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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @theonefate Hmm I don't mind you ignoring me, but it would be nice if you actually made it clear whether you were not, on one hand you're ignoring my PM's, on the other you're asking me to contact you on Meebo. :/
  2. OoC: Just thought you two should know, you're not immune and sticking around much longer will make it hard to come up with a reason as to why you're still alive. By this time it should have started affecting healthy mid-aged people as well. The new makeshift site where everyone had gathered was in a sorry state, all the provisions that had been saved from the burned town of Darien were now gone, mounts that had been saved had either died or fled, and only a bit over a dozen townsfolk seemed to have survived, most of them males, and all were between the ages of sixteen and thirty. The only redeeming factor was that amongst the survivors was a young female priestess who could somewhat neutralise the poison. EDIT: The reasoning behind this attack isn't just me being mean, but I also wanted to wipe out as many Darien-folk as possible. Mainly cause it's a pain travelling with a crowd of people, and I doubt Damian is equipped with enough provisions to carry half a town of people, injured people nonetheless across to another nation.
  3. Something was seriously wrong within the camp, Children and aged seniors were sitting down to rest and falling asleep at an alarming rate. From afar it seemed like a peaceful settlement until a womans voice shrieked through the night. "My baby! My poor poor baby!" she howled cradling a pale infant wrapped in towels. An old man who had been sleeping nearby swayed, fell against the ground with a thud and took his last breath. Fear and panic spread throughout the encampment, casualties started appearing even within the group which had been evacuated by Daimian and Aiya.
  4. Hmm, I only used the chemistry part as an example, it's like saying I found a can of coke on the sidewalk so I took a sip to make sure it was coke. And while I agree it would have been totally out of character for him to completely comprehend everything, It was kind of what I was aiming for. Furthermore I question why he'd revert to such an action if he is not well versed in the field of healing, if recognition can not be attained via sight, I don't see how hearing, touch or smell would do any good. I've probably said this before, but I find an RP which is calculated and smooth pretty boring, to be honest, I don't think anyone cares how great someone elses character is. Everyone seems too busy trying to appeal their character as a righteous, strong, sensible hero which always calls the right shots. Cause it's boring enough with one of them around (in a typical plot) but an RP filled with such characters? Ewww >_> I don't think anyone has much knowledge in chemistry or healing, possibly Morgan through studies, but with the exception of things like first aid, (aka Vuln) I'd say the group is pretty clueless. Either way I refuse to accept blame since I wasn't the one that made you take the specified action. And being an RP, I probably won't be allowed to kill Rayton or any of the others off, so god bless the invincibility of the protagonists?
  5. OoC: I hate to make an OoC only post but wtf? XD Helios must have walked pretty damn far if he came upon a village. I mean, if there was a village nearby wouldn't the townspeople have seeked refuge there instead of with Damian and his camp? Also, if there were mercenaries protecting the village it must be a pretty damn wealthy village, selfish and generous too since they didn't send help to Darien, yet despite the neighboring town being burned to ashes, they let a complete stranger in without questioning him XD
  6. Sabla paused at the comment, "Away from camp" she said softly before walking off again. She didn't know why but she didn't want to stick around camp, something bad was going to happen, and she wanted to be far far away when it did happen. Looking Helios in the eyes, she wavered but decided to trust her instincts "Don't care about soldiers, they bring bad luck" she stated before walking away, she didn't want to stick around and not even Helios could stop her. (With words at least anyway)
  7. Get tan? Get Tan? Get Tan!?!?!?!

    RIP Mike, I'll donate a gold coin to the cancer foundation just for you xD

  8. OoC: Hmm, I should have been heading away from the camp, but ah well XD Edit: Your decision to send Ian XD Sabla looked at Helios and stopped running. "An ugly scary hairy stupid-looking gorilla was trying to kidnap me" she pouted clearly distressed. She looked over at the camp, most of the fires had been doused and while a few people seemed to have received minor burns, it wasn't anything a few nights sleep wouldn't fix. She looked at the people wandering around the camp a few second, her expression unreadable. "Okay" she said turning away from the camp, she was about to walk off, but stopped and turned around to face Helios again. "You shouldn't go there either, bad stuff will happen" she said uncertainly before walking back towards the way she had just come. Extra: She isn't worried about Ian, since Ian failed to catch her she thinks Ian is extremely slow as well as the above XD
  9. Sabla awoke, she blinked a few times to find the face of some man she'd never seen carrying her somewhere. Confused and afraid, she lashed out punching Ian's chin with more strength then she appeared to have. Stunned and taken by surprise Ian dropped the girl and rubbed his chin. Sabla glared at the man "kidnapper! Slave merchant! Pedophile!" she spat at Ian before running off into the dark again. Ian, having received his orders from Helios reluctantly tried to follow, but the girl had disappeared. (OoC: Your decisions honestly make me laugh Kai XD)
  10. Ooc: Silly silly Ether, did you really think you could get everyone out? Most are badly injured, and others would stick around to find they're loved ones. It's not a town sized fire this time, but a few small ones, small ones which could be put out by children. So I don't find a mass evacuation to be taken very seriously. Hence by "remaining" I'm just going to assume you only got a handful of the ones that followed you out. Either way, I need to keep some in the camp to explain what's happened. So I'll steal a few back and throw them back in the camp.... nevermind you left Rayton and Kelas behind XD I'll void my second paragraph, if you can explain why everyone would obey your command (they're not soldiers) and force themselves to evacuate when they could simply just put the fires out. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Jones burst out laughing "Hahaha, see the little ants flee" he shouted with joy. Everything was going to plan. ~~~~~~~~~~~ A woman shouted out in alarm, "Where's my little boy?" Another had followed Damians orders due to panic but questioned his orders now "They're wee little flames they be, might as well go back now and put them out" "But what started the fires?" a young girl asked confused. The man who had questioned Damian answered "Who cares? I've lost my home and friends today, and I still have my wifes keepsake down there, I'm going back down" he stated boldly. Without an explanation to why they shouldn't return to the camp, Damian and Aiya had no method of stopping them. ~~~~~~~~ (Ooc) I really don't want to post more stuff until others get a chance to tell me where they are, did they flee like Damian and Aiya, or will they stay in the camp and put out the fires? It'd be nice if someone goes to wake Kelas and Rayton up XD)
  11. OoC: That's everyone important I think, so I'll continue on. Jones smiled as he entered from the front of the tent, Rayton and Kelas had found come across something they didn't need to know, Jones coughed softly to notify the two of his presence. Both reached for their weapons but seemed to have trouble moving. Jones smirked at their reaction lifting both his hands in the air as if to prove he hadn't done anything. "Fools!" he laughed walking up to Kelas and giving her a good kick in the stomach as she hit the ground. After making sure that they were both unconscious he turned to leave. "If only you weren't men, my gentle heart would have saved you" he said laughing as he turned to leave. "No clerics, guess that big oaf is good for something sometimes" he mumbled leaving the two unmoving bodies behind. Jones looked around, he'd probably get caught if he stuck around much longer, he quickly chanted a spell before warping out of sight. A smile and a click of the fingers. Jones watched the camp from afar, which had now become visible due to the small pots he'd given Reika bursting into flames. Dalton and Reika stood nearby watching the man smirk with satisfaction. "They escaped the first fire, but they won't escape this one" Jones laughed snaking his arm around Reika's waist. Reika flinched but didn't push the man away, instead she stared at the flames. OoC: I recommend you be very careful in your following acts. It could cost you your life. I apologize for powerplaying your characters theonefate and.... (I'm just going to call you Kelas >_>) but I'll justify it later if I don't end up killing the entire camp first XD Just an extra tip It's just small spark of fire here and there. The townsfolk would be able to put them out easily. -I'm not god-modding by power-playing Kelas and Rayton, they had it coming. -Kelas and Rayton can "wake up" but they won't be performing as well as they usually do. Ah well, I've given my hints, should be really obvious now what I had planned with the pots XD And look! Some wierd arse monster is creeping upon us! XD Perfect timing Snowy. EDIT: This post comes after Kelas's XD
  12. Uhhh Snowy? You do recall this? Page 5 of this thread if you don't :/
  13. OoC: I'm not going to comment further on the contents of the pot until I get a few more responses, since I want to give everyone a fair go at figuring out the best course of action. However since no one other then myself knows the contents of the pot I am going to get rid of the specialists XD As Rayton and Kelas walked into to the healers tent they were surprised to find that the place had been deserted. There was no sign of a struggle but if it had just been bad timing and all the clerics had been out, it didn't explain why the patients that should have been there were missing too. Severe cases had been transferred to the tent so that the healers could keep an eye on their condition, but even their bodies were missing. Sensing that something was wrong the two looked at eachother. (In other words, no seeking help~!!! XD All healers have left the camp! :P) EDIT: As the next post says, I wrote Morgan instead of Rayton XD Shows who's on my mind eh? *winks at Cynthia*
  14. Sabla forced a smile, it was obvious that the smallest thing would set her off again. She wasn't used to talking to men, but she had no choice. She looked around and bowed her head slightly. "I'm really sleepy now, so I'll see you tomorrow Mr Esquire and..." she looked at Helios and paused. Then stuck her hand out again the same way she had done for Rayton. Sabla Avernst she said clearly. Once she had finished her exchange with Helios, Sabla bid the two men goodnight. She ran off and huddled up by a nearby tree, it was well past midnight, and it had been a long tiresome day. Hoping that when she woke up tomorrow it'd be in her bed with her brother by her side she fell asleep. ~~~ Reika snuck into the camp unnoticed, mingling in with the civillians and keeping her distance from Aiya, Damian and Morgan. She didn't want to be seen and she had a mission. "She reached into her pouch and pulled out a small jar and placed it on the ground. Making sure that she wasn't being watched, she moved along and placed several identical jars amongst the civillians. Whether it be near the deceased, in the bags of the townsfolk,or behind bushes. She handed a few to young women, telling them the jars were filled with healing herbs from a nearby village. Placing the last jar in a sleeping mans pocket she looked around, then vanished into the darkness again. "I have done as you asked my lord" she said to the darkness. But the darkness didn't stir, several seconds passed before Reika nodded her head, "As you command my lord" she said in a monotonous whisper. Before melting into the night. OOC: Reika took extra care to go unnoticed, so if you noticed her you better be damn perceptive. Reika has also left, so I don't want people walking up to her and asking her to join the group. As stated above the contents of the jars are leaves. You people sicken me, I mean, there's a whole lot of injured people lying around and you're all busy being pedophiles, making out in public or discussing how miserable you are XD Think of the people!
  15. The girl looked at Rayton with curiosity before unattaching herself from Helios and sticking her hand out. "Sabla Avernst" she said trying to put on a brave face. She didn't have anyone left in the world and she figured she should try to get along with people that didn't scare her. She'd been taught that introducing oneself formally was a good way to receive a good impression, and it seemed like she'd be following the group to Elysimma and hence she wanted to be able to talk to a few people. Noticing the expression Rayton was making, she hesitated and considered withdrawing her hand, had she done something wrong?
  16. To be honest Phoenix, I doubt I'd have noticed you were gone either way, you don't post enough!!! Any idea what happened to MessyMike? It's well past easter and I know he's been online since. Just not here :/ Ah well we can scrap him if he doesn't come back, doesn't have a CW anyway. @Kai's comment: I was pretty impressed too, though I was a bit disappointed, had it been me, I'd have had people throw rocks at them and ask them how they could be making out in the middle of a camp where dozens of people were injured and dying. I mean come on, there are kids around XD @Cynthia: I...I'm hurt, all I wanted was to use a character that could spend time with the main group, and you accuse me of plotting something :( Wait and see;) As for Reika, she was injured pretty badly in the fight against Helios, so she died in town and was engulfed in flames? Again, I shall reveal nothing at present
  17. "I don't like her" she stated clearly, still pointing her finger almost accusingly at Aiya. She looked at Damian, went silent for a few seconds then sighed as if she'd given up one of her favorite toys. She didn't mind being in Damians care, but she didn't like the way Damian was looking at her, who could blame him? The girl had made it quite clear she didn't like the woman he... well had feelings for. EDIT: Forgot to state my answer to Damians question, but I'm just going to say she ignored Damian instead.
  18. The girl glanced at Aiya and then stared at Damian. "They're not mommy and daddy" she whined, clearly unhappy about the comment. She didn't mind Damian too much, but being told that Aiya was her mommy was an insult she couldn't bear with. It must have shown on her face since Aiya frowned. "I don't want to" she whined loudly grabbing onto Helios. "She looks too mean to be mommy" Sabla whined, pointing her hand insensitively at Aiya.
  19. What am I? The NPC Mistress? *Looks back at her posts so far* .... Okay >_> Whatever, I suppose I could but I'm not really sure what to say to Katie, I mean she doesn't speak, so I need a character who'd understand her signs. But I think I read that "all" three of her apprentices died, and I'm not really sure anyone would interact with her otherwise, I could just chose a random mage but what would I say? "Can I be your new apprentice?" And I think you said she wasn't at her residence (mage school or whatever) so it's more likely to be a guard or something.
  20. The girl looked at the man offering his hand, her face covered with tears, and the parts that weren't covered in either Ash or dirt. Salba Avernst she whispered shyly clinging on to Helios's hand, afraid that if she let go that she'd be left all alone the world again. Nervous about meeting someone so soon she looked around for this so called "captain" uncertainty crossed her face as the thought of being handed over to this "captain" settled into her mind. Afraid, she clung onto Helios closer making it hard for Helios to walk. OOC: Don't you try anything funny or I'll call you a pedophile for as long as your on the internet Kai! XD
  21. @Ether, to relate that post to FE other then folklore.... you really are obsessed aren't you? Can't really recall the name of it either, @Snowy, I can interact with the mute lady? Joy XD Don't want to teleport Reika so far so quickly, plus, despite stealingreceiving Helios's Elixir, she's still injured XD So Making her travel so far in one night doesn't work for me.
  22. "Do you have anyone else to look after you" Helios asked. The girl burst out in a fit of tears at such an insensitive question, "Mommy and Daddy went to get Jamie and then the house fell and they didn't come out" she howled, it had been bad enough that the girl had felt such a sting of loss at her grandmothers death but now she recalled that both her parents and her brother were no longer around either, Despair clashed with loneliness as she tried to run off again, she didn't want to be here, it reminded her of her grandmothers pained expression.
  23. @Kai, I'm not having Reika be a shallow nitwit that doesn't take her past actions into consideration, she hates Morgan, dislikes Ether and Damian, and due to the others being grouped with (former?) Halton soldiers isn't too fond of them either. And I have no reason to join the main group yet. Reika wouldn't want to be employed by Damian, nor does she know that her weapon is a Crimson weapon, (she doesn't really know anything about crimson weapons) @Snowy, You ruined my plans completely!!!!!.... Just kidding, I read the OOC and thought you were going to heal her with a vulnerary or something, when I clearly stated it wouldn't work, your post didn't really change anything, she's still dying, and my final intention for her was death anyway. Plus, I'm sure I've destroyed your plans more then once XD The small girl stared blankly infront of her as a cleric stood up, bowed his head and left. something wasn't right. Everyone was too quiet, the world wasn't moving, she couldn't even tell if it was her own hands infront of her. The woman with the sword wasn't there, the cleric wasn't there, her mother and father weren't there, only grandma, and she wasn't moving, she wasn't breathing. "Grandma?" she asked feebly, uncertain whether it had been her voice or someone else that had spoken. "Grandma, wake up" she asked weakly. But the old woman lay motionless, realizing that she really was all alone in the world now she got up and tried to run off into the dark, but fell after a few steps, howling in pain and anger she got up and tried to run off again.
  24. It didn't take common sense to figure out that the cleric was busy, he pretty much had to heal the entire surviving community by himself, his fellow brothers having burned to their deaths in their church, one look at him would convince anyone that he was straining beyond his capabilities and wouldn't last much longer. The girl grabbed Esphyrs hand and smiled, "thank you" she said pulling Esphyr over towards her grandmother, she knew there'd be nothing Esphyr could do, but it was worth a shot if no one else was willing to help her granny. She stood back and watched Esphyr and she examined her grandmother.
  25. The girl looked at Esphyr and shook her head, "Mr Bont looked at her and said it needed magic" "I tried the vul-vuln-vownawawi? but it didn't work" she pointed at Morgan again, the little man had the same book she does so she can fix it, right?
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