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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Big birdy foo-foo Okay, your system is perfectly plausible, and I won't go into fudging roles since I'm sure I've been clear in the past of my opinion on them. My issue with this is it's relevance, what prevents every single character from getting a killer weapon? I mean gold isn't that important, (Does anyone actually keep track of vulnerary/gold? Or more to the point, has anyone bought anything with their actual money since sign up? From what you posted it sounds like a skill, which has been turned into a weapon effect. And frankly, while your system works, how would you implement it? Cause I don't think "just buying one" is adequate considering the gold issue mentioned prior. And due to no weapon breakage, it's pretty much a permanent skill (no different from an average skill.
  2. ^Lmao Freak in a good way, or freak in a bad way? Can't imagine what you're spriting since there's nothing really special to sprite regarding this RP other then the characters, could be the horses+Kiev, but I get the feeling you're not as attached to the mounts as Lacuna seems to be, if we're all going to freak, it can't be someone's character (most of us have mugs anyway) so you're either spriting another Npc (unlikely due to just having made Shanice) or the Demon Lord :/
  3. I get the feeling people are glaring at me, telling me to get lost again XD While the mounts getting personalities is nice, I wish some characters would get a personality *coughsorrynotgoing tonameanyonecough* Slow day today I suppose, :/ And I even woke up early
  4. Kamilla sighed following Irina and Isotov as they headed out the gate, she didn't think she could explain herself if they asked why she was with these maniacs, hell, she didn't even know herself. "Church girl, waitress, and now a wanted criminal," she muttered sullenly to herself, she was sure the guards would remember their faces, and if not the Innkeeper and Matron would probably be more then willing to give the authorities full cooperation. Seeing Arrin still desperately trying to explain himself she grabbed him by the collar "too late now, it's either a life on the run, or a life behind bars." she said bitterly referring to the guard who was shouting from atop the flag pole. "We'll probably have to think of something for your brother later, I'm sure he'll manage to shake the guards, but after this little charade, security's going to be a lot tighter, and I doubt he'll forfeit his horse making it harder for a disguise."
  5. You people are so boring, (other then Lacuna) I know you're around! >_< A thumbs up to Kelas for being drastic XD I thought it was a bit out of character for her to risk herself for the entire group (maybe cause Arrin's in it now). But it worked nicely, now to figure out how to deal with the remaining guards :P In regards to the "initiative" I admit I'm causing chaos for the group but it makes sense in my head. And when I'm causing chaos I draw on more then just my own posts, so I like to think I'm not being completely random. @Phoenix: Yes, I am enjoying this, Devaluing Irina/Isotov's reputation (or anyone elses) is fun!
  6. Kamilla looked at Isotov then at the nomad as he disappeared down the streets, most of the guards following close behind. Were all these people insane? A few guards walked up to the group, clearly to question the group on why the fire mage had been hiding among them. "So where do you think you're going?" one of the soldiers asked. Kamilla opened her mouth, but decided it'd be better if she kept quiet, she couldn't speak on behalf of the group, she barely knew them, she saw Arrin trying to make something up, and shook her head, they had an unconcious girl strapped to the back of a horse, and more then one of them had black soot covering their garments. "You were near the inn at the time it caught fire weren't you?" the guard asked eyeing Esphyr suspiciously. "Why did you run? What are you hiding?" *Edit, for some reason I wrote *Kamilla opened her "mind"* instead of "mouth" *facepalm*
  7. As the group stalled for an answer, another cry rang out from behind them "Captain, they're at the west gate!" a soldier shouted as a few more came into view. The man that had paid Irina took a step out of the group, "Good work lass, though what's this? Friends of yours? I was right for ordering my men to follow you." Noticing Irina's shocked expression the guard smirked "You didn't really think we'd just hand you all that money and let you run off did you? It might have taken awhile for us to catch up, but we figured they'd try to leave town, just needed to know which gate, and the direction you flew off towards was more then enough indication." Silence from the group allowed the man to continue "We patrol these rotting streets, we're used to the population not cooperating and trying to fool us, if I've learned one thing from this town it's to not trust anyone" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamilla glared at Irina, "Good going"
  8. If that's how you want to play ;) *Smirks*
  9. That was the impression I was under :/ Even if the guards were lazy and decided "Hey we'll go sit down while the mercenary we paid hunts the guys down for us" City gate guards (Not nation border guards) are probably going to be a bit more edge, then "yeah go ahead" after seeing smoke rising from town, and then a group in a hurry to leave :P "Shit hide the Isotov" is apparently in a hideout Chase mentioned, So whether we skip town, or go "hide the Isotov" we need to get passed the gate guard :/ EDIT: It's the wonderful thing about fire, it's destructive, and it lets everyone know it XD
  10. We don't need to hide? I was under the impression that the guards paid Irina but were still after us? I don't know where the groups headed to after this border town, but I'm was under the impression it was out of town? And I see why I'm confusing everyone now >_< For some reason I've been under the impression that the entire town was surrounded by a wall, (the border crossing wall, and a smaller town entry (domestic) gate on the other side(s). Ah well:P
  11. Assuming you're trying to reach Chase's hideout "outside of town" I'd probably talking about our little group. I haven't really taken any real initiative here, if we were headed out of town, then we were bound to end up in this situation eventually, just figured people had had their chance to fool around, and that we might want to move on in plot since Snowy seems to end chapters around 20 pages (when it's gone for a bit longer then he planned) and... well we're on page 21 at the moment XD EDIT: lol, take from one guard, give to another. XD That's how you corrupt government XD
  12. Kamilla watched in amusement as Morgan led Tessa away with Trevor trailing close behind them, "What exactly is she trying to do?" she asked no one in particular, when a man barked out "Halt." She turned around and sure enough they were at the gate, she wasn't sure what the group had planned, but surely they had some idea of how they were going to handle this, otherwise they wouldn't have ignored her questions until now.
  13. Weapons don't really matter much from my understanding, I mean they don't break or add any stats so a Killer bow, isn't really any different from an Iron one. (I have a Prf weapon too) but it's mainly due to my customed character and Kamilla's fondness of her tome. Either way, Snowy hasn't said "No" before, don't see why he'd say no this time, Unless he hates you! XD
  14. @Birdy: I'm a part-time live-in waitress, not the bloody innkeeps daughter, I don't have their postal address, and I'm not exactly willing to go back and split from the group again (unless of course you want to go through another one of Nadesico's joining events? XD) The only reason she's following you at the moment is because 1: She doesn't have anywhere to go 2: Can't afford to go anywhere else 3: Is still too shocked to be thinking straight, otherwise she wouldn't be travelling with crazy arsonist Iso :P But I'm up for taking the money back if you want me to, just keep in mind, I have my own "plans" XD A 20 dollar coin seems to be stretching it though, maybe 200, 10 dollar coins? Now that I think of it, this system might actually work well "Set down a few gold coins" doesn't need to be 2~20 gold, but multiples of 10 instead.... Nyeh
  15. @Gold System I considered that as well, but it's like carrying 800 or 2000 1 dollar gold coins around, >_< It matches the economy, but they don't have paper money I think. So it's not exactly a bit of cash, "Helios would be carrying around a bulging sack, which is likely to get stolen in the current city.
  16. Kamilla watched as the wyvern set down, it might not be unusual for a mercenary, but it was something that definitely drew attention in such a backwater border town. As Irina explained her story Kamilla frowned, she didn't think the guards would have enough money in their pockets to pay such a large sum of money, she wasn't even sure if it was enough to repair the damages done, since the innkeep would need to refund the other patrons, and demand excess for being put out of business. She frowned at Irina's joy, "No different from a common thief, probably worse" she muttered to herself. "If she's having trouble walking maybe you should let her get on her mount?" she asked Aiya and Tessa, "Or perhaps ask your boyfriend over there to carry you" she finished indicating the clueless Arrin who looked like as if leading the horse was a life or death situation for him.
  17. Nyeh, I'm not saying he can't have money, simply that it might not be plausible both in terms of plot and character suspicion, if he keeps flaunting his financial wealth. As for retainers refilling, I find it unlikely (Not Ian and Mark) anyway since they aren't nobles themselves, and most likely not working under the Tora(?)n nation anymore, but rather as direct subordinates of Helios. Irina found a way around it, sorta, but I was worried you wouldn't say something like "Hey, screw the rules, I got money" and paying for the damages and moving on, spending a fortune on whatever came next. (Considering the price of things, 850 gold is a small fortune IMO) though I'm not sure what the currency rate in this RP is. (If we go with FE gold then it's nothing, but considering the price of Vuln's and other expenses, I'm assuming it's significantly cheaper) *Loves ranting*
  18. He's a lord on the run? Something tells me if his home country isn't on best terms with him, they're not sending him his weekly allowance, I'm really not sure what Helios's agenda is, but from what I gather he's an ex-lord isn't he? I mean sure, he has his few loyal followers but unless you're wearing only silver and gold, and selling bits of your clothing off, Helios wouldn't be carrying around a fortune (And I doubt the ATM accepts his mastercard if he's being hunted) As for drugs and Arrins breast feeding I wasn't being serious, but there's really nothing wrong with Helios being a druggie, for one, it's a good source of income, and something the high classes can afford (think celebrity I suppose)
  19. Kelas not breastfeed Arrin? Awww >_< (Wonders what people have planned now, or are we going to walk for 2 RL days to get out of town? If so I might throw in a few pursuit guards.... XD)
  20. That'll come in due time, don't you worry Kai, Kamilla's still startled from setting big bad Isotov's fire, and is busy wondering how you people plan to get passed border security. Give Helios an anal probe, he's hiding drugs in there, where else would he get the money? Why is there even a need to hide? I assumed you'd all just move along in plot to the next location :/ Hiding near the town regardless of how good the hideout is, doesn't make sense to me, but whatever :/
  21. When I see her breast feeding Arrin should suffice, being new to the group, I'm going to act like I don't know the picky details like Cross-dresser Tina, Chase being a wanted man, Irina/Isotov's and Damian/Aiya's relations etcetc, just thought I'd mention that, (since I've probably missed a few things as well, (Eg Mesh).
  22. "Taken aback by the sudden apology, Kamilla quickly bowed head towards the soldier "Uhm err, no the faults all mine I'm sorry" she blurted out, not really sure what was her fault but it was usually the best way to get out of trouble. "I was a bit upset over having my tome confiscated" she said, placing an affectionate finger over her tome, "but she doesn't seem like she's as bad as she acts, though a bit paranoid" she said looking towards Morgan who seemed to be in somewhat of a bad mood after being knocked to the ground and receiving the puppy dog kiss on her cheek. As Mark filed in with the rest of the group she couldn't help but wonder, how many people were in the group. It seemed to be increasing with each passing moment. It wasn't uncommon for mercenaries to team up, but this group was so big, it was like asking people to notice them. She recalled her original view of the group, "soldiers, mercenaries, mages, sisters and nomads......." There was no way of convincing anyone that this was a troop of soldiers. She glanced at Esphyr who was kicking in her sleep like a dying cockroach, the man(Kelas) seemed to not mind her kicking and simply led his horse away. "Such an odd group" she said quietly to herself
  23. With Esphyr calming down, the group picked up their pace as headed for the location Chase had mentioned, "Umm, not to be rude or anything" she started this time hoping she wouldn't get snapped at "How exactly are we supposed to get to this hideout? I doubt the guards at the gate are going to let us pass, not with that still looming over the city" she said indicating the trail of smoke coming from the inn. "Leaving in a hurry now is like asking them to suspect us?" she stated to the closest person.(*Can be anyone)
  24. OoC: *Wishes Kai would stop making one-line posts* Kamilla frowned at the tone the man had spoken to her, she'd only tried to be helpful, "My apologies, I haven't got any idea, it really isn't my place to say such things, I'm sorry" she said before turning around and heading off to the otherside of the group, it wasn't far, but it was her natural instinct to flee, when people spoke to her like that. OoC: Don't know what tone you had in mine, (eg curiosity/irritation etc) but I'm just going to go with Kamilla sensing your irritation, (since your group did just partially burn an inn) Probably thinking, "I can't take my eyes of them for a second without them causing trouble" or something XD
  25. Kamilla looked at Helios rather surprised, only realising his existence now, despite having spoken to him only a few seconds ago. "I'm not sure knocking out a woman and dragging her away is a good idea right now" she said looking around at the people around them, "It'd draw attention, and I figure we don't really want to be sticking out like a sore thumb at the moment"
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