood up. "This is going nowhere" she muttered to herself, she went over to the door and unlocked it, maybe she'd be able to think more clearly with a bit of fresh air? Editted Pausing, and listening to the clatter of plates, and a muffled conversation here and there, she decided it was safe enough for her to slip out of the inn and back to her room, at least the room had a window. She considered leaving the inn at first but recalling how it had been the cause of her losing her gold pouch in the first place, decided she didn't want to risk losing anything else. But then again, made it'd be safe if she stayed close to the inn? Deciding she'd rather not be hidden away from the public eye (where she could be attacked by the crazy knife brandishing Nomad) at the moment she decided to head outside.
  9. You know I love arguing, so I'll bite. Morgan wasn't really talking to one specific individual, and therefore projecting her voice around her, a normal voice would probably still be a valid option, and I didn't mean "hysteric shouting" or anything like that, Might have gone a bit far to let the men in the corner hear, but at the very least Kamilla was at the table setting down a plate, so she heard :) Ah well, damage is done XD Esphyr is secretly an anima mage? XD jk
  10. Panicking under Morgans glare, Kamilla bowed her head "I'm sorry miss, It's not my place to question you, I'm sorry" she repeated, noticing the other members of the group staring at her she bowed her head towards them as well, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" she said stumbling back to the refuge of the kitchen, only tripping over and landing beside Kelas, with her hand on her belt knife. Suppressing the urge to cry out, she quickly picked herself up and dusted herself off, "Enjoy your meal" she repeated before heading back over to the kitchen. (OoC: Feel free to take control of the men in the corner, since you know I'll do something fire related XD to the group otherwise)
  11. Morgan make mistake? XD "we will have trouble not attracting as much attention" Vs I'm just going to shout out Crimson Weapon out aloud in public XD
  12. Kamilla looked around for the matron as Esphyr and Katie stormed off, the other woman, (Morgan) started ranting like a mad woman and she knew she was supposed to do something. "Miss, please calm down, your agitating the other customers" she said softly indicating a group of burly men sitting by the corner who seemed to be glaring at her. Morgan however didn't seem to notice as she continued talking loudly. Perhaps she had spoken too softly? Moragn: "Contrary to some people's beliefs, the Crimson Weapons are not designed to get old ladies' cats out of trees. We must attend to reality. I am disappointed in several Crimson Weapon wielders at the moment who arw failing to take their duties seriously." As soon as Morgan finished Kamilla along with the entire room went silent, even the ones who had been eating seem to quieten down, and the glares coming from the corner of the room suddenly turned to the eyes of greedy merchant, or thief. But Kamilla didn't have time to worry about that, "Excuse me miss, are you implying that you and your friends here are in the position of the Crimson Weapons?"
  13. You two had a support? *Gets the feeling that the support just crumbled* Anyway regarding Katie, you've listed her as an NPC, does that mean she's likely to go her own way at some point in the RP. Or should she be considered the same as Esphyr, just without combat abilities? I get the feeling you probably won't want to reveal that, but I figured I might as well ask anyway
  14. Kamilla sighed as the matron left carrying more plates then she should have been able to. She'd been staying at the inn for a few days now, but due to a lack of funds had managed to convince the innkeeper to let her work for her stay. Everything had gone down hill since she'd been set on this mission, not that she took her goal seriously or anything, she wasn't even sure if the crimson weapons actually existed. She peeked her head out the door and looked around at the large company of soldier/mercenaries that had gathered, it wasn't at all unusual for mercenaries to stop at the inn, but this group seemed... unusual, for one it looked like they'd gathered from across the continent, A man of the plains, soldiers probably of Haltonian faith, mercenaries, even a handful of mages that looked as if they'd gathered from far and wide. Sensing the matron returning, she quickly hurried back over to the sink and started on the dishes. It wasn't anything new to her, after all, the lazy of gits never did their own house work, too busy prancing around in their white frocks acting as if they were blessing everything in sight. And the other girls seemed to enjoy making her do all the work. She glanced at the matron from the corner of her eye and saw her putting things away. Sighing again she focused on the dishes, after this she would take a 30 minute break, then clean the remaining dishes, clean the rooms which were now vacant, and... what else? She couldn't sweep the halls? No, she'd done that this morning. Her hand suddenly hit the bottom of the sink and she looked down in surprise. It took her a few moments to realize she'd finished the dishes, she turned to ask the matron what she should do next, only to find the matron leaving the room. Having caught her attention she opened her mouth, but the matron simply smiled and pointed at a simple sandwich sitting on the table. Kamilla looked up confused, but the woman simply winked at her and left. She frowned, confused over what the woman could have wanted, why had she left that plate here? Shrugging it off, she quickly undid her apron, grabbed the plate and hurried out with it, she pressumed the matron wanted her to take it out to group in the lobby. Her stomach growled rather loudly, but she ignored it and quickly set the plate down beside the others plates, and smiled at the group, "Enjoy your meal" (OoC: Matron=Waitress, just figured that a typical inn wouldn't be wealthy enough (considering the state of Elyssima) to employ a whole staff team, and an inn was usually a family business, A waitress was plausible, but I decided I wanted to be employed instead XD)
  15. @Kai, No, I don't like that crappy tool, and frankly I don't need that much information, 1: I don't need weapons ranks since they don't exist 2: I'm not updating the image everytime I get a vulnerary. 3: Half the stats are useless, 4: The simple (smaller) one I threw together has everything I need *Goes off to read the RP topic in all it's bed-sharing and alcoholic glory*.... mixing those two can't be a good thing.
  16. Snowy's indicated his verdict, I personally don't think he'll be coming back since he was only ever here for the RP, (didn't post outside RP, and didn't seem to interact with anyone not linked to the RP) Maybe his profile has a link to his email? As for CW transferring, I think it's possible for a CW to change owners, I mean, if demons hid it in little children (bound it to their souls) surely there's a way to unbind. And characters like Damian probably willingly bound themselves, so I can't imagine it being impossible. Either way, Rayton seems like he's going to be the permanant Crimson bow wielder XD
  17. Was looking at the first post of Chapter 3, and noticed Rayton and Reika had been taken out. (which is good) but Michaels still there? Didn't he leave long before I left?
  18. Can't bothered quoting anything, OHKO: One-Hit-Knock-Out? I wanna see it (Esphyr thingie) And regarding the Ivanko Defeat, don't think it really matters, whatever logic you and Ether put forth, it's still unlikely, and hard to imagine,so I'm just going to say it's best to imagine Ivanko got RNG screwed and Damian/Aiya got lucky :P Working on Aiya now >_< I swear Ether is testing my splicing skills, how the hell am I supposed to get Florina's hair on anything? XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT I've learned something today... I hate Florina! Ah well, it's not too bad I think Original Violet armor. Again, not sure with the colors. It's violet armor and blue clothing, but purple armor with blue trimmings look horrible. ..... Cheerful? Chipper? Shy? Who the hell are we talking about?
  19. Brown Haired Echidna??? Pretty sure someone mentioned something about Phoenix having made one (FE9/10 Style) for Snowy, but I never saw it :/ Think it's just Esphyr and Aiya (Damian) who didn't have some sort of reference image.
  20. My competition entry. attempt at spriting Damian, Left: Looks like an angry enemy boss or something, but it's what you requested. Right: My attempt to make him look.... more Damian-like. I'm guessing you only wanted Uther for the scars Both: Wasn't sure about armor, it said something about red tinge... or was that the CW?... Nyeh. *Waiting for Balcie's attempt* Also, mug choices for Aiya?
  21. Woo, competition! I'm in XD Though, whatever happened to that Karel splice you were using for Iceds failed hack? I was under the impression that was what you had based Damian off :/ As for Kai's whole issue with Damian v Ivanko, I sort of have to agree, a renown mercenary and soldier are... well it's obvious who'd win, Damian might not be a common soldier, but a common soldier, and Damian would have received the same type of training, even if Damian excelled there is a limit to how far he can grow. Cutscene stats and Actual stats should be the same, it's like saying, I'll only use my character appearance in battle, outside I'm a blob of goo! I'd say a draw would be more appropriate, since it makes each party want to re-test their strength, and would still allow Ivanko to respect Damian, even with Ivanko unmounted, and Damian with a crimson weapon, it'd be pushing it if Ivanko can fight a legion of monsters by himself. Saying Damain beats Ivanko, is like saying Damian could have killed the Mesh with only Aiya's help. It unbalances team power, and say... Helios defeats Damian in PvP, then Helios can brag that he's stronger the Ivanko too XD
  22. XD Karma, Morgan's a bitch and the EXP God acts accordingly? Not sure what happened with the Mesh, but for you to get the same amount as Ian, you either slept through the whole thing, or snowy made mistake XD
  23. Who you calling "Nady" twerp? I guess it's better then Nads though Bad timing though since I'm sort of back, figured now'd be a safe time to return since onefates left right after I did, and there's no sign of him returning. Just not sure who, or where I should throw myself in :P I think it's a good think Iso's Bin and cue, MDS and nvm :P is reluctant to join, I mean, most of you have a goal (CW) and it's not at all surprising that everyone with a CW wasn't raised to want to save the world XD Plus, Fire ftw!
  24. No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, I agree with all your points and wasn't complaining that it was poorly executed, (since that's not my opinion) I just found it humorous how a gate crossing can get so.... blown out of proportion? If anything it's a good thing in an RP for people to be able to create their own events without relying 100% on the RP administrator.
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